MMA Thread


Vyemm Raider
Just eliminate judges completely. Make every fight one 30 minute round. If it goes the distance then it's a draw and both fighters are fined 50% of their purse. Also add yellow cards for inactivity that also fine another 10% each. Allow stomps, kicks, and knees to the heads of downed opponents.
I like it,

But lets step it up and put a big countdown ticker above the ring. The ticker is the purse, it counts down from 100% to 20%. If at the end of the super long round no one wins. Both fighters get 10% of the purse. If you win before that you get 80% and the loser gets 20% of what ever is left over on the countdown clock. Want $$? win early.


Potato del Grande
Quarry/Starnes had a couple, even a 10-7.

"Quarry defeated Starnes via unanimous decision (30?26, 30?27, 30?24). The third score marks the second-widest point margin in a three-round fight in UFC history, with the record belonging to a bout between Forrest Petz and Sammy Morgan, which was scored 30?23 Petz by one judge."




I figure we must have one or two users who didn't see this 5 years ago=P
I didn't see those, haha that's awesome.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
It was the most ridiculous fight ever. Was even better when Starnes and his corner were claiming that he wasn't running the entire fight. That was beyond bizarre.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Some what of a minor note.

Brian Melancon retired today.

This all stems from a very very bad weight cut to get to 155 lbs he did a couple years ago for Legacy 4. IIRC, he typically walks around 195 lbs to 200 lbs. He looked like walking death that day, and yes he did miss his contracted weight. I guess he never really fully recovered.


I am probably one of the few people that dislike fighters cutting excessive amount of weight to make a lighter weight class, and in the corner of you fight at what you walk around as. I know it sounds gay and all, but fighters dedicate themselves to be in top fighting form and conditioning. A temple if you will. Why go fuck it all up by denying yourself nutrition and water for the week leading up to your fight? Just seems anti-intuitive to me.

Yes, I understand the best that are able to cut are typically your champions of the world (Jon Jones cutting from 230ish to 205, Anderson Silva cutting from 215 to 185, etc etc). I just don't like it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Shit like that is why Mike Dolce is making bank showing these guys how to eat to get on weight without killing themselves. Recent interview when asked when he has guys start cutting he said a year in advance. Basically just showing how far out he has guys changing their body. Hell, look what he did with Hendricks. He had better stamina in the 4th 5th(and 6th!) against GSP than he usually does in the 3rd.

Mentioned it before, but I'd really like a 2nd weigh in day of fight where if you don't make weight for the next class up you aren't allowed in the ring or there's a cash penalty or something. Just no more of these guys stepping in 20+lbs above their weigh in weight. 180lb Gleison Tibau fighting at lightweight is silly.

Anyone remember the corpse of James Irvin that weighed in to fight at 185 after being LHW all his career? I was genuinely concerned for his health, he looked ready to die. He cut so much weight you wouldn't even recognize his face as the same person. It was disturbing.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Yup, I am all for the 2nd weigh in as well. I understand cutting and it is just part of the sport now, but the 20+lbs put on overnight is just insanity.


I just want them to weigh in again right before the fight so we can get their real fight weights listed in the tale of the tape.





Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I just want them to weigh in again right before the fight so we can get their real fight weights listed in the tale of the tape.



You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Fedor again.... i need to stop being so prude with my reps.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hope the next 5 seasons of TUF are heavyweights. Sick of The Ultimate Weightcut.

As much as this season shows what a rancid cunt Ronda is as a person it also shows that she seems like she'd be a great person to have on your side. I'd definitely put her up there with the best TUF coaches so far I think, at least as far as effort and giving a shit goes. Dunno about technically because they barely show that aspect.


TUF 18: Jessamyn Duke Fighter Blog, Episode 12 | Bleacher Report

This is why Ronda made the decision to make weight in 24 hours. The editing of the show makes it seem like Dana talked her out of it, but let me tell you what really happened...

Anthony tried to say that it just wasn't possible for him to cut the weight because he had screwed up on his diet. But here's the thing, he could have made it. He left the gym the night before at 144, which is well within a range to make the weight. There is a science to cutting weight and lots of things that we as fighters can do to make it easier on ourselves, but the BIGGEST factor in the weight cut is your mental fortitude...and this is what Ronda wanted to prove.

She jumped on the scale after Anthony missed weight and was 152 pounds. Without any sort of prep (diet, water loading, sodium loading/cutting, etc.) jumped in the sauna and was in there for FIVE hours before it was time to go to the coaches challenge. Yes, Ronda Rousey cut weight in the sauna for five hours, went to a rock climbing challenge, won, and then went BACK to the sauna that night and cut some more.

The next day when it was time for Jessica and Raquel to fight, she was at the gym before anyone else arrived and was back in the sauna cutting weight. When the rest of us arrived she was sitting at 136 pounds in the locker room. I watched her warm up Rakoczy for her fight while on weight and then step on the scale in front of Dana and be 135 pounds. She did this to prove a point.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I totally forgot it was on last night. Looks like I may need to watch it and see what happened. Sounds like Ronda proved quite the point, but the edited it to make it look like something else?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some of it was definitely shown out of order if Duke's account is accurate, but it wasn't edited to misrepresent Ronda or anything. After the guy missed weight it showed her in the room with Dana explaining why she wanted to do the 1 day weight cut and feeling really guilty that her guy missed it. Dana was telling her how it wasn't her fault. They didn't show Ronda doing it or anything, but they didn't make it seem like she was bad or wrong or anything. Not sure why they didn't show it, maybe it's going to be on next week since they showed her explaining it at the end this week.


Blackwing Lair Raider
At least they step in the cage=P

Seems like half of every class over 170 gasses out on that show.
I remember the good old days when TUF actually had fights. Seriously two in one season did not make weight and this jack ass had like 20 days from his last fight and STILL could not make the weight. That is some serious stupid shit right there that should just get you black listed from professional MMA as he clearly does not have what it takes to be a fighter.