NFL 2017-18: Watch athletes destroy their brains


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Remembering Sean Taylor

This is a great read, some amazing stories in there.

"I remember sitting in meetings, and Bill Belichick was showing highlights," Wilfork said. "He told Tom Brady, 'Let me tell you something, if you lob a ball up, he will find it. If you don't believe me, watch this play.' He put on a play, and Sean was on one side of the ball, the quarterback threw to the other side, and he tracked the ball from one side of the field to the other. You could just hear in the meeting room, people were like, 'Oh my God.' I thought right then and there everybody on my team saw what type of player he was."

Probably the best player I have ever seen play football. Would have maybe gone down as that if he had gotten to play a full career. Hard to believe its already been 10 years.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I can tell you from experience that it doesn't take much to make the other guy feel it and get pissed if you hit in the solar plexus just where the pads end. I saw an old NFL films on a lineman named Boom Boom where he talked about doing that to make the defense focus on fighting him instead of making tackles. So I started doing it and I was shocked at how well it worked. I never felt like I landed a solid hit but the guy would lose his fucking shit over it almost immediately. Boom Boom said pretty much the same thing. It's like you're pushing a button that makes the other guy stupid.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Remembering Sean Taylor

This is a great read, some amazing stories in there.

Probably the best player I have ever seen play football. Would have maybe gone down as that if he had gotten to play a full career. Hard to believe its already been 10 years.

Was a dagger to all Redskins fans, especially since he really started to be getting his life in order after the birth of his daughter. I remember thinking at the time he might one day be considered in the same group as Ronnie Lott, and the current (at the time) best at the position...Ed Reed and Troy Polamalu. I really wonder sometimes what he would have done in the game and the effect he would have had on the sport overall.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didnt know till reading that article that he was as good of a running back in HS as he was at safety. Crazy.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I didnt know till reading that article that he was as good of a running back in HS as he was at safety. Crazy.

That story where Portis was freaking out after seeing his tape b/c he was coming to Miami and Portis thought he was going to have to compete with him...just crazy.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
The amount of talent Miami accrued from 2000-2004 is probably the highest concentration in modern history. Miami put out 19 first rounders in four drafts(2001-04) Taylor was definitely one of the best in that group. I'm still saddened see such amazing talent lost so early.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's funny cause Baltimore sports radio was talking about another potential shutout tonight.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Texans are going to win this game. I've seen this low gear shit rear its head too many times.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fake punt completely changed the momentum. Ballsy call by Harbaugh there.

Yup. Slothy Ravens went back to the locker and actual football team is back on the field. Usually takes them 3 quarters to unfuck themselves.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That Collins kid looks legit

Please don't hit your girl on tape Please don't hit your girl on tape Please don't hit your girl on tape Please don't hit your girl on tape Please don't hit your girl on tape Please don't hit your girl on tape.....
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
LOL, I like how you say "on tape". Go ahead and hit her, just don't leave evidence!
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