New Rule: Should we cull all EQ-Neckbeard discussion from game threads?


Trakanon Raider
So many people deathly afraid that they can't or won't be heard are shouting down everyone else that's trying to be heard. Without the thought that it is they who are creating an atmosphere of pure noise where nothing can be heard. You wouldn't be giving up the right to speak (that's censorship), but rather giving everyone a chance to speak.

If Draegen and the rest of the mods start deleting and altering posts instead of moving them, I'm all for overthrowing the regime. Till then, I'd rather everyone got a chance to be heard instead of the drowning sea of white noise we've had lately.


Registered Hutt
If everyone who hated EQ neckbeards voted YES, then YES would have it. Instead some of us are voting NO to avoid undue moderation. It's not a one-issue vote.

Lost Ranger_sl

If everyone who hated EQ neckbeards voted YES, then YES would have it. Instead some of us are voting NO to avoid undue moderation. It's not a one-issue vote.
I was just going to post the same thing. Multiple issues blanketed under a simple yes or no vote was only going to turn out one way. I'd vote a enthusiastic yes to dialing the EQ shit down, but I love some good armchair dev'ing. I also don't think it should of ever been considered as a punishable offense. In hind sight I should of voted no as well because I only agree with a small part of the bigger picture.

At the end of the day this is just a respect thing. There are 6 threads dedicated to EQ. People should show some respect and not actively try to make sure every other thread has EQ nostalgia puked all over it. Doesn't need moderated, maybe just this thread alone will get some people to dial it down. /shrug


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just neg the fuck out of people that make shitty posts and derails. Call them names, make fun of their mothers, and say how their sister's give great head. Give them 4th degree burns with flames. If they are still too retarded to shut the fuck up, ignore them.

Message boards with freedom of speech rules (written and unwritten) kind of suck.


Musty Nester
Anyone want to start an all gnome guild with me?

Steamfont server.

Edit: I know the guy who wrote guk, we can totally have whatever name we pick.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Just neg the fuck out of people that make shitty posts and derails. Call them names, make fun of their mothers, and say how their sister's give great head. Give them 4th degree burns with flames. If they are still too retarded to shut the fuck up, ignore them.
Doesn't work if the people doing the shitty posting and derailing are otherwise held in high regard, which they generally are. Still, if nothing else, that at least sounds like it would be fun to read.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I don't care either way but does it really matter if the avatar next to a post has +50 or -50 next to it because you'll likely read it either way if it's in the middle of a thread.


No thanks. Neg, ignore, troll... plenty of tools available for dealing with the derails. Keep in mind it swings both ways, I recall the eq cheaters nostalgia thread which was derailed and killed by a bunch of fags.


French Madman
No thanks. Neg, ignore, troll... plenty of tools available for dealing with the derails. Keep in mind it swings both ways, I recall the eq cheaters nostalgia thread which was derailed and killed by a bunch of fags.
Neg : Who the fucking cares about getting negs? I mean, really? Do someone magicaly stops being dumb/obnoxious because of a few negs?

Ignore : Yeah, that's really working fine when half the other people in the thread are quoting the guys you have on ignore.

Troll : Really? REALLY? Let's stop a derail by trolling the guy starting it, thus derailing the thread even further?

The tools you suggest are just completely ineffective for stopping derail, so stop spouting non-sense.


Buzzfeed Editor
Neg : Who the fucking cares about getting negs? I mean, really? Do someone magicaly stops being dumb/obnoxious because of a few negs?

Ignore : Yeah, that's really working fine when half the other people in the thread are quoting the guys you have on ignore.

Troll : Really? REALLY? Let's stop a derail by trolling the guy starting it, thus derailing the thread even further?

The tools you suggest are just completely ineffective for stopping derail, so stop spouting non-sense.
Want a tool to help you with derails? Get a rag, so you can wash the sand out of your massive vagina and skip the fucking posts.


French Madman
Want a tool to help you with derails? Get a rag, so you can wash the sand out of your massive vagina and skip the fucking posts.
Let me reiterate this in english for you, dipshit.

Never did I claimed that I wanted any tools to fix this retardation. What I did claim though, is that people saying there are tools to fix it are just fucking retarded, period.

I don't even care about this whole argument anymore because I mostly stopped browsing MMO General. Because, you know, I come here to read new things, not the same crap that has been rehashed over for months in every fucking thread.


Buzzfeed Editor
Let me reiterate this in english for you, dipshit.

Never did I claimed that I wanted any tools to fix this retardation. What I did claim though, is that people saying there are tools to fix it are just fucking retarded, period.

I don't even care about this whole argument anymore because I mostly stopped browsing MMO General. Because, you know, I come here to read new things, not the same crap that has been rehashed over for months in every fucking thread.
Let me help you with English--the person said there were tools to DEAL with it, not fucking fix it. And that's all you should be worried about, dealing with your preferences--like skipping the posts, or not reading an MMO forum and expecting previous MMO's to be discussed even though the market for them is more incestuous than a family from Kentucky. The person you quoted is simply assuming your vagina isn't sandy enough that you expect a mod to use a moist towelette on the irritants to make you comfortable (IE completely "fix" the conversation to your liking). He is saying there are tools to let youdealwith it like any normal adult would when he is involved in a conversation he doesn't like, such as: ignoring it until the derail stops, or casually poking fun at the person for being an asshole until he gets the point!

I mean, do you run and cry to your boss when a co-worker starts talking about a different show around the water cooler, and it's not the show the original conversation started over? No? Then why the fuck are you here saying that these are not effective ways to deal with the situation? The fact is, you are assuming "deal with it" means there should be a system that completelycontrolshow organic conversations ebb and flow, and forces them to fit your standards of what's acceptable.

So the point still stands, get a rag, clean the sand out of your vagina and understand that the tools present in this community are fine fordealingwith anyone that isn't intentionally trolling to shit out of people.



Yeah. 42% vs 58%. Definitely not a polarizing issue. Very one-sided, right?
I don't disagree it's polarizing, why the fuck do you think there's a 10 page thread on it and hundreds of replies? Regardless, it looks like a clear majority to me. Deal with your butthurt.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
This is a game thread section for game(s) discussions and while this is about game discussions-discussion, at what point will this thread become a General, Grown Up Stuff, other or Retard Rickshaw move? Maybe create another section for "polls" or "laws and fools" or "Kings and Jesters".

I understand in the beginning the need to post at this location for best audience visibility but will it be viable down the road or a much needed sticking point for both sides to use at will as a hate thread. Maybe rename this thread's title, sticky it and keep it as a complaint thread for those to jump to when fighting starts out in other threads under this section as a sidebar of sorts. Not advocating moving posts in a thread but a thread for fights.
I do want to add to that, if a fight thread is done, PLEASE put in a sidebar betting game to it for rating burns, ignores and fan service.

The neg thing, I just dont see it as much of a point and till someone said anything about it I always and will most likely still ignore. Posters are like critics, you can get a feel of how they are after a few posts and will like or dislike them over time. I dont think negs will help me with my decision on liking or hating someone. But the begging game, oh ya.


Can we rate posts instead of the posters? The posts with the highest rating could be emphasized more, a la slash dot org style.