My Spider Bro


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Wolf Spiders - See above pic.

I live in Massachusetts (South Hadley) and these things are everywhere out here. They used to frequent the inside of my house and they would get as big as my hand, spread out. They are scary looking and WILL bite you, but, it's nothing to worry about. I deal with them if they are in the house.. I don't care about around the yard - I leave them be and they leave me be.
I used to only see them in my garage. Not sure how they would be getting into your house unless you left the door open 24/7 or your basement was wicked old ;p


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
brown recluse confirm/deny


> Than U
Legs seem too fat, but the angle is all wrong, need a ass shot from behind towards front to ID the violin or a close higher res of the eyes. I give it a 50/50 you are going to die tonight.


I hope everyone in this thread dies. With these stories I've basically crossed off half the united states in term of places I could live. I see a tiny harmless spider running around my house maybe once a week and that is borderline intolerable. If I had fucking rat spiders running around I'd drop out of school, give up on my dreams and move.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Update on Spider bro: Just got back from vacation. Spider bro has built a new web that I previously destroyed but she seems to have eaten her food source all up. Haven't seen a millipede since I've been back and she's got nothing in her web. I feel like I need to leave out some fruit somewhere so I can catch a couple flies for her. Will update later.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
It's deadliest as in it kills you by giving you "an erection that lasts more than 4 hours". Really. From the wiki:
Spider broke my dick!

But I have seen a bunch of documentaries on the Sydney Funnel Webs. They are extremely aggressive and I guess like it in doors which makes them doubly dangerous.

Also I would say that is probably not a recluse in the picture . Not sure how big it is but recluse are about the size of a dime and generally a light brown. But can also check for the violin to be sure!


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
brown recluse confirm/deny

If I wasn't lazy I'd get my camera out at night and look around the baseboards here, or in the basement. Sometimes I'll be taking a dump at night and I'll see one skirting the edge of the bathroom. We've got fucktons of them but I don't think I've ever been bitten.

I do still have this pic that I took a long time ago when I was changing bulbs and had to take the glass down from a fixture. Kind of hard to see that they're recluses when they're all shriveled up and dead though. I also put one of my Obama Bucks in there, so you know that it's real.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Legs seem too fat, but the angle is all wrong, need a ass shot from behind towards front to ID the violin or a close higher res of the eyes. I give it a 50/50 you are going to die tonight.
some scientist_sl said:
For starters, he said,people waste their time searching for the supposed identifying mark of the brown recluse: a dark brown, inverted violin shape on the spider's body. While many brown recluses have this mark, many others don't, including the juvenile brown recluses


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

If I wasn't lazy I'd get my camera out at night and look around the baseboards here, or in the basement. Sometimes I'll be taking a dump at night and I'll see one skirting the edge of the bathroom. We've got fucktons of them but I don't think I've ever been bitten.

I do still have this pic that I took a long time ago when I was changing bulbs and had to take the glass down from a fixture. Kind of hard to see that they're recluses when they're all shriveled up and dead though. I also put one of my Obama Bucks in there, so you know that it's real.

Time to move.


Graybeard Lurker
Spiders are only bros when they stay outside.

I might try and help one outside, unless I see it in the shower. Spiders in the shower are gonna get jibbed.


I think I have a problem. I took advice from a post in another forum such as this post and let the spiders live instead of killing them. While they're relatively out of my way and I rarely see them, I've had zero bugs in the house. My thoughts "AWSOME! No bugs!"... Until last week that is. I am finding hordes and hordes of dead spiders. One of a few things is happening: Families of spiders are all shedding their skins/shells/whatever at the same time, God's plan is taking place in which they all die because there's no food, or there's a genetically enhanced super spider on the loose and is mass murdering other spiders in preparations in coming for me. The last has me not sleeping well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Number 3 sounds awesome, make sure to take pictures and get bitten so you can become spiderman!


Musty Nester
Or pregnant.

Your spider child will be a hideous crime against nature, but you will love it and protect it because that's what parents do. Until you get hungry, and then you will eat it. Because that's what spiders do. It's the cycle of life man.



Trakanon Raider
Hatorade, after reading about that spider, you seem damn lucky it didn't fucking murder-rape you. I have never even heard of those, but from the picture and description, those fangs are the stuff of nightmares. At least recluses and widows are tiny with tiny fangs, I'd rather die a slow death of necrotoxin than have a spider with those things tear holes in my flesh/soul. Also, house centipedes, cure for the common bug. Yeah they are creepy as shit, but they sure as fuck won't bother you and they clear other arthropods like nobodies business.


Life's a Dream
They have really awesome looking spiders in Japan. I took this shot the last time I was there. I've never seen ones with a leg style like this before. They're ALL OVER in that country, though. Well, anywhere there's wildlife. My wife's parents house is about a 15-20 minute walk from the beach. You walk through a park to get there, and these spiders are all over the park. We then walked down a little tree covered path a block from the beach, and we had to turn around. You couldn't walk 2 feet without seeing another GIANT web. And these spiders are huge too. Like 2.5-3" leg span. God damn.



A nice asshole.
Hatorade, after reading about that spider, you seem damn lucky it didn't fucking murder-rape you. I have never even heard of those, but from the picture and description, those fangs are the stuff of nightmares. At least recluses and widows are tiny with tiny fangs, I'd rather die a slow death of necrotoxin than have a spider with those things tear holes in my flesh/soul. Also, house centipedes, cure for the common bug. Yeah they are creepy as shit, but they sure as fuck won't bother you and they clear other arthropods like nobodies business.
It has rained every other day all week, so the back yard is now over grown and I still have to wait to cut it. I am going to bring a glass jar with lid with me when I cut it again, hopefully I can find this fucker and get some pictures.


Musty Nester
Garden spiders are the gnarliest looking, most harmless spiders.

I've got spiders that look like that Japanese spider in birch trees. The webs are huge sometimes. Usually they're a foot across at best, but sometimes those spiders get a bug up their ass and will make a 2 foot wide web. And they're just hanging out right in the middle of it, daring your ass to do something about it.

Nope. If you're gonna be a dick about it I just won't mow under that tree.