Medal Masters - Mobile RPG/Collection


2 Minutes Hate
Nice, I just got a 4 star full awakens William tell. My base archer build is complete.

I have an Odysseus, loxley and a ice hell amazones. With 18% buff to archers. All these archers are 2 or 3 star non awakened so far.

Also managed to level to 25 with a daily exp dungeon. Too bad it expired.


Molten Core Raider
Honestly she is only good if you are willing to get her skill up some (pull a 2nd one for 50 pieces). However an additional benefit of trying to get her depends on who you have in your medal box. You should see 4 other people with 6/6 etc infront of them. So you are 100% to get one of them or her each pull and they come out the gate already 4 star awakened. So its not like you are only waisting gems on her.

She isn't game changing unless you fully invest in her skill lvl up so if you are tight on cash/gems and don't have a great 4 star line up in the box you might just stick with premium since with her 99% of the time you only get 1 gold a pull where you sometimes can get 3-4 on premium.


Molten Core Raider
Hey for those that actively play; i made a pretty long winded mega thread post on the office forums (they are bad but are monitored by mod/dev kind of). Might be worth your time to read up as a there is a few additional insights on things i've observed in the game and more importantly all about things that need to be improved for this game to have staying power. Feel free to add your own opinions or disagreements!


Hey for those that actively play; i made a pretty long winded mega thread post on the office forums (they are bad but are monitored by mod/dev kind of). Might be worth your time to read up as a there is a few additional insights on things i've observed in the game and more importantly all about things that need to be improved for this game to have staying power. Feel free to add your own opinions or disagreements!
The website won't let me sign in from my laptop browser. I will try to post agreement through my phone later on.

1) You are right about Venus and Morgana. I think having Venus affect males only is enough. Morgana's skill is fun-ruining, though. It's ok for one unit to be immune to multiple debuffs, or the whole team to be immune to one specific debuff.

2) I think your points about interrupt and mana loss are valid and might be related in coding.

3) I have never been able to get beyond rank 5 in arena. I can win at most two matches in a row, and then the third match is always much more powerful than I am, even though the player is identified as same rank and it's near the end of the Arena week). I think Arena has a lot of bots in it, and they need to go. Maybe the change to matchups based on power level will fix that (not sure if that's just limited to Pillage, though).

4) Arena, Guild, gold-bought cards, and black market items are all weak. More arena points need to be awarded, and soultones and gold need to be able to buy more, including upgrades to cards.

I think the Medal Masters team is not very good.


Molten Core Raider
Good point on item 3, i forgot to mention it damnit. The bot thing lower level is really odd. Masters rank it isn't as preveleant but i did have 1 guy that each week that makes it to the top that i don't understand how. Even if he is spamming matches some how, there isn't a way in hell he is winning a single one at that level yet he finished this week right behind me at MR3. No way anyone in 1-10 top positions lost to that guy so i'm confused how its possible.


Molten Core Raider
Alright so i'll share with you my team i've been working on in the dark praying that they don't have this week's arena ban effect it to much. I've finished the last 2 weeks as number 3 and number 2 on the entire server for arena but man i want to beat this Ameer fucker who clearly is an beta player and oil tycon. This week the last 2-3 days i was beating him 40% of the time but not enough to over take him sadly. This week we go for gold!!!

Team Stategy - Outside of Venus there is pretty much no real fast global control spell that sets up time for your slower folks (even with max initial CDR). The closest is Morgana. This opens up a window for some huge burst damage before your team gets controlled and the other team has gotten any important skills off. Second, skill cancelation is critical because it keeps you alive plus burns their mana (having your abilities fire right before them and interrupting, the rain abilities of Yggdrasil, Morgana and Napolean are SO POWERFUL for this and no one realizes it).

So my plan is going to be to maximize global massive damage before any def skills can get used and take out 2-3 of the back line while having multiple methods in place to interrupt people's early skills that are bolstered by initial Cool Down cards. Also critical when going against the top teams with good cards and if minerva LS is in play I need some sustained damage to finish people off as this combo is going to be very mana hungry. So i'll need a mana battery as well. I'm a believer in a good defensive is a strong offense because if people are dead then they can't kill you! So its all about global damage to knock off the soft targets in the back side, you can dump 30 seconds of damage into a top tier Jeana or Minvera 1v5 and still hardly take them down so its all about killing the threats.

Team to do this and explanation below. Have a few variations but i want to try this initially; i'll probably have to back off my Napolean as LS due to causing so low of HP but if it works like I think they will all be dead! No front liners for the most part have any way to reach him in the short opening period so hoping we should be good.

Leader - Napolean; 102% LS damage while reducing HP by 50% when maxxed which it is. All in BOYS!

