Morons Norrath 8a

You all are fucking retarded. You tell Searyx to ignore Gymme when he whines about not getting buffs THAT SEARYX CAN CHOOSE TO GIVE HIM OR NOT TO GIVE HIM. You bitch that he drags it on and on. Then when Searyx defends himself you bitch more that he"s a fucking moron who should have never posted this to drag on Gymme"s humiliation.

Well, my half brained retarded "friends" who"s dragging on what?
Let it go if you don"t like it, or bump it up to the fucking top.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Water bottle you lose at life, not in a computer battle, but you must have missed that one.

And concerned psychologist ummmmm.....I like you but.....I need to get this thing going so here goes.

Your a dimwitted fucktard, you post non-sensical bullshit and then jam the refresh button masturbating to the ensuing responses. Your a fake, a phony, a Stan.


This has nothing to do with this thread, but I didn"t want to make a new thread.

Did Aychamo get banned or something?


In the beginning, Searyx only said "no". The n00b got stupid and mouthed off. Searyx only said "no", and that"s harsh? Give us a fucking break.
People play this game for their own enjoyment, not yours. What a concept. Go fuck yourselves, bunch of whining pussies.

"How mean!" That"s Bullshit. Pull your heads out of your sorry asses and learn to accept the word "no". People aren"t going to get tired of telling you, so get used to it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
People over level 15 still go to WC?

If I am playing a twink and see a 65 druid in either commons I assume he mem"ed the wrong port or is powerleveling a twink.

I don"t think my main has been to an old world zone in over 3 months.


Besides buying food, water, and the occasional joy killing, I have a manastone. Old world only, and I zone fast. Good for soloing.
And concerned psychologist ummmmm.....I like you but.....I need to get this thing going so here goes.

Your a dimwitted fucktard, you post non-sensical bullshit and then jam the refresh button masturbating to the ensuing responses. Your a fake, a phony, a Stan.
Non-sensical? Fake? Phony? Stan? Oh Nos! Your l33tzen5 has figured me outz0r. What will I do? No more masturbating me for


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I"m no Kuru =:emoji_nose:

and why the fuck should searyx plvl people? Especially a not-so-convienently located buff on page God-Knows-Where.

and it"s not like Searyx went off on him for asking for a buff, gymmie took it to an open channel.

Gymmie probably asked searyx with the intent of dragging him into some stupid shit like this....



THESE AREN"T FUNNY, stop god damn posting them.

Holy shit, the next morons of norrath is going to include Searyx talking to himself.
Searyx said:
33 replies and counting.

Yep! People do seem to care!
People don"t care, post counts have nothing to do with how much one cares or not.

Searyx said:
That"s what I was thinking when it was happening. I must have missed the part where I said, "Fucking leave me alone you piece of n00b shit! I hate buffing assholes like you! GO SUCK A FUCK!"

The guy just snapped on me. Some people don"t take no for an answer.
Stop saying n00b.
Although i"ve got no proof im still slightly suspicious about possible editing in those screen shots.

Commin" to the boards and posting all this stuff about gymmie or whatever his name is trying to get some heat on him or whatever you"re doing is"nt even funny. (I don"t mean "It"s not even funny" in a sarcastic or humerous way, what I mean is that nobody cares).