MLB 2015 Season


Still a Music Elitist
I would openly welcome Cleveland as a division rival, but the Reds losing EVERY one of their current division rivals? No thanks. I need to keep my hate of the Cards and Cubs alive and well. I don't have as much issue with the Pirates and Brewers but those teams can go fuck themselves too. They can just do it with more tender loving care.


That guy
Was thinking about it the other day, but prior to the Marlins and Rays coming in to existence the nearest baseball team for anyone living in the southeast that wasn't a Braves fan (namely Florida) the nearest team was... Baltimore? Pretty sure Charlotte could support a team, there or maybe one of the bigger cities in South Carolina (Charleston, Columbia).


A Man Chooses....
He's just gotta play himself into shape.


Molten Core Raider
He's just gotta play himself into shape.
To be fair, I think baseball is the one pro sport where you can be good, or even elite without being overly athletic. It's definitely more about the fine motor skills than pure athleticism. Football is probably 90% athletic ability and 10% skill(except for maybe QBs), while basketball(at the pro level) is maybe 60/40 in favor of athleticism. Baseball at the basic level (batting & pitching) is more like golf than football or basketball. All about fine motor skill & timing/rhythm.

Oddly enough, the Royals may be one of a few teams right now trying to push baseball more into the athleticism realm and away from skill. Team is full of freakishly fast athletes with cannons for arms on defense, and super fast/agressive baserunners. But what is usually the staple of a great team, historically, (hitting, starting pitching) are probably the Royals 2 weakest categories.


Trakanon Raider
Is that Cespedes or Willie Mays Hayes? If he keeps showing up in fancy cars he might develop a limp come May. Which of course begs the questions, "who will play the Jesse Ventura character in the box office flop Thunder and Lightning?"