

I've spent about $25 on LoL for character unlocks but nothing for skins or anything else.
I have Dead Space 3 and didn't spend a cent to finish it.
I have Forza 5 LE and just grabbed GT6 CE, I won't spend a cent in those outside of DLC if the rumoured super-pass comes for Forza or they release Nurburgring as paid DLC (I'll hate that one with a passion if it's one track, but I'll do it)
I multibox WoW and have brought mount/pets from time to time
I'll probably buy KI complete game at some stage
I will buy xpac style DLC for games I enjoy, eg AC season passes etc

As far as I'm concerned as long as I can complete the single-player game without having to spend money (and fuck yes I can complete every fucking class series in FM5, and likely GT6, without using a token....fuck anyone that says you can't) then fuck it, have at it...who am I to say someone can't speed up their experience. If they want to pay more to not actually play the game they bought, presumably to play, then that's up to them but when it comes to thinks that can be considered as power upgrades in multiplayer then I will have a problem with it.


Molten Core Raider
The micro transactions that exists in PoE you can easily not buy and has no effect on gameplay.

Stuff like dance animations, weapon and armour particle effects, alternate skill animations, pets, stash tabs and extra character slots can be brought from the cash store.

I would say stash tabs is the only thing that you would really benefit from buying more of but you have 4 to start with already and if you really do feel stingy, you can just create more characters (8 allowed per account I believe) and use them as mules.

You make a good game and people would naturally reward the effort of the devs by buying their cosmetic items (I've personally brought about $80-100 bucks worth of store tokens to use and I don't even think I've used them all) just as a support to the devs for making a quality game.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Puzzle and Dragons has like 7,000+ replies in this section, second to the Xbox vs. PS4 thread I think. The company had $760M in sales the first half of this year for a FTP game with microtransactions. If there is a game that has done it right, that is probably one to look at.

edit: to clarifyrightfrom above. If there is a game / company that has learned to maximize return via microtransactions (or trick people in to buying shit, whatever), that is probably one to look at. Because obviously not everyone likes P&D, and you could point to Farmville or something similar to show a company making bank off microtransactions.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Thread disappoints. I thought it was an upcoming game, and they had finally cut the shit and were just calling the game what it was.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have not played that, what is right about it?
Besides increasing your stash, everything else is just flavor graphics. Given that most players are extremely reluctant to spend money on that kind of stuff, I wonder how profitable PoE is at this point.

I'm not sure if I would call that right. That's the kind of money shop I'd find acceptable for paid box title.


I would think being a collector and a dumb ass looking for the easy way out(in for you, pedo) would be something you could grasp.
Seriously, him equating Physical Goods to in-game pay-to-win shit is hilarious and shows just how feeble his tiny mind is.


Legal Ephebophile
Seriously, him equating Physical Goods to in-game pay-to-win shit is hilarious and shows just how feeble his tiny mind is.
Really? Because you paid for this:

Special Ability Boost
Michael, Franklin and Trevor each have a unique special ability. With this boost, the special ability bar will generate 25% faster.

Stunt Plane Trials
Single player Stunt Plane Trials let you take on additional aerial challenges spread throughout Los Santos and Blaine County.

Bonus Outfits, Tattoos and More
Michael, Franklin and Trevor get bonus outfits in their wardrobes, character specific tattoos at tattoo parlors, and special deals from shopkeepers across Los Santos and Blaine County.

Additional Weapons
When visiting Ammunation stores in single player, merchants will have special weapons in their inventory available for free: the Pistol .50, Bullpup Shotgun and melee Hammer.

Custom Characters for Grand Theft Auto Online
Get classic Grand Theft Auto characters to use within the Grand Theft Auto Online Character Creation System.

Unique Vehicles and Garage Property
Players will instantly receive a garage to store custom vehicles. In single player, the garage will be stocked with the 1930's style Hotknife hotrod and the CarbonRS sports bike. In Grand Theft Auto Online, players will get the high-end Khamelion electric car.


EQOA Refugee
I hate FTP and microtransactions in MMOs. Even the cosmetic stuff. Every item that looks unique with a particle effect that the devs spend making for the market, is one less unique item that could have been in the game. I like being able to look at a player and know what gear they have on by looking at them. Gives you something to aspire to in an MMO. A goal. A carrot to chase after.

