NeverGrind: EQ inspired, browser-based single player RPG


I'm looking forward to the hardcore leaderboards, standard mode is for casuals.

BTW I was mostly kidding about the hiphop beats on the bard, I usually have music going and the volume off anyways.

D2 aura sounds make my peen tingle so you're good there. Pending copyright should you make profit on this. (Might need to do a mix on the sounds for legal reasons)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Thanks Crone. Yes, I am always dreaming up new ways to improve the game. I think the combo ratings may go along with what you are talking about, no? There's a new leaderboard that rates the best combos in the game which is basically a leaderboard for skilled gameplay instead of quantity of gameplay.
Edit: Maybe a simpler question, than all the spam below, is what's there to bring a casual back to playing? The story, and killing some mobs? Maybe for a time. I'm not a fantastic player, and inevitably the combo leaderboard will have such a high level of entry, it'll be useless to even attempt to get on it. So now what brings me back? What can I do to get on the leaderboard?

Absolutely. That is a start. I think one thing that I liked so much about one mobile game I played, that was in the same vein of Clash of Clans, is that my little clan had just a few people, and you got points from PvP, and you'd go to leaderboards, and as I said above, you'd be like 4560 place outta 10,541 people or whatever. Because there were so many other clans you were ranked against, we'd all PvP for a day, and then we'd look at the leaderboards again, and now we are rank 1,231. Then we'd PvP some more, and we'd break into the top 1000. For me personally, that was a huge hook, that even the slightest bit of playing the game made a difference, because some other clans were only a few points ahead of you at any given time. It wasn't until you broke into the top 50 or so that it got cut-throat, and it was more of a life style than a game. haha!

With combos? I feel there aren't enough ranks, but I think it's still great to have. I compare combo's directly to Diablo 3's greater rift progression. The highest rift completed keeps going up as people figure out ways to optimize that style of play. I'm sure the same will happen for combo's, as it's a slow climb, and mastery of your class, not just something that will spam up very quickly.

Maybe my first example is too casual, but being able to see progress with only a little bit of time invested made me want to keep coming back for more, and honestly, spending money on in game purchases to speed things up, so I could progress a little more, a little faster, etc...


A nice asshole.
So I made it to level nine as a bard and said fuck you life, deleted the character and made a wizard with the same name, interestingly it kept my level. Good times.


So I made it to level nine as a bard and said fuck you life, deleted the character and made a wizard with the same name, interestingly it kept my level. Good times.
lol... nice one. I thought I disabled creating a character with the same name twice.. hmmmm. I think I'll have to fix that one!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It looks like I'm not showing up on the leaderboards. I guess those don't really matter at this point, because a wipe is coming after the Kickstarter? I don't now, but see a few other peeps on there, and was curious.


It's only showing test server accounts up there. So just a handful of people. It used to be all of the local players up there, but I swapped it to test season only to help promote the existence of server accounts.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ohhh, ok!

Tried out Paladin and Rogue this evening, and a few more levels on my Warrior. Rogue is by far the easiest class to start with. Just so much damage. Hit a 5 kill combo at level 2 or something. Can't come even close to that with the other classes that I've tried.


I was deleting characters (hardcore) and remaking and it worked out okay. Must be a casual problem.


Trakanon Raider
Since EQ heavily inspired your project have you thought about asking DayBreak for permission to use a major character or two (such as Naggy or Vox) as a special boss or bonus area? Was just thinking the other day it would be cool if you could put an Easter Egg in the game that gives a nod back to EQ. Good job btw Maelfyn. Best of luck with this project!


Daybreak probably doesn't even know who Lord Nagafen is... honestly, I thought it would be a great cross-promotional opportunity to work with them in some official capacity, but I'm not sure they would care to do such a thing. If the website manages to achieve some growth they may decide to take notice. Like I could help them promote EQ Next or something like that.


They can't even offer basic GM CSR support. No way in hell are they branching out for new business colabs. At this point you're better off staying away from Daybreak. You've got just enough of that EQ feel with character creation and mob types/art.

If KS gets funded I say offer Mobile Support as a stretch goal. I'd love to play this game on my phone instead of Candy Crush or other dumb games.


Trakanon Raider
Mobile Device support would be great. I would more likely play this on a consistent basis if that was made available.