MTG: Arena


Golden Knight of the Realm
I have 4 already, the card is just the defenition of unfun.

Such joy to sit back and hit space bar to resolve for 10 turns in a row.

Whoever thought printing a reusable time walk was a good idea has brain damage
  • 1Solidarity
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Its 7 mana in an environment that can kill by turn 4-5.

It's a pretty poor card given the environment, noone is winning tournaments with it.


Molten Core Raider
Its 7 mana in an environment that can kill by turn 4-5.

It's a pretty poor card given the environment, noone is winning tournaments with it.
I'm enjoying destroying people with it when the meta shifts to anti-red. The grind through diamond is tedious as fuck.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Killing by turn 3-4 hardly seems to be the standard. If you are semi functional at deck building you shouldnt be losing that quick to anything but a perfect draw.

The card turns an interactive game into a game of solitaire for 1 player. Regardless of how not tier 1 it may be, its still bad design.

At the very least removing it from Bo1 would be good.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Bronze Donator>
I'm worried they will simplify the game IRL to accommodate online play.

Stacking triggers and repeating menial tasks is very time-consuming MTGA, it doesn't even have the "and save targets .." option MTGO has. Anything involving animations consumes even more time.

The ARE doing this. I've been going through the official MTG blog archives, which has a lot of content from the Play Design team, and there's definitely a trend of them questioning how things will affect digital. Taking away "may" and replacing it with optionless triggers is one of the big ones.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
mono blue and discard control of some flavor or another only fucking thing on bo3 ranked god it's tiresome


Vyemm Raider
Killing by turn 3-4 hardly seems to be the standard. If you are semi functional at deck building you shouldnt be losing that quick to anything but a perfect draw.

The card turns an interactive game into a game of solitaire for 1 player. Regardless of how not tier 1 it may be, its still bad design.

At the very least removing it from Bo1 would be good.
Good news, it was banned from the standard format today.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Good news, it was banned from the standard format today.

there really wasn't another choice just due to the nature of stacks in mtga, i'm really glad they had the balls to do this, although it is a bit of a slippery slope precedent

I don't play bo1 so this doesn't really matter for me, and I see it in bo3 ranked or event maybe once a week and it gets clobbered after sideboard

this should also increase deck variety a bit in bo1


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This had to be done.

It is not a powerful card but an irritating one in a digital format. I consider this a good move and am impressed that they also refunded Wild cards despite still being playable in Bo3.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Best of one is a nonsense format and this is just kicking the can down the road. Are they gonna ban cards from mono red next? And the next dominant deck after that? Or are they going to warp future magic design to try and make best of 1 a functional format? None of these options are good.

Nexus wasn't actually a problem - their asinine turn timer/rope system was the problem. Quit trying to polish a turd with the current system and just put the chess clock in and instantly nexus is not longer an issue.


Magic isn't designed for BO1 and unless they do Savage bannings every season BO1 will morph into 2-3 decks at most.

The first billion dollar streamer tournament they do and everyone is playing the same exact decks will show this.

I want a MTGA GP bo3 for propoints.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Nexus wasn't actually a problem - their asinine turn timer/rope system was the problem. Quit trying to polish a turd with the current system and just put the chess clock in and instantly nexus is not longer an issue.

chess clock isn't how magic works though

paper magic doesn't discourage complex decks which involve counting, sequencing plays and stacking triggers

shortcutting is also officially allowed, if you can prove you can repeat a combo and the opponent can't interact, you can just say "I'm going to repeat this 5 times", and judge will be fine with that, MTGA does not have this feature
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
This had to be done.

It is not a powerful card but an irritating one in a digital format. I consider this a good move and am impressed that they also refunded Wild cards despite still being playable in Bo3.

stop the presses

player finds combo they can't interact with irritating

have you ever played against dredge? lands? chalice deck?

god bless the MTGA players


<Bronze Donator>
well damn. i saw Nexus a LOT in BO3 Platinum (where i seem to be eternally stuck). this really inclines me to play BO1 now, even tho i've been doing nothing bot BO3 since i became ranked...
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>

imagine playing a deck with 80% non-basics, your opponent goes first and blood moons

do you avoid the format, do you complain that blood moon should be banned, or do you concede to save both players time and yourself frustration?

if they get the loop and start doing it beneficially, you are going to lose eventually?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I would LOVE a short timer variant for Arena. No pause before the timer, it starts as soon as the turn is passed to you. A player gets 15 seconds to make a play for each step of a turn. Know what you will do or could do in a response or risk loosing. If you loose connection, sorry.

This was a format I wish had existed in Hearthstone.

The abuse of the card and the amount of manpower and money to correct this abuse was why the Ban from Bo1 was the best option. It comes down to customer satisfaction(They responded to the issue) and money.

Also, I love the thread complaining about the compensation. Really????


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
ITT: posters trying to turn MTG into a timmy version of the real game

i expected more from some people

I would LOVE a short timer variant for Arena. No pause before the timer, it starts as soon as the turn is passed to you. A player gets 15 seconds to make a play for each step of a turn. Know what you will do or could do in a response or risk loosing. If you loose connection, sorry./QUOTE]

this is a retarded suggestion, watch any stream from any pro MTG player, noone plays that fast

its not because you play all the shit you have in hand asap without a second thought that you should assume others are equally fast through stupidity

fortnite seems more like your kind of game
  • 2Salty
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Tranny Chaser
chess clock isn't how magic works though

paper magic doesn't discourage complex decks which involve counting, sequencing plays and stacking triggers

it doesn't happen very often but there have been instances of decks that were masturbatory and/or abusive in their game length that got themselves ejected. Eggs is the most recent example. It was a combo deck in Modern notorious for impacting event length. Four Horseman is 100% masturbation and that deck was just plain ruled to not be playable in paper.


<Bronze Donator>

imagine playing a deck with 80% non-basics, your opponent goes first and blood moons

do you avoid the format, do you complain that blood moon should be banned, or do you concede to save both players time and yourself frustration?

if they get the loop and start doing it beneficially, you are going to lose eventually?

i concede.pretty shortly after the loop starts. there's a few times i've been able to break it, but not usually. honestly, i'm probably just not a very good player, and that's weighs in on it for me a lot. playing against Nexus sucks when you're still trying to learn the game.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
i concede.pretty shortly after the loop starts. there's a few times i've been able to break it, but not usually. honestly, i'm probably just not a very good player, and that's weighs in on it for me a lot. playing against Nexus sucks when you're still trying to learn the game.

you either prevent them from casting it (kills, ramp removal, land destruction, discard), or you have counters to stop it

if you fail to prevent the situation and you can't stop it, something went wrong - you don't blame the card but look at where it went wrong
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