Team Member 1: Napolean; i have him at 5900 attack with cards plus an initial CD card to help get his skill ready to use asap. Before the 102% attack buff is applied and before defense is taken into consideration that is 16k+ global damage to everyone. I can't say for certain if the LS attack buff is factored in at a base level before cards or after but lets assume after for simple math its ~ 33k per person at max level and back tier defense do not mitigate that to well with low defense. Best bet is if they use the 30% migitationt o archer/priest/wizard which i strongly encourage you to do on your back line since 90% of damage to them comes from that type. I was worried his attack speed would limit his dps outside of this bomb BUT they are buffing it thank god, my auto attacks hit for 10k+ with 25k crits so game on. With his ability taking awhile to finish its perfect for interrupting any of the team finally getting abilities off as well which is key.

Team Member 2: Khremlin - The master race! 4 star and all, outside of Venus she is the most game hero their is and people haven't caught on for the most part. I run her double intital CD cards (have a 50% but only a 46% on her 2nd which is going to fuck me against Ameer i know it). Her ability reduces everyones CD by 5-7 seconds dependong on skill level. This is so huge and with double I.CD cards she fires it about 1 second after Venus so if Venus isn't in play hopefully then she basically casts her abilitly before ANYONE with a global skill from my testing thus i'll have a full team of abilities to use and the burst damage will commence.

3) Van Hellsing (the girl looking dude!) My sleeper, no one runs her or think err he is good. Fucking idiots! Think of it friends, if you get her skill up thats 8-12 seconds of DOUBLE ATTACK SPEED. Hi Mr. Napolean hitting 10k+ a hit, let me double your attack speed most the fight! She also has one of the top 2-3 attack speeds in game so I run her with mana theft to keep my starved team fed, so when SHE doubles attack speed for her self as well its like insta arrows non stop. Alot of mana, i run her 1 attack red, mana theft and a purple Prism Card for attack speed of +50%. So she still hits fairly decent and just hits non stop which is good for push back as well. I'm desperately trying to farm her pieces as my skill is only lvl 7-8 (been trying the last 4 days but like 1 piece in 10 missions usually so sad). I think she will be the game changer that people didn't think about, the overall team damage increase, mana sustain boost she provides is insane. With Khremlin on board we will have the dps boost early from auto's plus with high skill & Khremlin = almost 100% uptime!

4) Tank - Depends on bans and Meta honestly. Their only job is to stay alive through the burst and push back that is going to be coming their way which on a fully geared, optimal team can be really rough. If I can swing Napolean as leader then i'll probably go Jeane since her invuln is pretty insane and i have skill 20 on her so its 11 secs but sadly even with 8500+ defense she dies so fast to the melt squads as solo front liner. If i have to switch LS's i'll probably go Minerva since her skill of 40-60% damage reduction being up most the time with Khrem is pretty awesome but she still gets melted when its down. Arthur just can't compete unless he is leader with the +def/hp but its a waste of a LS spot since Tristan is the only other good one that his LS effects. I have a prism HP card on him to and have got past 260k HP but still melts like nothing.

5) As always this 5th pick will be determined by meta and bans. My goal is to have Yggrsdrasil as my 5th; she is the main thing i've invested actual dollars into this game for and IF you have her high skill plus fully commit to attack she is fucking insane. So she has low base attack but i have her with 40% attack card + Purple Prism attack (60% attack) + a blue skill card of +6. This results in attack of almost 4k before LS hits, now her ability witht he skill book and max does 621% fucking damage my friends. Hardest hitting ability in the game by far even with lower attack base. Oh did i mention it basically full heals my team outside of tanks? Oh and while fast the 10 hits it does count as interruptions so her + napolean = massive burst damage that with Khremlin will both trigger at the same time the way i have cards set up! Oh baby plus with both that is alot of skill interruption.

Good times! Hope bans get venus out some how but not Khremlin as a priest and not Napolean as water! And i honestly think i have a shot of top server honors this week with this team unless Ameer copies me flat out which he did this week finally when i started beating him consistently. That being said i'm sure Venus will be in play and completely fuck the meta again so you can't do fun things like this since you need Morgana as leader to not get butt raped by Venus AND her stupid fucking charm even when mitigated is bugged and will cancel abilities. Die venus, die!

Love to here anyones thoughts on different approaches i could take or what your dream team is going to be if left uncheck!


...So my plan is going to be to maximize global massive damage before any def skills can get used and take out 2-3 of the back line while having multiple methods in place to interrupt people's early skills that are bolstered by initial Cool Down cards. ...
I think your strategy is the way to go, but I am still developing the units to test it out. Been having awful luck with cards for the last week, too. It bothers me that ranged attackers still have to hit whatever is at the front line first. Lob-attack units need to be added. All sorts of varied units need to be added, really.

Anyway, if you put an init cooldown on Richard, he triggers at about the same speed as Tristan and beat Venus, which means you can knock the front line and expose the back to the sort of attack you have in mind. Plus Richard becomes a bit of a tank when he's activated, and knockback is not blocked by Morgana.

