Mighty No. 9 - Megaman Spiritual Successor


Life's a Dream
Well, it's reached the 3rd stretch of $1.5 million. The next is an unknown stretch of $1.75 mil. There are still 27 days left until it's with Kickstarter.


Life's a Dream
This Kickstarter is up to 1.613 million now. Another $137,000 until they've hit the 4th stretch "Making of" documentary.

They've also reduced the PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U compatibility from 2.5 million down to 2.2 million. There is a now unannounced 2.5 million goal as well, with the possibility to stretch beyond that as well.

26 days (of 30) to go.


Life's a Dream
They're now $35,000 away from the $1,750,000 stretch (Behind the Scenes Documentary). Still 25 days to go. This game is being funded out the ass. I wonder what the unannounced stretch at 2.5 million is going to be.


Life's a Dream
The 4th stretch of 1,750,000 has been reached. It's actually 15k over that as of right now. Next up, a long haul to 2.2 million for PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U versions of the game.


Life's a Dream
Definitely slowing down. It's currently around $1,880,000 right now. Meaning there's $320,000 until the next stretch of $2.2 mil. 22 days left to go of this Kickstarter fund.

The Master

Bronze Squire
They need a PS4 option.
In the backer updates they explained why they didn't want to do that. It has gotten a lot of requests and they just aren't comfortable jumping onto a new platform with new technology they haven't worked with extensively. As they should be, they need this game to be a success and on budget.


In the backer updates they explained why they didn't want to do that. It has gotten a lot of requests and they just aren't comfortable jumping onto a new platform with new technology they haven't worked with extensively. As they should be, they need this game to be a success and on budget.
That's pretty much nonsense considering the massive number of Indie developers jumping on board the PS4 and how reportedly easy it is to make games for. It'd be far easier to make a PS4 version of this game than their planned PS3, X360, or WiiU versions.

Not to mention all the other Kickstarter games that are jumping on the PS4 and totally ditching the X360/PS3/WiiU.

The Master

Bronze Squire
That's pretty much nonsense considering the massive number of Indie developers jumping on board the PS4 and how reportedly easy it is to make games for. It'd be far easier to make a PS4 version of this game than their planned PS3, X360, or WiiU versions.

Not to mention all the other Kickstarter games that are jumping on the PS4 and totally ditching the X360/PS3/WiiU.
They have half a decade of experience developing games for PS3 and 360. WiiU has basically identical architecture to the Wii, so that too. They know exactly what they can do, how long it will take, how much it will cost, because they have that experience. Not taking a huge risk, and it is a risk, seems like a good idea to them. This is not an odd decision. Especially since a lot of their team has been developing on consoles for over twenty years and knows the kind of unexpected things that pop up when developing for a new console that increase costs.

Q: Will you / can you / please make a PS4 / Xbox One version of Mighty No. 9! Since you aren't coming out until 2015, why not aim for those systems first, instead of PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U?

It's no surprise to us that this is far and away the most popular single type of question we get, as next-gen versions of Mighty No. 9 are something we've dreamed about ourselves ever since we first began work on the game.

First, a little history: One of our most important considerations before we launched our Kickstarter, and before we could confirm that our idea here would resonate with the fans, was budgeting and cost: We had to be as certain as we possibly could that we could deliver on -everything- we were promising for the initial and stretch goals we were setting. Since, like many (most?) developers, we don't have any next-gen titles under our belt yet, we thought it best to stick with what we do know, so we could make promises to our fans with confidence -- especially for what we were promising coming out of the gate. We know being able to offer next-gen versions would dramatically increase our funding, but we felt the worst thing we could possibly do was dangle the prospect of next-gen Mighty No. 9 in front of our fans and capitalize on their excitement as we head into this fall's big new system launches, only to disappoint them in 2015 when the game is delayed, or didn't live up to the higher aesthetic expectations that come with games for those systems due to problems and costs we weren't able to anticipate.

All that said, we would definitely love to see Mighty No. 9 on as many platforms as possible, and we agree the next-gen systems are a natural fit if we can make the numbers work! If we continue to see more and more people asking for next-gen versions, and then if we're able to set and clear stretch goal funding levels that include enough margin for error that we can say with confidence we can deliver on quality versions for these platforms -- that's what it would take to make next-gen versions of Mighty No. 9 a reality. This is the number one thing we will be watching for and discussing internally in the next couple weeks, so please, continue to let us know what you think, and thanks for all your feedback so far.

