Neverwinter: PC

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Not sure I like the graphics, and controls seem a bit slow on the response compared to GW2. Not moving while using attacks feels odd, does that apply to all classes and attacks or just some? I found the ton of rp options that do nothing in game a nice touch, something the more dedicated foundry users might tap into maybe? NWN1 had crazy persistant worlds being done with their map tools, I wonder how far you can take it with the foundry. It felt very on rails but I'll see if that changes. Big wtf moment was the stat rolling with vague descriptions of what they do, kinda a throwback to old games like EQ that didnt tell you what or if anything your allocated stats did. Or maybe I didnt see that info.

Most interesting of the three betas I tried this week (the others being marvel heroes and dragons prophet). I think they should've waited for maybe 3 more classes before going open, the selection seems very limited.


Launch day for any FTP title is gonna be pretty shitty, especially with an IP like Neverwinter. That being said, Cryptic is a crap studio who hasn't done anything worthwhile since CoH yet has someone managed to lock down two of the hugest IPs you can get.
As much as I wish it were true, D&D isn't really a top tier IP anymore. The percentage of people born after 1990 who have played the thing is far, far smaller than those who came before (like me).


Vyemm Raider
As much as I wish it were true, D&D isn't really a top tier IP anymore. The percentage of people born after 1990 who have played the thing is far, far smaller than those who came before (like me).
Actually, you're wrong. You really think a small core of aging old school PnP gamers is enough to keep companies like WoTC afloat? Hell, DDO is ancient now, and FTP and still manages to generate enough funds for Turbine to keep it running and adding to it.


Actually, you're wrong. You really think a small core of aging old school PnP gamers is enough to keep companies like WoTC afloat? Hell, DDO is ancient now, and FTP and still manages to generate enough funds for Turbine to keep it running and adding to it.
Again, as much I as I would love it to be true...

But since I am a previous employee of both Wizards of the Coast and of Turbine, I know quite well how well both of those companies did and are doing today. And the average audience of D&D gamers is sadly aging greatly, by about 9 months a year (data was of 2004 or so). As far as how they are doing, you can find out yourself if you want look at the data of the publicly traded parent companies.

Anyway when I mean top tier IP in this genre, I don't mean an IP that has a healthy number of loyal fans. I mean blockbuster IPs that don't have a hundred thousand or two, but millions. So: Star Wars. Marvel. DC. Skyrim. Lord of the Rings. Warcraft. League of Legends. Diablo. Call of Duty.

Let me put it this way, if D&D was a top tier IP, DDO would be on this message board's front page, and NWN would have more than twenty pages of posts of anticipation and discussion.


Vyemm Raider
Why would DDO be on the front page? It is ancient, has a shitty looking graphics engine which isn't aging well, a lame environment (eberron) and has been a pretty lackluster title in a lot of ways, probably having to do with Turbine putting all their eggs in their Lotro basket. Neverwinter not generating a lot of excitement on this board has a shitload more to do with it being run by Cryptic and PWE, than it does the amount of interest in the IP. That and the fact that the game is pretty shallow and how obvious it is that all they really cared about was their fucking cash shop.

A D&D mmo done right could easily generate a million box sales. You'd probably have to launch with more than 5 classes though, lol.

Edit: Also, how well WoTC and Turbine are doing financially really doesn't factor in to how large the D&D fanbase is. Especially when you take into consideration the fact that anyone can torrent any D&D rulebook at will, in minutes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You both have valid points. But the IP really isn't that important when it comes to the eventual success of an mmo. SWTOR and LoL are very good examples of that. SWTOR's IP is the top of the bunch but it couldn't make SWTOR a top mmo. And LoL didn't have any IP presence before the game came out. It was the gameplay that made LoL the blockbuster that it is today.

A new DDO mmo could make billions, but only if it were a great game. IP recognition would help it a bit in the early days but not much.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Again, as much I as I would love it to be true...

But since I am a previous employee of both Wizards of the Coast and of Turbine, I know quite well how well both of those companies did and are doing today. And the average audience of D&D gamers is sadly aging greatly, by about 9 months a year (data was of 2004 or so). As far as how they are doing, you can find out yourself if you want look at the data of the publicly traded parent companies.

Anyway when I mean top tier IP in this genre, I don't mean an IP that has a healthy number of loyal fans. I mean blockbuster IPs that don't have a hundred thousand or two, but millions. So: Star Wars. Marvel. DC. Skyrim. Lord of the Rings. Warcraft. League of Legends. Diablo. Call of Duty.

Let me put it this way, if D&D was a top tier IP, DDO would be on this message board's front page, and NWN would have more than twenty pages of posts of anticipation and discussion.
WotC is Hasbro's most profitable division the past 2 years running, thanks to a huge influx of new and returning MTG players.


Yes, Hasbro bought WotC for Pokemans and Magic, not D&D. D&D is like the redheaded stepchild at WotC at this point. Hasbro has kind of let D&D fall to the wayside, both as a product line and as an IP in the past several years.

It seems a lot of the biggest and most vocal D&D fans are the people who remember old stuff they enjoyed years ago, which of course makes it hard to put out anything new for it as well. (WotC has just been re-releasing 1st and 3rd edition books instead of producing new ones the past several months)


Molten Core Raider
Anyone around lvl 12-13 on mindflayer looking to group? cleric here.

que is fucked, i keep going from 9k to 19k.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So, random information that I can't seem to find online while waiting in the queueueueue. What's the baseline Critical Damage Intensity for melee attacks? 100%?


The game might not be the best in the west , but saying d&d is 90's, this is mega laugh worthy, it's like listening to itzena on the ign board back on the eq days, or reading erronious's long noob posts. /mega facepalm.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think their queue is broken. Starts at the mid 7k's, drops down a bit, then jumps to 28k and never moves.


<Silver Donator>
Well their fix to the lagging servers was to simply add a limit to the amount of people in and a queue. Seems to have worked fine for the servers stability but yeah I assume the queue is dumb as fuck, I logged back in after their maintenance and already had a 400people queue, haven't logged off since though so I'm fine.

Playing a control wizard, class is alright, I like the spells, wish the cooldowns were shorter, hopefully the cooldown reduction stat actually does something decent for that.

Not a very good game but meh I'm bored enough. Oh also fuck whoever thought of having this kind of crafting and not having some sort of notice when you have free crafting slots or a progress bar for your current crafting or whatever.


Everyone and their mothers are downloading this game right now, took forever to update. I finally got in and in queue.. They should have probably opened up another server or 5.