MTG thread


Didn't make Top 16 with 3-2 but had some fun playing with goblins.

I don't think it's viable for top tier, will need to research a new deck and let me 14 year old play this.


Potato del Grande
At FNM I misplaced an Act of Treason from game 2, it didn't get shuffled in and was sitting on the table under my opponent's garbage that he had left on the table after drafting. We each had one land on the table when I noticed it, I brought it to his attention and he demanded the win instead of me just shuffling it back into my deck. His reasoning, "I am going to Dallas and I need to play tight." I ended up rolling him in the 3rd game played for fun, but gave him the round 2-1. He ended up going 0-4 in his next two rounds with his uber tight play. If it hadn't been FNM in the most laid back gaming store I have ever played at I wouldn't have gotten butthurt, but it left a bad taste in my mouth the rest of the night.
Always call a judge. It's FNM, you'd probably be allowed to shuffle it back in, this has happened to me.


El Presidente
Not sure if it will affect the price of packs drastically since I would imagine a lot of those come from limited winnings.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Replacing pack prizes for winning with other things is a good move. Market is way flooded with packs, and they need to restrict the faucet somehow to bring their value back up to something more healthy. Doubling entry price was a dumb move, though. If your goal is to make events feel worth playing again by fixing the broken pack economy, immediately wrecking EV across the board seems nonsensical.


El Presidente
It doesn't really though. Going 3-1 in a constructed daily will get you enough points for 1.5 events plus the packs So you'll go back to being able to go infinite by going 3-1 every 3rd event which is doable by anyone reasonably good at Magic. The way packs are now, you're need to 3-1 almost every other event to go infinite.


I need a new standard deck. I am at work but can probably browse a few sites.

What site should I check out?

What is this turbo fog I am hearing about?


Tranny Chaser
Using the new Timetwister in a Turbofog shell is a very cool idea. That deck is probably pretty fun to play (for at least one player).


El Presidente
Turbofog is generally a very specific meta type deck. Decks with burn and decks with counters tend to wreck it. Even the green creature decks can play some enchantment kill and it will give that deck some issues. Also one mediocre performance with a deck doesn't mean it's trash. I'll bet that red aggro will be a real deck in standard going forward.


I think I will take the Day's Undoing out. I think that was put in there before people understood it didn't trigger tutelage.

Any suggestions what to replace with? Just 4x something else? Maybe two telepaths and two grindclocks?

Not sure. Yeah it seems like some one sided fun for sure.


Turbofog is generally a very specific meta type deck. Decks with burn and decks with counters tend to wreck it. Even the green creature decks can play some enchantment kill and it will give that deck some issues. Also one mediocre performance with a deck doesn't mean it's trash. I'll bet that red aggro will be a real deck in standard going forward.
Oh I know but I can't red deck forever. It was plenty of fun and the matchups I lost to were pretty much built exactly for me G/B with multiple languish and other tricks that were just board wipers for my goblins, it happens.

I just need a second deck for some varied play.

Grabbit Allworth

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the Turbofog deck can make it past the first few rounds without a loss, it should generally do well. Reason being, existing red decks have an extremely uphill battle against all the Abzan, GW, and even G/R decks so they tend to get pushed out. The Turbofog decks don't appeal to me so I haven't looked in to how to streamline it, but the shell we saw over the weekend was a decent starting point.

I've been playing Abzan control for months now and I really want Bellower in my 75 but I having trouble finding room.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
@a_skeleton_03: If you watch the footage from his games, it didn't matter that Tutelage didn't trigger from it. He was using it to restock on Fogs. Treasure Cruise delves non-fog cards out of your graveyard, improving your deck-composition for Fog re-draws. Once the deck is set-up, it only takes ~2 turns to mill your opponent out, even with the full deck reset they get, the Days Undoing are just there to make sure he gets enough fogs to *get* those 2 turns post-set-up.

Crater's Claw out of R/G Devotion (Orbs of Warding prevents) and Ugin out of various things force the deck to run maindeck countermagic, and a goodly amount of sideboard countermagic.

I don't think it's a particularly great deck, but it should be functional, depending on the metagame.


@a_skeleton_03: If you watch the footage from his games, it didn't matter that Tutelage didn't trigger from it. He was using it to restock on Fogs. Treasure Cruise delves non-fog cards out of your graveyard, improving your deck-composition for Fog re-draws. Once the deck is set-up, it only takes ~2 turns to mill your opponent out, even with the full deck reset they get, the Days Undoing are just there to make sure he gets enough fogs to *get* those 2 turns post-set-up.

Crater's Claw out of R/G Devotion and Ugin out of various things force the deck to run maindeck countermagic, and a goodly amount of sideboard countermagic.

I don't think it's a particularly great deck, but it should be functional, depending on the metagame.
Ahh so he was using it more for himself. Yeah I will watch the footage tonight when I get home from work.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I watched the coverage on that deck. A possible tweak would be to drop the win-more artifacts for a Reclaim or two. Typically Reclaim is unplayable, but when set up you'll have probably 3 draws a turn. You take your natural draw, a Monastery Siege loot, then if you havent' found say an important Fog, Reclaim to put it on top and draw it right then.

Grindclock is just an inferior Tutelage in this deck. I'm not sure how good Talent could be; it doesn't seem like you have 2UU to cast a sorcery that often.


Molten Core Raider
Ahh so he was using it more for himself. Yeah I will watch the footage tonight when I get home from work.

Ongoing discussion on Fog deck on MTG : S :UGx Turbo Fog - Standard Deck Creation - Standard (Type 2) - The Game - MTG Salvation Forums - MTG Salvation

Deck tech :Turbo Fog with James Newman |

As said above, the sideboard is really poor and Day's Undoing was very strong. I felt both the Fog and the Rally decks were stronger than the people piloting them. The guy playing Rally in particular made a series of mistakes which cost him.