Being decked out on the flaming robes of Jesus' vengeance from level 1 cheapens the experience. This is in sub based games mind you. If it's FTP then whatever. Chances are I won't be playing it anyways.


Really? Because you paid for this:
Oh wow,onegame with some super minor stuff out of the many, many CEs that I buy! Yes, that totally makes your point! Note almost all of that stuff came with all first print pre-order runs of the game and the CE only stuff was justsomeof the cosmetics and the garbage electric car.

You're just a hilarious waste of oxygen.


Nah, every CE/LE has in-game rewards to. At least the ones I've seen/bought. Implying that you're not getting extra in-game perks for your money is disingenuous.
No, most CEs actually don't have in-game stuff exclusive to them. If they have any it's usually stuff that's in all first print runs of the game or standard pre-order DLC that everything gets.


Alan Wake, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Assassin's Creed 3, Assassin's Creed 4, Disgaea D2, Time & Eternity, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, Tales of Xillia, The Last of Us, Agarest War, Agarest War 2, Agarest War Zero, Atelier Rorona, Atelier Totori, Atelier Meruru, The Guided Fate Paradox, Zone of the Enders HD Collection, The Walking Dead, Catherine, Grand Theft Auto 5, Mass Effect 3, Prototype 2, Dark Souls, Halo 3, Halo 4.

I think those are all of my CE/LE's. The vast majority of those did not come with any digital content at all. Of the few that did only a couple games came with exclusive in-game content and of that stuff it was almost all cosmetic or just junk. For a couple it was basically just paying for Day 1 DLC or Map Packs ahead of time and getting a cool box with it.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about Gaige.


Legal Ephebophile
Thanks for the neg, it was driving me crazy being at -29. I like things to be in factors of 5, it eases my mind. You're the best <3


Trakanon Raider
My problem with microtransactions is a lot of times the transactions are "quality of life" such as bag spots, bank spots, etc. Plus the fact that microtransactions are pretty expensive overall, usually more than box price if you wanted everything. While POE does a great job of keeping their transactions cosmetic and not game breaking, they are extremely expensive.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
After reading the Xbone V Swaystation thread, i figured Microtransactions could use its on bitchfest/rationalization thread. Feel free to talk about DLC as well.

Tells us how you feel about MT in the following situations!

- in FTP games
- in cheap games ($20 ish)
- full Price ($60 !!)

Do you buy them?
If so WHY do you buy them? Vanity? Keep up with the Jones?
Do you HATE them but buy them anyway to try and keep up?

What microtransactions have you purchased online for your gaming fix? Do you think it was money well spent? Do you have the regrets?

For me, MT pisses me right off, i really dislike the current trending in games. I have actively avoided any MT up until a few months ago. Now that i have caved i feel the slippery slope trying to draw me in.

So far i have only paid for MTs in 3 games.

on my Ipad i purchased a few extra characters for Kingdom rush and Kingdom Rush Frontiers. Both F2P I think i spent $15 across both games.

Then i found Marvel Heroes. Its a very fun F2P D3 clone with all your favorite characters, unfortunately you only start with 1 of 4 options and can SLOWLY earn more in game, some costumes you can only get with MT. I really like the game and would have been happy to pay $60 on release as i did with D3 (bleh) i dropped $60 in MT money to buy some bank slots, chars i loved and some fun costumes. I rationalized it as a purchase price of a game i have played way more than some of the boxes on my self. I got suckered into a few lotto type items (random chance at XYZ) I blew thorough my $60 quicker than anticipated. then i dropped $20 then $20 more. Now i am out again but after spending $100 already i am really trying to stop myself from going any deeper down the rabbit hole. This game as a $199 option to buy a super pack of chars, i laughed my ass off when i saw it saying "who would actually buy that" now being halfway into that price point i find myself with much less value than half the super pack. Its funny, my wife said "if your going to buy stuff you should just get that superpack and be done with it" which i responded "no way i would spend anymore on this game" but here i am well on my way.