The patch notes said that Jean's def and hp will be buffed. If this is the case, with a giant skin card she is going to have like 55k+hp, a decent amount of defense, and invincibility. Siegfried looks like he is basically a blue Jean, so he will be the tank color-swap option.


Lord Nagafen Raider

Are all Advent Dungeons this hard? Goddamn Siegfried on Difficult was making me grab my ankles...


Molten Core Raider
He is easy if you a) Put venus against him b) Run 1-2 (w/ friends) Arthurs because Arthur's skill does 50% damage even in invuln (of current hp). So if you run a Khremlin and Aurthur you can make short work of him or Venus charm loop is safe just keep enough mana regen going.


Molten Core Raider
Well i'm in a very solid 2nd place server wide in arena at the moment and actually taking 90% of my games off the #1 guy. To bad i'm going on a few day vacation this week

I've run a few comps but when the top guy is running his super damage one i actually hide my team and use my 2nd line up then switch when i know i am going to fight him so he doesn't learn to counter me.

I run

LS - Robin (max damage cards, hits like a truck)
Venus - Finally got her skill to lvl 18 after weeks of farming that damn piece so if I get a charm off he is in trouble
Richard or Leo depending on where is damage is coming from, usually Leo since alot of folks run double earth archer, this is my sole tank
Napolean - Huge damage source plus skill interrupts his
Yggrsdrasil - Heals + damage bomb and 60% boost due to robin

Sometimes i throw in Khrem instead of venus for the quick all in damage bomb since i dont much mana regen on this team and need to end fast plus his damage team 2-3 shots my back line.


Molten Core Raider
Cleo you can eventually get from Gauche pulls; she is pretty solid (2nd highest mage damage in game) and her ability is decent priced (32 mana) and is a knock back which is great since you can't immune knock backs. Bad part is you can't farm pieces to upgrade her skill so you have to use guild points 50 per piece so that is a LONG time of daily quests to get her skill 15+ especially if you don't do alot.

Anibus you can't get any where else, he has 2nd highest defense in the game even though he is 5 star. Semi low hp though; his ability is global poison which is kind of good IF you skill some and have decent attack. His LS is rare that it stuns on anyones crit. Problem is people don't crit for shit at the moment so not really sure how viable it is but you don't have to lvl his LS at least. Again you can only get his skill up with pieces from guild so its a bit of a bitch. Unless you have your core leadership skills already maxed to 20 honestly i wouldn't waste my time on them at the moment,. You should have Tristan at lvl 20 Leadership skill (60% damage for rainbow teams), Robin Hood (60% for wood), and Richard (60% for water) as well as Minvera to 20 if you have her (best LS in game about). If not maybe Jeane instead for 60% fire.

If you have all those then you can consider sinking a few weeks into guild points for Anibus or Cleo depending on what you need more (front liner or 6 star mage who you can put a mana prism on to maximize the % per lvl).


Silver Knight of the Realm
Finally got my first purple option card. It's a card that applies poison to attacks, is that any good? What should I consider putting that on?


Cleo you can eventually get from Gauche pulls; she is pretty solid (2nd highest mage damage in game) and her ability is decent priced (32 mana) and is a knock back which is great since you can't immune knock backs. Bad part is you can't farm pieces to upgrade her skill so you have to use guild points 50 per piece so that is a LONG time of daily quests to get her skill 15+ especially if you don't do alot.

Anibus you can't get any where else, he has 2nd highest defense in the game even though he is 5 star. Semi low hp though; his ability is global poison which is kind of good IF you skill some and have decent attack. His LS is rare that it stuns on anyones crit. Problem is people don't crit for shit at the moment so not really sure how viable it is but you don't have to lvl his LS at least. Again you can only get his skill up with pieces from guild so its a bit of a bitch. Unless you have your core leadership skills already maxed to 20 honestly i wouldn't waste my time on them at the moment,. You should have Tristan at lvl 20 Leadership skill (60% damage for rainbow teams), Robin Hood (60% for wood), and Richard (60% for water) as well as Minvera to 20 if you have her (best LS in game about). If not maybe Jeane instead for 60% fire.

If you have all those then you can consider sinking a few weeks into guild points for Anibus or Cleo depending on what you need more (front liner or 6 star mage who you can put a mana prism on to maximize the % per lvl).
Damn, i got a long ways to go with my skills. Thanks for the great info.


Bronze Squire
Not sure if anybody is awake and has a bunch of tickets/needs a bunch of soulstones. There is a soulstone special dungeon going on right now. Looks like it only runs for an hour though which means you got 10 minutes left.


Not sure if anybody is awake and has a bunch of tickets/needs a bunch of soulstones. There is a soulstone special dungeon going on right now. Looks like it only runs for an hour though which means you got 10 minutes left.
I think it runs everyday now at the same time.