MTG thread


Trakanon Raider
Unless it provides a timing restriction in the ability like "Play this ability any time you could cast a sorcery." then yes, he can activate it in response.

Also, interrupts don't exist. They haven't for years. All interrupts are just instants now. The only special classification is mana sources, which almost never come from spells.


Trakanon Raider
Holding priority in this instance doesn't actually do anything anyway, since you'll still have to pass priority before the Lightning Javelin resolves.


Trakanon Raider
Yes, activating it in response to become a 4/4 was a valid play.

Interrupts all became instants. And activated abilities are at instant speed (unless specifically mentioned otherwise).

Your bolt.
-you have priority and can respond to your spell. rare, but sometimes done
-he now has priority and activates his creature

(all moot if the creature had summoning sickness)

edit: bleh, should have refreshed the page before being response #1,000


El Presidente
Holding priority in this instance doesn't actually do anything anyway, since you'll still have to pass priority before the Lightning Javelin resolves.
Unless you played a split second spell! But seriously, it was just explaining a bit about how priority works.


Thanks. I did it for the scry as much as I did it to eliminate the creature so I didn't care to discuss it right then and there.

The second reason is my opponent was an annoying little shit of an 11 year old. He kept touching my life counters and grabbing my cards and literally pouted when I wouldn't show him the card I was going to draw next when I conceded the first game. I didn't want to admit I was unsure of anything. I should have called a judge over to eliminate him considering it was a DCI sanctioned event but that felt petty!! He just would have claimed he was 13 anyways and I would have been a dick. (completely joking about getting him kicked out of the tournament, he did rustle my jimmies though)


El Presidente
In general, you shouldn't feel bad for calling a judge if you're unsure about something, it's what they're there for.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I just always keep track of my life on a lifepad, even in casual play at this point. Way too much random shit happens to dice/spinners/duelist abacuses during play.


I just always keep track of my life on a lifepad, even in casual play at this point. Way too much random shit happens to dice/spinners/duelist abacuses during play.
I use an app on my phone but some people worry about that so I had two dice out I was spinning down and he wanted to fondle them since they were probably the same size as his undescended testes!!

Can you tell how rustled I was?


Trakanon Raider
Was this at FNM? If so, the judge would basically just warn him. The only true penalties at Regular rules enforcement are for cheating, bribery, or wagering. Almost anything else the judge would just try to guide him back towards proper play. It takes a few warnings to become anything more.

If it were competitive (a GPT, IQ, something with a major prize) then that's different.


Trakanon Raider
Pretty much. It's unlikely there's even a judge present at FNM unless someone working at the shop is certified. It would just be "hey knock that off" and move on.


This was prerelease so no big deal. It was the loss that pushed me out of Top 16 so I was cranky.

His sister was a hot little redhead college girl and she apologized for him being annoying.


Golden Squire
If he's a little kid almost nothing will happen to him. We had a 13 year old last year outright try to bribe someone in the top eight of a PTQ. He got off with a warning.


Trakanon Raider
If he's a little kid almost nothing will happen to him. We had a 13 year old last year outright try to bribe someone in the top eight of a PTQ. He got off with a warning.
This is actually a serious issue and can be reported via the judge feedback form:Magic Judge Feedback Form

Bribery is a DQ offense. If this was a matter of a judge telling people they were getting close to the line, that's one thing. However, if there was a warning after the event then the judge in question resolved it inappropriately and there should have been a disqualification regardless of age.

It's possible the PTQ judge didn't know this. One of the reasons for the adjustment in certification requirements was to ensure that all PPTQs would have an L2 present with familiarity with the competitive REL infractions. Previously, smaller PTQs might not even have anyone on staff beyond an L1. I don't know about in this case, but I'm trying to think of reasons why a PTQ judge would let someone off for overt bribery.


El Presidente
Yeah without knowing the circumstances this is bad. No idea how overt it was, but if it was actually attempted bribery then the judge handled it wrong and it should be reported.