Neverwinter: PC


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hah yea... Ill get back to it this weekend but it didn't have me wanting to continue to play it. Worst part is there really Isn't any feedback in regards to changes I could give then that would change my overall impression. The design is very casual which is fine. It just doesn't have a MMO feel to me and maybe a bit too repetitive too soon.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The first queue'able instance (Blacklake Terror) the final chest bugged out and no one could open it.

Tried to leave the instance but it said you must collect your treasure before leaving. So now my group is stuck in this instance. Relogged and brought me to entrance of said instance. Logged out.


The first queue'able instance (Blacklake Terror) the final chest bugged out and no one could open it.

Tried to leave the instance but it said you must collect your treasure before leaving. So now my group is stuck in this instance. Relogged and brought me to entrance of said instance. Logged out.
I had this happen also.

This game is not for me. In fact I wouldn't even call it an MMO. I hit level 10 and it opened PVP but the PVP queue isn't active so I can't try it out either. I'm done with this. Back to waiting for ESO.


<Silver Donator>
It's not really a mmo, it's like Guild Wars(first one not 2nd one). Or a better comparison I think, it's very much like a korean F2P game, say Dragon Nest. There's areas where it's "open" where you can see a few players but it's like 12ppl per instance or something so you just see a few people stealing your mobs mmo style, and then you enter an instance for a quest and alone again.

Got to lvl 13 or 14 on a cleric. The combat got better at lvl 10 when I got the divinity stance shit, but overall it's still not great and you end up with a pretty low amount of abilities, which I guess is alright if you had a lot of choice but so far not the case. Hope they do what most mmos do and stack the spells in the early leveling instead of spreading them out, gives more choice earlier to customize your style of play especially in a game with only 5abilities.

However I haven't seen anything interesting when soloing, I saw traps but they were boring "you walk here you take dmg" traps. No puzzles and shit like in DDO, just ultra linear shitty dungeons with just packs of of the same mobs over and over, then a boss fight that has one attack that you have to dodge out of(well that you can dodge out of, if you're a cleric you don't need to dodge shit you just outheal everything, at least at low lvl) and a lot of hp. Rinse repeat, the story isn't interesting either, the unskippable undubbed cutscenes in dungeons get annoying, there is as far as I can tell only one way to progress.

Really the only saving grace I guess is the Foundry thing, adding new content all the time and shit, I haven't checked it out. Sounds interesting but I don't know if it's worth bothering to play.

My final judgement is it basically feels like a F2P korean mmo. Not a shitty one but a decent quality one like Dragon Nest or Vindictus. It's not a mmo by western standards(or even by korean standards when you consider the real big ones like Aion, Tera, Blade&Soul, Archeage etc). But really reminded me of Dragon Nest with much shittier combat but better graphics(not by much though) and character developement.

Might pick it up when it releases since it's F2P, but I'll wait to see if they add a class I actually like, so far I didn't like 3 out of the 4 classes and doubt I'll like the tank. Also fuck them for having a 2char limit on a beta. Or on live. 2 is a really shitty number even though it doesn't cost much to extend it by 2.
Lol, I remember when Cryptic was going to release Neverwinter around two years ago before being bought out by Perfect World. And then PW decided that it was in their best interest to make the game a "proper mmo" and give it some more development time. Fast forward to the current beta and you have to wonder just what Cryptic was going to originally release..


Trakanon Raider
How and at what stage can you start grouping up? All of this talk of single player doesn't sound good.


Scary part as well is all, besides the graphics that make the Alpha runescape game from 2006 look good is, its buggy as hell atm yah its beta but they been raveing about this game since all of 2012 at game conventions lol.

Also we are talking perfect world here and Cryptic not sure which is worst, so I can promise you they are going to add lockboxes in the chest form, that cant be picked with thief or magic user or scroll, that will need special key or scroll from the in game cash store ala Star trek online as another money grab.

This last point have not seen anyone think of yet, but I would be shocked if that is not in game soon.


Potato del Grande
Scary part as well is all, besides the graphics make Alpha runescape game from 2006 look good, is its buggy as hell atm yah its beta but they been raveing about this game since all of 2012 at game conventions lol.

