MTG thread


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You have a legendary who buffs angels, but you have no other angels. You have the saga that buffs Knights, but no other knights. Are you just relying on counters to keep the board clear and having one or two (ballista?) damage dealers?

Lyras angel text doesn't matter, she's a 5/5 flying first strike lifelink is the important part. History of Benalia makes 4 power of dudes for 3 mana, and potentially attacks for a ton of damage if unanswered by opposing control plans etc, or just trades with two creates against an aggro deck.

Ballista is a hedge vs aggro that also doubles as a finisher on turn infinity when you have a ton of mana. Also plays nice with Raff getting to cast it at instant speed for shenanigans.

Deck is a midrange value pile made up of cards that are individually super powerful, with some Raff synergies to tie it all together and allow it to play largely at instant speed on the opponents turn.
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Vyemm Raider
Here is my very average vamp deck on arena. I use it to get my daily/weekly rewards, wins are about 60%, depending on opening hand. Yes sometimes still flood out, but sometimes if I cut and land or two I desert out.


<Bronze Donator>
MTGA has as much RNG as Hearthstone.

I got tired of facing people with much better decks while at bronze rank, so I caved and spent most of my wildcards building this deck:

First Month of MTG Arena

I know it doesn't have any Dominaria in it, but shouldn't make that much difference. Mana flood/screw is still prevalent. Opening hand with 4+ lands mulligans into opening hand with 2- lands and none drawn for 4 turns. Where this game has no RNG in the actual cards itself, the RNG from shuffling/drawing is magnified by drawing your lands and nonlands from the same source. Hearthstone actually got this right while going crazy with RNG on the cards.

Both are bad games for allowing RNG to frequently decide the game for you. It's been decades since I played paper MTG, maybe a best of 3 and sideboard lessens the impact of mana flood/screw. But I don't see MTGA doing well at all since it decided to compete with Hearthstone in pricing, card acquisition, and RNG fiesta. I found myself thinking I'd rather just go back to Hearthstone if I'm going to play the smash resources together game. At least I have 80k dust there.


Molten Core Raider
Mana flood/screw is one of the few things that keeps paper MTG from being Chess, and is low key one of the reasons the game has lasted for over 20 years at this point while every competitor that has tried to "fix" that part of the game has flamed out. Card games need some form of RNG to keep the casuals (who pay the bills) engaged. Otherwise the best player would always win and Wizard's house of cards that is built on casual events like FNM and prereleases comes tumbling down.

It may not be the greatest thing in 1-game sets in Arena though.


<Bronze Donator>
Fixing the RNG meaning you're now playing chess might be a bit binary. I agree that variation can be good, but making it so obvious as to why you lost(to something not in your control) is not good. Until the mid-winter abortion, I think Gwent was doing a good job of mixing the two. Since then, ugly mechanics like create, carryover, and coinflip have been overemphasized in determining the game's winner and the game has suffered for it. So much so that the devs are basically taking a 6-month hiatus to redesign the game.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The mana problems with MTG are definitely exacerbated by everything being a best of 1 format. I have no idea why they are pushing that so hard, but it fucking sucks.

Best of 3 rounds with a sideboard goes a long, long way to evening out the draw RNG and such, and makes the mana system in magic seem way less archaic.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lyras angel text doesn't matter, she's a 5/5 flying first strike lifelink is the important part. History of Benalia makes 4 power of dudes for 3 mana, and potentially attacks for a ton of damage if unanswered by opposing control plans etc, or just trades with two creates against an aggro deck.

Ballista is a hedge vs aggro that also doubles as a finisher on turn infinity when you have a ton of mana. Also plays nice with Raff getting to cast it at instant speed for shenanigans.

Deck is a midrange value pile made up of cards that are individually super powerful, with some Raff synergies to tie it all together and allow it to play largely at instant speed on the opponents turn.

Gotcha. Makes sense now. I think I'm just wired to build decks a certain way and it's got nothing to do with winning tournaments. All of my play is casual and fun and I like themes and synergies. Appreciate the insight.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The mana problems with MTG are definitely exacerbated by everything being a best of 1 format. I have no idea why they are pushing that so hard, but it fucking sucks.

Best of 3 rounds with a sideboard goes a long, long way to evening out the draw RNG and such, and makes the mana system in magic seem way less archaic.
Yeah, Arena sucks. You just can't make MTG fun this way. It's not meant to be like Hearthstone at all. Hearthstone is fun BECAUSE of all the crazy RNG shit that can happen in a game.
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Tranny Chaser
Best of one is a shitty format in Hearthstone as well. It's maybe the worst part of that game. To then go and export it to Magic the Gathering is baffling.
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Trakanon Raider
Im wondering if this best of one is just temporary or if they are really planning it to just be best of 1.


Potato del Grande
The amount of people playing at low ranks with decks they shouldn't have is really demoralizing.
Seems like it's REALLY hard to rank up, like you have to grind a lot of games. So you get games with rank 3 players as a rank 1 and they destroy you. Game is literally unplayable because of this.

