Murders and Shootings


Buzzfeed Editor
Dont you think that seems like a staggeringly high number for boys to have the same type of mental disorder?

And dont you think its very odd that boys have it 5x more than girls?
There was a pretty interesting study I read about from a Ted talk, I wish I could find it again. But it essentially talked about how Autism might be influenced by the information age. Since autistic children are generally less sociable but usually have stronger pattern recognition and information processing skills. The hypothesis was that because information now is sent without a lot of social cues, that those areas of the brain are diminishing while the areas that handle just the actual information are growing. Makes it really interesting when you combine that thought with the Ted talk about how society is "evolving" along the same patters of biology.

At first there were early "colonies" of cells, that worked loosely in cooperation, but with very primitive links. Just like early humans worked mostly by speech/signals, and in small groups.

Then those cells formed plants and other basic lifeforms, and their communication was driven by "slow" (Comparatively) but well defined chemical and receptor systems, that continually became more and more advanced. I'm a retard in bio, but I'm guessing our hormone/endo system is far more advanced than a say, a plants chemical equivellent--regardless he made points showing how chemical receptor systems went from very simple to highly complex and this growth allowed the life forms to become much more complex. Just like humans began to use writing and reading as forms of communication which allowed societies to become larger and more complex, and as the methods of writing and reading became more complex/faster (Paper, roads to carry paper, printing press and eventually systems dedicated to communication ect.), it allowed societies to grow larger and larger. (dark ages showed how societies complexity is hinged so directly on this, just like a life forms complexity is hinged on communication with other parts of itself.)

Then the advent of the nervous system came--and that allowed life to communicate very quickly, and it also allowed things to be passed down beyond just the genetic level (Teaching ect). This lead to an explosion of more complex life and really. In humans, he compared this to the advent of the telegraph (Simple nervous system) and eventually growing into the internet, and the internet even growing to be more portable/ubiquitous/accessible (Smart Phones, Lap tops ect)---and he compared this to more complex nervous systems, like in higher animals. He even mentioned that with the nervous system, bio evolution might have peeked, and the only form of advancement now was cooperative life among animals, which is why cooperative living mimics (In communication terms) evolution, because it's an aspect of it.

Anyway, long story, but the interesting thing was that through it all, the cells of had to adapt. If we view humans as components of "society organisms", with how fast information gets exchanged, I wonder if that study about Autism being a form of adaptation isn't onto something. Maybe our primitive social cues are just dying out, and people are switching over to a more effifient method of communicating information.

TLDR--We're going to be like these guys eventually. No emotions, or defining features, just junctions for information.


Of course, we could always go the Borg route too, that would be cool.



Vyemm Raider
So I found my old post in response to the Virginia Tech shooting...

"The reaction to any action is entirely based on it's proximity. The reason we are discussing our society and the motivations that individuals might have to undermine it only appears in a time of local crises.

The real heart of the matter is not the motivations or machinations of society upon the individual, but the state of individuals as they exist in society.

And right now, there are some really sick people walking around.

And yet, this becomes an unexpected malady when one of the truly morose members of our communities takes action before the eyes of the public.

This atrocity, the ones before it and the ones sure to follow are all a finite portion of violent opportunities that have yet to be capitalized on. Efforts need to be made to eliminate those opportunities. Simply reacting after the fact is a very expensive way to learn.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
You guys probably won't think of this, but insurance agencies will start ww3 with any provider asking them to cover someone without a clear diagnosis. I work in the mental health/substance abuse field and it's a nightmare. Thats why bipolar has become so popular lately. It's a catchall diagnosis.

Also, my nephew was just diagnosed with autism. Is it bad? No. can he function? Yes. However he just turned 6 and we haven't been able to sing happy birthday to him in 4 years because he can't deal with loud noises. Because we know this now, and because he's been getting treatment, he can celebrate a normal birthday with him... Just have to sing quieter. So don't tell me that it's all bs.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
There was a pretty interesting study I read about from a Ted talk, I wish I could find it again. But it essentially talked about how Autism might be influenced by the information age. Since autistic children are generally less sociable but usually have stronger pattern recognition and information processing skills. The hypothesis was that because information now is sent without a lot of social cues, that those areas of the brain are diminishing while the areas that handle just the actual information are growing.
How did they defend the argument that young children's social life hasn't changed much even if their parents communicate more via digital mediums (aka without social clues)?

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Women are biologically more prone to depression, any other excuse is a lie. The biggest fuck-up of the modern left is not to recognize actual biological differences between men and women and boys and girls.

Gender is not a sociological construct.
Only someone as stupid as you would think Araysar's opinion on Autism is held by all those on the left, you really are one fucked up stupid individual. The claim the left doesn't recognize biological differences between men and women and girls and boys is almost as comical as you are retarded, sorry but the left isn't known as the anti-science party in America. Araysar's opinion is down right retarded, retarded on a level that is equal to anything you have ever posted.


Buzzfeed Editor
How did they defend the argument that young children's social life hasn't changed much even if their parents communicate more via digital mediums (aka without social clues)?
Well, he mentioned two things. The first of which is that children's social life HAS changed. A great deal, actually. Children are more likely to gain information through a much larger variety of mediums. He gave the example that there are now dozens of channels, all built for children, with different shows the effectively convey information on a scale that a toddler can understand. He's also said that children are exposed to their first computers, and electronic devices far, far earlier than they were just a generation ago (I forget the exact numbers but he showed that more than 70% of all children will manipulate and gain information from a computer device before first grade. That number was sub 10% a generation ago.)

I'm surprised you don't think this has changed. The only electronic medium I was exposed to by age 8 was NES and computer, and I was lucky growing up, none of my friends had the computer until they were 13 or so. The computer had Sim Ant, and no internet, and the NES had Super Mario Bros and Zelda. My two youngest nephews are 6 and 7 and they already have full lists of video games they want, and they are good at them, too, heh. They love flash games online, and both have tons of electronic toys (Little Pokemon things I don't know what their called.) I mean, do you go into your kids room and see the same thing as your childhood? Heck, I certainly didn't send text messages--but that's how all of my kids get a hold of me or mom in work.

I don't think people really appreciate how ubiquitous technology has become in our lives. I'd say our kids social structure has changed a great deal.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I never discuss politics or religion on facebook, but I shared this video because I think it neutral, honest & on point.

Didn't see it on ReRo so here you go ...

What is nice about this video is he admits to not knowing the answers but knowing that 54 school shootings in American schools over the last 16 years needs to change. If only gun right's activists would say this. I'm not smart enough to know what needs done but...I'm going to use the same old tripe from the 90s to make my arguments today. What's worse is this.

Basically, he admits that he's a moron that other morons voted in but he still thinks he needs to contribute to the national debate. I still havent seen good arguments for huge magazines, tricked out super rifles(didnt want to say assault weapon!), and bulletproof vests besides, Im a gun nut and the Constitution gave me this right. I've heard the comparisons with cars, alcohol, video games, etc but nothing else mentioned has been made to just kill people. I also find the armed citizenry response not only laughable but it reminds me of a Merlin type response. I know the people on these forums at least can argue much better than most forums.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The NRA should have told everyone today to suck it and tell everyone to start looking at their own fucked up precious little snowflakes instead of guns.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What is nice about this video is he admits to not knowing the answers but knowing that 54 school shootings in American schools over the last 16 years needs to change. If only gun right's activists would say this.
3.375 school shootings a year in a country of over 300 million. OH GOD WONT SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN