MTG thread


The sheet is 11x11 cards in dimensions which is over three feet in at least one dimension without doing math. That alone already makes it pricey just in size. You’re also going to want matting and glass to keep the sheet from getting damaged.

E:fuck I just realized this was a curved foils hot take.

I'm more worried about shipping, Do you think it will be rolled?


Trakanon Raider
If you have basic hand tools and are moderately competent you can frame something like that for less than $30-40 with all materials for a basic frame with glass/matte. Otherwise have fun paying hundreds.

But I realize not everyone is a DIYer.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It'll be interesting seeing how much these sheets are worth in a decade if magic's still around.

On the one hand, there'll be more of them in the wild than previous uncut foil sheets. But on the other hand, they'll have a specific community event/moment tied to them to increase notoriety.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yuuya removed from MPL and Hall of Fame; Banned for 30 months.

All those articles last HoF voting season accusing white people of being racist against the Japanese and assuming they're cheaters are kinda funny, with this being the second Hall of Famer from Japan to lose their seat due to cheating.
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Trakanon Raider
And yet people still take competitive magic seriously with all of the variance and rampant cheating.
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Potato del Grande
Your belief is that literally all of the pros who consistently perform well are cheating, or?
That sounds about right. When I played it always seemed that the higher status the tournament the worse luck you'd have.

I played aggro around Ravnica 2 and Theros so it was all about winning before that boardwipe came down on Turn 4. You went to a PTQ you could guarantee they had a boardwipe on Turn 4. FNM sometimes you'd have extra turns before they drew it, you knew the players at FNM so you knew if they had a finished deck and if they were any good so I don't think it was quality issues.

It was always those annoying alpha nerd types who would shuffle and play some sort of control really quickly who you'd have a much lower winrate against, even though tournament stats had your deck as favoured.

Funnily enough the best players in the store who had some limited pro success I had positive winrates against, probably because they were judges and couldn't be caught cheating so didn't. They also played control decks.
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I'm in the camp that at least in standard/modern all pros cheat.

Magic is a game of averages and pro players really don't have that much of a higher win % than SCG tournament grinders. It's the small things that they do to raise that % is what sets them apart.

From being angle shooters like LSV and settle the wreckage to just marking your deck I feel every pro player who consistently does well is cheating at least during swiss.

Cheating in top 8 and cheating during feature matches is stupid but if I'm a MTG pro and I sit across from some local rando in round 3 then why take the chance of getting flooded or them drawing the nuts.

Also MTGA will fix all this and they should make it the official platform for standard.
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Potato del Grande
Forgot to mention that as soon as I started shuffling my opponents deck instead of cutting, my win rate went up from 0-1 wins at FNM to 2-3.
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Forgot to mention that as soon as I started shuffling my opponents deck instead of cutting, my win rate went up from 0-1 wins at FNM to 2-3.

aalllllllways shuffle your opponents deck. If I play against someone who cuts or at worst "taps" my deck then I start getting all types of funny ideas


Trakanon Raider
Your belief is that literally all of the pros who consistently perform well are cheating, or?

Pretty much. I don't think there is a competitive event at the top end where the players aren't doing what they need to do to gain advantages since everyone is going to be pretty close to the same level skill wise. It's rampant in every sport that exists so why would MTG be different?


<Bronze Donator>
Pretty much. I don't think there is a competitive event at the top end where the players aren't doing what they need to do to gain advantages since everyone is going to be pretty close to the same level skill wise. It's rampant in every sport that exists so why would MTG be different?

How do you explain the pros that consistently do
well in MTGO and MTGA?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How do you explain the pros that consistently do
well in MTGO and MTGA?

Quantity helps in MTGO/A - playing a deck flawlessly over 1000+ games in a season is one thing compared to only a handful of actual qualifying games for a PT season, etc.

Additionally, matching is far less strict in MTGO/A than RL.

(Mind you, I'm not the type that thinks that MOST pros cheat - but comparing the two systems is flawed)