What have you bought? Do you regret it? does it make you hate yourself? Please lets try not to judge others who spent mad cash on games, we are all gamers here lets get some real stories and thoughts.
FTP - dontcare
in cheap - depending on the game fucking bullshit
full price - Needs to be fucking put down like old yeller. Fucking plague on the video game industry.


RMT doesn't bother me as long as it's not required to progress. Options are options.
Like Gaige said, so long as it doesn't hinder actual progress.
I like the options for shit like costumes and vanity stuff
I am not opposed to alternative business models that allow a broader range of video game to exist, but I am opposed to microtransactions.
Path of Exile is an example of a FTP game with micro transactions done right
I'm ok with RMT in Free-to-Play games as that is how they make their money. However, I do not play 99% of them as they are implemented in a way to force you to spend money to progress. As Neki stated, PoE is an example of a F2P game done right and I have purchased bank tabs (I've spent $10-$20 I forget) for the game.

I will never play F2P games that are P2W.

I will not support Pay-to-Pay-to-Play / Fee-to-Play / Paymium MTA games or even full priced games with MTA's in them (ME3/DS3/Forza4). I've only purchased one game with MTA's in it and that was SSX. At the time I purchased it I did not know it had MTA's in it. I've always been of the opinion that adding MTA's to games is a slippery slope. It started "innocently" with "oh, it's for people who just don't have the time, blah blah blah" and everyone ate that shit up. As it goes along though they become required to progress instead of just one option. Example would be Forza5 is worse than Forza4 in that it's had content cut, progression times/experience earned extended by a slight amount to "incentivize" people into purchasing MTA's in-game.

Taken fromSeanspeed -
Forza 5: The monetization is even worse than you think.

After learning a bit more about how Forza 5 works, I must say, they definitely have made some changes that are, without a doubt, designed to encourage people to buy cars with real money to the detriment of the game experience.

Seems like earning potential and car prices haven't changed. That's the good news.

But these few things all combine to make a pretty big and noticeable difference:

- No cars unlocked as you level. There is no logical, game-enhancing reason this was taken out. Its something that most everyone enjoyed. Some tweaks could have been to the 'progression' of cars you unlocked, but certainly no one wanted the whole system taken out.

- Manufacturer affinity is gone. This was something that also could have used some tweaking, but was otherwise a very good idea. Before, you could basically get free upgrades quite quickly. That could have used changing. It was definitely too quick. But again, people liked the system and it didn't warrant taking out. The fact that you can use tokens to buy upgrades now makes it blatantly obvious what the intentions were here.

- Free Play no longer allows you to drive any car in the game. Before, while some cars were quite expensive, it didn't stop people from the enjoyment of driving them if they wanted to. You just wouldn't own the car, couldn't customize it or race it in career. This was a fantastic compromise, as you could test drive anything you wanted and even if you couldn't afford an expensive car you really liked, you could still get to experience it out on-track. With that gone, it really pushes at the car collector types to pay real money.

- No buying/selling paints/setups/vinyls. You can still make some money off of this, but there will clearly not be any sort of ecosystem built around this like before. No reason for this to have happened. People *loved* the way it was.

- Buying cars and upgrades, the game definitely treats 'car tokens' as an equally viable way of bartering. Every step of the way, prices are given in credits and tokens, with equal font size and all, even going as far as having a little pop-up menu to 'confirm' whether you're going to buy with credits or tokens.

It all amounts to a blatant attempt at encouraging people to spend more money. All at the detriment of the game from several important angles.

So I was wrong here guys for defending this. I didn't realize it was going to be that bad. Its definitely not like previous Forza's at all and is totally shameful.


Legal Ephebophile
Manufacturer affinity exists. It increases the payout for every successive race you win in your career while using cars from that manufacturer. Free play allows you to "rent" basically any car in the game. It's also better than Forza 4's free play because you gain credits and levels while racing which you didn't before. You're going to be able to sell vinyls/paints/tunes eventually. The store just isn't implemented yet.

Also, if you read the Neogaf thread you'll see that he has never played the game and was basing his post off early screenshots of Forza. The last few pages of that thread have pretty much denounced the OP as FUD.