In Hearthstone ranking up is a couple of wins and if you get a streak it's faster.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was reading the analysis here

That the game is at least 2x more expensive than Hearthstone even with similar-costing packs. I might continue to play in the downtime between PoE leagues, but that's kind of a bummer if true. Their matchmaking system blows, I more times than not get matched with opponents outside of my metallic ranking, let alone sub ranking. So, expensive + slow progress = frustrating.

That would be very disappointing. HS itself is vastly more expensive then most of the other digital card games out right now on top of that, so Magic being worse is... well, bad.


<Bronze Donator>
Seems like it's REALLY hard to rank up, like you have to grind a lot of games. So you get games with rank 3 players as a rank 1 and they destroy you. Game is literally unplayable because of this.

In Hearthstone ranking up is a couple of wins and if you get a streak it's faster.
That being said, after putting together a better deck, I'm not sure what the purpose of ranking up is. There's a lot of "here, you figure this out". I know it's beta, but I'd be almost completely lost if I didn't have previous experience in MTG. This game is ROUGH and they're already trying to generate revenue. I don't think it's at that point yet.

That would be very disappointing. HS itself is vastly more expensive then most of the other digital card games out right now on top of that, so Magic being worse is... well, bad.
I'll admit I didn't double check the numbers. But the general idea is that packs cost the about the same but you need many more of a copy per deck, magic sets are much larger, and you can't dust dupes.


Tranny Chaser
If I just want to play some MtG on the cheap I can go and throw 10-15 bucks at MTGO, buy a mess of cards that I find to be interesting, and go rock out in the casual room as much as I want. Playing games because you want to play is an entirely different beast than playing to complete chores or rank up. I'm not convinced that Arena has anything positive going for it other than being a way of playing top tier Standard decks for less money than is currently available. Teferi jumped after the weekend GP but he's still the same one Mythic wildcard to craft. Beyond that I'm having a hard time coming up with anything.

MTG Arena has a long way to go before it is able to convince me to return to Magic as anything other than a mega casual.


Trakanon Raider
Best of one is a shitty format in Hearthstone as well. It's maybe the worst part of that game. To then go and export it to Magic the Gathering is baffling.

It's the difference between someone setting a trend and following one. The #1 solution of product managers everywhere is to do whatever the competition is doing. It's usually not smart.
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Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
If arena doesnt get BO3 soon im uninstalling this cancer, magic as a best of one with mana variance alone is insufferable. That and no dusting mechanic will ruin this game before it even goes live.


<Bronze Donator>
If I just want to play some MtG on the cheap I can go and throw 10-15 bucks at MTGO, buy a mess of cards that I find to be interesting, and go rock out in the casual room as much as I want. Playing games because you want to play is an entirely different beast than playing to complete chores or rank up. I'm not convinced that Arena has anything positive going for it other than being a way of playing top tier Standard decks for less money than is currently available. Teferi jumped after the weekend GP but he's still the same one Mythic wildcard to craft. Beyond that I'm having a hard time coming up with anything.

MTG Arena has a long way to go before it is able to convince me to return to Magic as anything other than a mega casual.
I don't disagree with you, but I need a little bit of both. It can't just be to beat someone else or just to get some gold or do some dailies. Constructed play in MTGA doesn't offer any reward after dailies, so the "Why am I suffering through this?" question shows up early. Hearthstone had(has?) the same problem.

Necrath Evilcraft

Golden Knight of the Realm
Quick Constructed offers gold and card rewards, so that offers something after the dailies. The problem there is it gives you random cards instead of wildcards so you still end up with shit you didn't want or need.


Trakanon Raider
Glad to see people just getting into the game now can already see the issues with the economy. Was starting to think maybe I was too close to it (the game and beta) and wasn't seeing things clearly anymore.

We've been bitching about the issue for months, and they just don't seem to want to budge. It's been quite frustrating to hear them say 'hey, we're listening guys, thanks!' and then continue to leave the economy in the same overall spot (they shuffle things around to try and change perception, but the net result has been mostly the same). The only solution that makes any sense, is some bean counter exec is afraid that if MTGA is too cheap, they'll simply lose paper and MTGO players to it. They are ignoring how much of a market there is out there for digital ccgs that could easily make up for the profits they'd lose while increasing their overall profit.

p.s. to the guy that got 4 mythic WC in a row.. yea... fuck you :-( but seriously, rare WC are more of a bottleneck then mythic WCs. For how many you need for a deck, you actually get mythic WCs relatively fast. Like, you get 2 rare WC for every 1 mythic WC, but you need more then 2x the rares in most competitive decks (often due to the mana base). Like, a hazoret red deck might have 4-6 mythics but 12-18 rares, and it's somewhat on the cheaper end of things.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What looks odd about it to you? I can explain it some. Most of the deck revolves around Raff Capashen and only playing spells on your opponents turns.
See, I was considering a similar decklist, except my flagship card I was eyeballing Daring Archaeologist and Weatherlight for the shenanigans alongside Danitha Capashen, Paragon. I was mostly trying to decide what artifacts to use there (Blackblade Reforged was mighty tempting), and then just go for monowhite turn sideways.deck. I've been so out of touch with MtG I can't even remember what's in what set for the past ten years, nearly. There used to be a time I had sets memorized. ;.;

Raff still feels like the breakout card of Dominaria, though, hands down. His effect makes me think back to when Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir was in Time Spiral Standard.