MTG thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
Jeez booster box for 3-0?

Last time I got a Booster Box was like Urza's block - in Texas they used to have huge PTQ/small GP size Pre-releases with like 9 rounds and top 8 would get 1-2 boxes each.

We had a great Event Organizer in the DFW area for like a decade plus (Ed Fox, think he did a lot of midwest stuff too) and Wizard's changes have pretty much killed off events in Texas.
The first event I went to was the Stronghold Pre-Release in Atlanta Feb. 1998. It had over 900 people. Although the whole SCG tourney scene has really helped push magic, I miss the old days when PTQ's really ment something and Regionals in May being the biggest tourney of the year for those of us NOT on the pro-tour.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I guess I'm still lucky, relatively. There are 11 Magic Shops in Omaha, and they all the fight to the death for Pre-release turnouts. Shit like Moxen and Guaranteed Boxes beyond what Wizards offers (prize support vouchers to turn in after Release) in the top 8s.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pre-release weekend arrives once more.

Best clan is obviously Esper. Fuck yo Wedges.


Trakanon Raider
White green and blue are the best colors overall.. but you only need 2 colors now, so the best few cards of your 3rd color (even if it's technically the 'worst') is plenty.
I suppose green and black are close, green being more hit or miss, but red is definitely the weakest, and Mardu by extension imo.


Molten Core Raider
Went Jeskai for pre release hoping to get a Soulfire, but no luck. Got a mish mash and had to play three colors (Jeskai) and a splash into green for Yasova.

We kind of get screwed on prices and prizes over here. I paid just over $40, came second out of 80 people and only got 6 boosters (winner got 7 boosters).


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Ugh, I wanted to go to the prerelease but I was too depressed to leave my house.


Molten Core Raider
Ugh, I wanted to go to the prerelease but I was too depressed to leave my house.
I feel you mate - I have military PTSD. First time I've been out of my house in a couple months and I nearly turned around and came home just before I got to the store ><

edit : As an aside, Citadel Siege was massive for me as was Mastery of the Unseen. Great card.


First round pre-release today I sit down across from LSV. He's been coming to that store for most of the prereleases in the last couple of years. Turn 5 or so he plays his promo Soulfire Grandmaster. Okay, he gets that guy. Next turn he plays a Monastery Mentor.... These guys open Hall of Fame pools. He also had 2 Jeskai Infiltrator. Ironically, I blew game 3 from mistapping my mana on a Shu Yun activation and got blown out by Arcbond. Feels bad to be sooo close. And then I end up X-3 to get no prize. At least LSV was nice enough to give me a nice foil LSV token that he signed for me.



Molten Core Raider
Two prereleases on sat. Abzan with Ugin in each. scrub out of the first one by never drawing him. Second prerelease finish 4th at 4-1. Only loss was the only match I never played Ugin.


Trakanon Raider
The Sieges are powerful limited bombs. Palace Siege won a ton of games at the prerelease I was at Saturday.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Won our Saturday event with a UGW deck with 5 legends and 2 Hero's Blades. Felt like I was playing EDH. One of the very few times I've opened a booster box whose value exceeded the MSRP (Ugin, Soulfire Grandmaster, Monastery Mentor, Brutal Warchief, 2 fetches, Whisperwood Elemental).

Had a couple games end on t2 Hero's Blade, t3 Yasova/Shun Yu.

Cloudform is absolutely brutal with Bolster effects.


Trakanon Raider
Hero's Blade actually seems like it might be usable in the right constructed deck. At a minimum it's EDH gold.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Definitely moneydraft any foil ones you see if there's nothing you really need in the pack, and hold them for a year or more.


Went out of town with a few friends and played two Saturday. First pool was good. Smashed the shit out of our driver second round and three rounds of piss poor draws later I was 2-3. G5 I didn't take seriously though since I played someone I came with who was 2-2-0 so was giving him the win anyways rather than try to tie break into 7th or 8th. He ended up 6th and our driver was 7th. My other two loses were to 1st and 2nd Jeskai tempo with 16 removal spells and RB? with 3 RB dragons. They only paid to 5th place though which was bullshit.

2nd pod my pool was god awful. I was honestly dejected after I had laid out my cards. Made a shitty rush down deck of UGW. Went 0-2 against the same two fucking guys I went with I played earlier then won out against the bad players with bad decks I ran into from there. 7th - 12th were at 9 and I ended up 12th due to my god awful breakers. Another guy I was with split 1st and the two friends I played took 3rd and 4th. They paid to 8th that time after people who paid for both asked for refunds.

Aside from the two guys I played and myself having to round robin in both pods it was a good time. Already sick of hearing about my standings from folks since im the best limited player at our store though. The dash goblin is a crazy good card. The blue tap mythic and bounce rare were my MVPs. Green khan won me games in the second pod but mostly due my opponents being retarded. One game my opponent used the black mythic to manifest my tap mythic. Then turned him face up while I had the khan out. Swung for lethal the following turn... G5 same thing but my opponent cast his own leading to next turn lethal. Lethal was on board both games. Mind bottling.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Midnight: Open pool, say "God dammit" while staring at 2 Crucibles of the Spirit Dragon, play round 1, lose, leave.
Saturday 9am: Open pool, get 2 cloudform, win tournament.
Saturday 6pm: Open pool, get 1 cloudform, 1 Lightform, split finals to obtain sleep.
Sunday 9am: Open pool, get okay-ish pool, end up 4-2-1, miss prize.
Sunday 7pm: Open pool, get 2 cloudform, 1 lightform, win tournament.

Okay, so, Cloudform and Lightform have been really nice to me, but, seriously, the fuck were they thinking making these for limited; it's like I'm playing fucking Hearthstone and praying to RNGesus that my mechanoshredders hit gold.

60% chance to be a decent (Cloudform) or good (Lightform) rate body.
30% chance to be a good (Cloudform) or Good (Lightform) rate body and draw a card.
10% chance to OH DEAR GOD MY FACE IS MELTING WHY GOD WHY IS THAT WHISPERWOOD ELEMENTAL A FLYING HEXPROOF ASSHOLE. And you know, the less terrible situation of trying to race a 4+ power evasive lifelinker, for Lightform.

It doesn't feel good at all to win with these cards. I literally just flipped random shit off the top of my deck and hit Jackpot a couple times.

Manifest was fine in other situations, just those two Enchantments making it fucking random asshole mode. Really feel 1 mana undercosted, for limited. Still dreck for Constructed, of course.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Modern Ban List Updates:
-Birthing Pod Banned
-Dig Through Time Banned
-Treasure Cruise Banned
-Golgari Grave Troll Unbanned

Well, I can either spend $1200 to "convert" my Pod to BG/x, or I can just play a cheap combo deck. Pretty sure I'm playing a cheap combo deck.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's the Hater White Enchantment Sideboard's time to shine! Rest in Peace, Stony Silence, Suppression Field, Leyline, hoooooo