Also we are talking perfect world here and Cryptic not sure which is worst, so I can promise you they are going to add lockboxes in the chest form, that cant be picked with thief or magic user or scroll, that will need special key or scroll from the in game cash store ala Star trek online as another money grab.

This last point have not seen anyone think of yet, but I would be shocked if that is not in soon.
Yeah their shop is total bullshit, I just bought a key to decipher your post and it still makes dick all sense.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was starting to get perturbed that there were ZERO puzzle / skill games. However I just ran across a lever puzzle in the Dead Rats game that restored my faith. Exposed a secret chest.

It'd be better if the maps in between the areas was open world pvp


<Silver Donator>
I was starting to get perturbed that there were ZERO puzzle / skill games. However I just ran across a lever puzzle in the Dead Rats game that restored my faith. Exposed a secret chest.

It'd be better if the maps in between the areas was open world pvp
Oh right forgot about that one, but it was so simple it didn't even register as a puzzle, considering the answer is in the message right next to the puzzle, and not in a cryptic form. By that time in DDO you had a bunch of puzzles like the one where you have to move squares with links on them around to link the start and the end and shit like that, much more interesting puzzles. Maybe later there's better puzzles but meh I don't know.

On the grouping question, you start grouping when you get to the area after the first town, forgot the name but like when you're going after the crown's thief. There's a "skirmish" they call it, you have to bring up the queue menu or the home menu and queue from there, it's instant grouping matchmaking kind of stuff, literally took 1sec to find a group. Inside though was the most uninventive boring dungeon I've done in a while, basically, stand in one spot while a bunch of zombies spawn in waves, last wave has some sort of boss that does literally nothing but one attack with a 4secs charge up you kinda want to dodge. I wanted to try the 2nd skirmish(orc assault one) but it's either bugged or much higher lvl than you get the quest for it is, or it's not in. The first dungeon is 16, which I find is a bit slow, I might play again tomorrow though and get there to check it out see if there's some good content. If the first dungeon sucks though, I'd say I'm done with this game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The Foundry is the thing that should make this game stand out, however it does need a solid set of tools to really work. Players can create great stories and dialogue, in time the quallity stuff will be there. However, the Foundry needs to provide enough tools so that they can indeed make interesting dungeons. I am not sure if the Foundry is up to the task of making more complex and challenging dungeons then DDO. If it can, then the Foundry will be what Neverwinter will discern from DDO.

But by the look of the early company-made dungeons, it does not look good, though they probably wanted to keep the early dungeons easy and simple. The clump of mobs--->clump of mobs--->clump of mobs--->clump of mobs with Boss is getting old really fast. No amount of excellent player-created Story and dialogue will be able to redeem that. Going to play some Foundry stuff this evening.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Played for about 2 hours maybe, at about level 3 I was pretty sick of the follow this line to find whoever/whatever. Think I hit level 6 and the line was still there, does it end at some point?


Played for about 2 hours maybe, at about level 3 I was pretty sick of the follow this line to find whoever/whatever. Think I hit level 6 and the line was still there, does it end at some point?
nope mean really no, I got to 17 unless it changes at 20+ other then need more exp to level, then hell no.


I'm kinda glad to hear the negative reviews. I don't like the idea of what they are doing with the D&D IP. Also, I still play DDO between other MMO's and I'd hate to have to choose between two D&D games. I'm not super happy with what DDO did with the IP, but at least their dungeons are unique and fun, with decent story lines and opportunities to solve them in different ways based on class/party makeup.

I'm still waiting for the day when D&D gets a proper sandbox style game. I'll prob be like 60 by then, but maybe we can fix ageing while we are it...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Having hit level 10, so far, if you want a more DND feel stick with DDO. Neverwinter gives off a DND vibe, but with more action combat and less puzzles. And even LESS interaction. Which is contrary to what DND stands for.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The Foundry might help this game..but the problem is that it's so boring in the early stages. Games being free are great but this might be a case of a game being better off having a box sale as people would not want to discard it as fast. A lot of people will quit this game in the first 2-5 hours. Paying a box sale may of kept them around a little bit longer for the Foundry to hook them. The hook is terribly missing.