Oh, and as for prioritizing the current systems over next-gen, in addition to the above, there were other important considerations about our audience: We want Mighty No. 9 to reach as many fans -- old and new -- as it possibly can, all over the world. As hardcore gamers ourselves, we'll definitely have next-gen systems hooked up to our TVs by the spring of 2015, and current-gen systems still somewhere in the house (assuming the next-gen systems don't come up with some sort of eventual solution for playing current-gen games), but we didn't think it would be fair to assume the same of everyone who would want to play our game, since even the current-gen systems are a relatively expensive luxury item in many households.


And the PS4 should still be easier from everything that's been said, experience with the other machines included. Time to triangle shit, etc.

The Master

Bronze Squire
And the PS4 should still be easier from everything that's been said, experience with the other machines included. Time to triangle shit, etc.
"Should be." Can't imagine why they aren't willing to take that risk. And it is a risk. You don't seem to understand that. If any serious issue came up due to developing on a new and unfamiliar platform, they could be hosed. Not making promises you can't keep on Kickstarter is a very good idea and that is exactly what they are doing.


"Should be." Can't imagine why they aren't willing to take that risk. And it is a risk. You don't seem to understand that. If any serious issue came up due to developing on a new and unfamiliar platform, they could be hosed. Not making promises you can't keep on Kickstarter is a very good idea and that is exactly what they are doing.
It's far less of a risk than wasting development time on planning to release X360/PS3 games in *2015*.

The Master

Bronze Squire
No... it isn't. It is a completely unknown risk vs the known, and minor, issue of releasing on the last generation's console a year after the transition. Which means that the actual installed base of WiiU, PS3, and 360 will be larger by an enormous margin. You realize that outside of the kind of people who frequent this forum, most people don't buy consoles in the first year. Right?


Life's a Dream
Your prayer has been answered (kinda).
They've put even more stretch goals.

5.) $2,000,000 - Bonus: Boss Rush Mode. That's right -- we're adding a stretch goal here without pushing any of the other goals back! (Think of it more like a stretch reward.)
After a lot of feedback (which we agreed with) on the big gap before the next goal of PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U console versions, the team really wanted to have something for everyone to aim for and celebrate along the way. So we took our best-bang-for-the-buck potential future goal and will include it as a bonus feature if we can hit $2 million: a separate mode where you can challenge all the Mighty No. Bosses, back-to-back, with a clock ticking to keep track of your best time, so you can share, compare, and show off your skills to your friends!

6.) $2,200,000 - PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U Versions

7.) $2,400,000 - Challenge Mode. Similar to the Challenge Modes in games like New Super Mario Bros. U, this special extra mode would remix parts of existing levels and enemies to create dozens of mini-missions you can use to test your skills in a variety of enjoyably frustrating ways!

8.) $2,550,000 - Extra End Stage & Boss. We'll add another full stage, complete with an intense, original boss battle (!), to the final area Beck will take on once he defeats the other eight Mighty No. bosses!

9.) $2,750,000 - BECK & CALL ONLINE CO-OP CHALLENGE MODE. We're excited about all our stretch goals, but even so, this one isreallyspecial to us: based on your feedback, we wanted to offer something that both included Call as a playable character and put her on equal footing as Beck, while not breaking our schedule or budget. We also wanted this to be something new -- something the genre has never seen before. And that's how we came up with this: over a dozen missions you can play online with a friend, playing as Beck and his community-appointed partner, Call! Like the single-player offline challenge Mode, these missions will be parts of levels remixed, but this time around the theme of cooperative play. Players will need to use Beck and Call's different powers to complement each other and defeat these special challenges!

10.) 2,900,000 - ??? - Unknown at this time.

11.) 3,100,000 - ??? - Unknown at this time.

12.)3,300,000 - PS4 and Xbox One Versions- Yes! We heard your calls and are proud to report we can finally offer next-gen versions of Mighty No. 9 here! We know by the time the game ships in 2015, many of you will be proud owners of one next-gen system or the other -- or maybe both! If we reach this level of funding, we can add the PS4 and the Xbox One to the list for every backer getting the digital version of Mighty No. 9 to choose from! To recap, that would mean you could choose one of the following: PC, Mac, Linux, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS4, or Xbox One!

The total donations at this point are $1,914,000. Still 22 days to go.


Life's a Dream
I didn't check how far along it was yesterday, but it's currently at $2,072,000. Meaning it's $128k away from the next goal of PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii U support. I can easily see it getting Challenge Mode as well. Maybe even going as far as the $2,750,000 goal. 18 days remaining for this Kickstarter.


Life's a Dream
Another update. It's at $2,174,000 right now, meaning it's $26k away from PS3 / 360 / Wii U support.
15 days to go on the Kickstarter campaign.