MTG thread


Trakanon Raider
I was just teasing (I really did just fuck someone up with a white enchant control deck though) about earlier but I like the idea of doing something different.

So far I've done a mono green devotion/high mana drop Hydra themed deck with some utility like Feed the Clan and Naturalize, etc. I've gone on a 23-2 streak with that deck but it's pretty boring to play to be honest. I've made a Blue/Black lifedrain deck (tons of things like Palace Siege, Fate Unraveler, Spiteful Returned, etc.) stacked with a few nice counters and some oh shit! buttons like Aetherspouts and whatnot. Pretty 50/50 on it but it's nothing special. I made a pure Red burn deck, win majority of games with it but it's sooo fucking boring and bullshit to play. Red/White deck aggro, nothing higher mana cost than 3-4 and most ranging 1-3. Stack +1 counters and lifegain (Favorite combo is Ordeal of Heliod with Sunbond on something like an Ajani Pridemate or similar) that catches people offguard like a motherfucker if played correctly. Haven't played it too much really cause it's not my style but it does win games as long as I can shut it down in the first 6-8 turns. I got bored with these and spent a few bucks and built a milling deck with some graveyard plays like Nighthowler and the Undergrowth Scavenger based around a Prophet/Grindclick/Follower/Profane Momento/Brood setup. I have some other small plays to be made throughout the deck if the milling doesn't set up properly but it fails spectacularly if I can't get it going fast enough. Villanous Wealth in there as well, nothing original but it's interesting to play with. Pisses people off if I get a few perfect hands from the get go though. My favorite I've made so far is a Temur rush and counter deck with Savage Knuckleblades, Surrak Dragonclaw and stuff like that. Tons of counters in it too, like Mindswipe and Temur Charm with high utility cards like Atarka's Command as well. It's a lot of fun to play but I'm missing a few keycards I just can't afford to add to it yet. I have Sarkhan Unbroken and Kiora in there though, so it's nice. I'm not sure where to go from here now that I'm out of money. With what I have though, I want to put together a mono black deck because I have enough nice cards for it. I'll post back and see what I can come up with as far as interesting builds go.


Trakanon Raider
I was listening to some professionals on a podcast discuss all the new planeswalkers like it was the real deal. I think those were all legit. Chandra's not great.


I need nothing, happy with the current mono red meta. I just like new blood from time to time is all.

We might not get anything in origins but some in Zendikar.


Molten Core Raider
Seems pretty good.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
She's pretty neat. It's hilarious seeing just how many people immediately said "It can help against Twin!" on the internet, without actually taking the half-second to think that line of thought through and realizing she does nothing there. Should still be a solid magic card. 5 Toughness Flyer is super relevant for dodging cheap removal.


Lord Nagafen Raider
She's great against Twin, unless the Twin deck has an easy way to tap down a creature ... oh.

Citadel Castellan 1WG Vigilance, Renown 2 2/3 ... playable in Abzan Aggro?


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's a sorcery. Good burn is instant speed. Hard for that card to compete with Stoke the Flames or Rending Volley if you need to be uncounterable.


Molten Core Raider
In a standard enviroment with a two mana counter spell and dragonlord dromoka this will see play.