

Nice write-up on the FTB launcher Vvoid but I think you are doing Technic/Tekkit a huge disservice by not mentioning the only reason FTB exists was because the technic guys ignored all the childish mod authors and made a pack which did all that 6-9 months ago.

The level of retardation in the Minecraft mod making community is unbelievable and it's mostly because of ad.fly advert $$. Curse doesn't help, they only allow people to post mods if they include copyright statements (most of which look like they were written by a 10 year old who has never heard of even wikipedia to base it off) even though the Minecraft itself license states you can't copyright derivatives of their work!

There have been cases of mod authors actually coding in backdoors to give them admin access to servers and blocks which if they detect technic etc actively go out of their way to fuck the server up with exploding bee's etc. I shit you not, one lunatic coded his bee's in the forestry mod to explode destroying everything around them...

Of course if Notch had kept to some of the promises he made about mod API's etc before generating most of his $150-200m in revenue most of that wouldn't have happened.


I'm Amod too!
While I totally feel Sengir was 100% wrong attacking user's worlds like that let's not pretend that the Technic people wern't being just as much rampaging douche bags back to the mod authors. I've read the threads on the Technic boards and elsewhere on the whole "war" they had and the Technic crew were no little innocent puppies in that little scrap.

That's the only post I'll make on this. It's way to divisive a topic for a generally friendly thread like this one.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Woah woah woah ... what's all this craziness in the mod community?

I just download the shit and play. Little did I know there are politics involved


Oh there's plenty of fault on all sides but most of the "rampaging douche bags" comments are massively exaggerated. They simply ignored mod authors who said their mods couldn't be included in compilations because only users who can add multiple mods to a jar themselves and resolve block conflicts deserve to use them! Or because they don't get the 2cents for every 100 downloads in sweet sweet ad.fly money. From day one they credited every mod and included info on how to donate to them and never took any donations for themselves. The morons shouting about "illegal mod packs" haven't a single clue about how the law actually works.

That's the main bad thing about FTB, one of the main chaps running it called Slowpoke allegedly solicited donations so he could fly out to conventions etc but so far, 2-3 months after it went live, the FTB site still has no way to donate to the mod authors and has this when you click donate"As soon as the pack is out you will be able to donate! "...

Seriously, I'll say it again, the MOD API needs to be out yesterday so all this shit ends.

If you want to learn how the zillions (well okay 56 i think in the current FTB pack) works I can highly recommend the Direwolf series of youtube videos, he's one of the few LP-ers who won't make you want to kill someone over the internet. Season 5 covers the current FTB pack.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMTdtWG_t7k


I'm Amod too!
Seriously, I'll say it again, the MOD API needs to be out yesterday so all this shit ends.
It won't be changing much. CPW has already said that Forge will continue past the release of the official API and one of the Mojang devs at Minecon made it fairly clear that the API would not be in any sort of shape to kill off Forge for a long time. The official API most likely won't be making mod development any more accessible than Forge already does so I doubt there'll be a flood of fresh faced mod makers.

I have generally noted the beginnings of a push for open development of the mods recently though. Mystcraft is completely open. I believe Xycraft will be as well once it's officially released. Buildcraft and Equivalent Exchange are another two off the top of my head.


Thanks for the info, hadn't appreciated it was still that far off as I admit I'd mostly stayed away from reading about all the bullshit myself for a while.

I wish it was more popular so he could hire more people to help them with that stuff, spread the word people, buy Minecraft! Tell your friends.


I'm Amod too!
I'm generally fairly worried about the API myself since Mojang has been pretty slow at development of it. Forge is always rather quick about fixing and implementing new things so personally I'd rather see Forge continue for as long as it can. I feel we're currently in better hands right now.


<Gold Donor>
Nice write-up on the FTB launcher Vvoid but I think you are doing Technic/Tekkit a huge disservice by not mentioning the only reason FTB exists was because the technic guys ignored all the childish mod authors and made a pack which did all that 6-9 months ago.
I purposely left out any mention of the Technic/Tekkit pack because of all the drama you guys have already mentioned, and because it is similar to announcing which political party you support; everyone will immediately take sides. Furthermore, from my use of the Technic launcher, it was nowhere near as user friendly as the FTB launcher is. I might not have messed around with it and missed it, but the addition and subtraction of mods to FTB is child's play, whereas Technic seemed like it was all or nothing to me. Again, I didn't use Technic much once I found out FTB would be released (mainly because Technic was woefully outdated by the time I heard about it), so I could be underselling it.

Given that though, Technic NEVER had the level of mod developer support that FTB does. Slowpoke could be a shady fuck for all I know, but for the most part they all play nice together and watching Direwolf20's streams is enough to convince me that FTB is worth it. Granted, some people are complete douches, like RichardG (genius at modding, but acts like he's 12), but when I can listen to people like Azanor (Thaumcraft), Soaryn (XYCraft), KingLemming (Thermal Expansion) and (not listen to since she never speaks) Eloraam (Redpower), that sold me.

As a side note though, SirSengir actually destroying people's worlds over the inclusion of Forestry in Technic was, indeed, the height of douchery. I agree with you on the level of dick-headedness in the mod community, but thankfully most of them are pretty cool overall it seems.

Also, one of the actual Mojang employees (I forget his in-game name, DW calls him Tahg all the time though) plays on the Forgecraft server, so I'm not too concerned that Forge will become obsolete anytime soon. Hell, Forge pretty much cut the amount of work that the actual Mojang people have to do anyway. They can just skip it and say "Use Forge" unless Notch insists.


I'm Amod too!
Also, one of the actual Mojang employees (I forget his in-game name, DW calls him Tahg all the time though)
Grumm is a current Mojang employee as well. Vaht/Tahg use to be but left mid last year. Either way though Forgecraft does have ties to people inside Mojang.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Is there a lancher option for Tekkit that does not load up the creative-ish mods that allow you to spawn any item you want in your inventory.

I want to play buildcraft and EE in SSP but I don't want all the creative type addons that I'm seeing.


I'm Amod too!
You mean NEI? The thing that shows up on the right when you open your inventory? You can disable the item spawning by clicking the options button on the bottom left of the inventory screen and changing from Cheat mode to Recipe Mode. Once you do that when you click on an item it'll show you the recipe to make that item instead of spawning it for you.


I'm Amod too!
To totally disable cheats:
First make sure you're in Recipe Mode in game and quit. Open your Minecraft folder and go into the Config folder. Find NEI.cfg and edit "cheatmode=1" and "lockmode=-1" to both be 0. You should be locked into Recipe mode in the game now.


That would be it

I don't want the temptation when playing SSP
Far as I know the in game menu option is the only way unfortunately. I feel your pain. You might find a way to disable NEI completely but then you don't get the recipes.

You can disable the mode in multiplayer by not making yourself an admin. Which probably does not help much. FTB might have a newer version of NEI?


Although i realise that the RR server is fairly new and my play hours are fairly wild, I am yet to login and find anyone else online at all so far.
Am I missing something?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Although i realise that the RR server is fairly new and my play hours are fairly wild, I am yet to login and find anyone else online at all so far.
Am I missing something?
The usual MC population feast or famine


There was some talk about adventure mods / maps a few pages back. Anyone ever play something somewhat kid friendly? Most of the adventure/survival maps I've seen are survival/horror/creepy as fuck.