Nightly Movie Thread


FPS noob
watched I am Wrath starring John Travolta tonight. Not good, but not the worst I guess. Sort of like John Wick, if Wick was a really, really shitty hitman who more or less relied on luck to not die and never thought about the consequences of anything he does. Travolta was terribly miscast since he has the acting range of a spoon, but the rest of the cast was good. Its right up your alley if you like 80s Seagal type action movies.

Woulda probably been a lot better if Arnie or Stallone played the main character.


Buzzfeed Editor
I want to say it was HumanSide, but not sure since I subscribe to like 8 film review podcasts.

I plan to watch Heartless tonight since I've never seen it. Seems interesting
I will check that out, the only movie podcast I really subscribe to is How Did This Get Made.

I saw The Witch yesterday and I really liked it. It felt like it had layers that I was missing as my wife and kids annoyed the shit out of me.


watched I am Wrath starring John Travolta tonight. Not good, but not the worst I guess. Sort of like John Wick, if Wick was a really, really shitty hitman who more or less relied on luck to not die and never thought about the consequences of anything he does. Travolta was terribly miscast since he has the acting range of a spoon, but the rest of the cast was good. Its right up your alley if you like 80s Seagal type action movies.

Woulda probably been a lot better if Arnie or Stallone played the main character.
Good shit. Nice quick summary. That's why I made this thread so I could weed out some of the more obscure films I either need to watch, or avoid.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Re-watched The Insider (Michael Mann) for the first time in years.

Still great.


FPS noob
had to pick a movie for date last night, ended up watching Sisters. Not bad, not great either but sorta enjoyable for couples with kids who stay home always. Way too long though, 2 hour movie that easily could have had 30 mins of blah blah blah cut. If you are a fan of Tina Fey or Poehler definitely worth a watch, but only the middle 30 mins is really good with the first third and the last third of the movie full of boring cliches. Its pretty weird how Fey and Poehler are absolutely hilarious in TV shows, but have an awful track record in movies.

do NOT watch The Night before starring Seth Rogan, unfunny crap movie. Thought we might watch that instead but I watched a few minutes by myself first to see if my wife would like it and it was soooo boring and unfunny in the first 15 minutes, I ended up just skipping to the middle and end and it somehow got worse. The only funny bit was Michael Shannon as a drug dealer but its like 2 minutes of the movie.

It really is sad how few good movies are put out nowadays, the only things left I have unwatched are Creed, Big Short, Snowpiercer, Sicario, and The Good Dinosaur. I have dozens of unwatched TV shows that are all highly recommended, but virtually no movies.


We had a drunk movie night, and we were recommended Sleepaway Camp.

That shit delivered. That movie could never be made today with our PC culture.



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
40 Cloverfield Lane last night.

Pretty good.

8/10 Bisi approval nods


Trakanon Raider
Will probably be made fun of relentlessly for this, but I finally watched "The Iron Giant." It was on one of the cable channels (HBO family I think). Holy shit, what an amazing movie. Can't believe I waited 17 years to see it.


Watched Pandemic tonight. Virus attacks the world etc etc

Somehow the director thought it was a good idea to shoot 80% of the film like it was a first person game..



Trakanon Raider
watched The Lobster on

I don't really know what to say about it asides that its a very dark, subtle, and weird as fuck type of humor. I liked it a lot, but I could see many a poor young boy' tossing their remote at the TV.


Trakanon Raider
Watched "What We Do in the Shadows." Holy shit, great movie. Funny as hell and really well done. Jermaine Clement is a genius.


Did I review Triple 9 yet, can't remember.

It was alright for a heist movie, but not great. If you are bored you are probly not wasting your time watching it, but there are better movies out there.


Buzzfeed Editor
It was pretty standard. I don't regret watching it or anything but I immediately forgot it even exists.


<Gold Donor>
Kill Command, apparently also released under Identify. Straight to bluray/on-demand release, copyright at the end said 2014 so not sure if it sat in the can for awhile or what.

Given that setup, it was a lot better than I expected it to be. I will try to give a brief description so that if you decide to watch it you can do so without watching the trailer, because it gives away not only the main point of the movie, but a few key scenes.

Near future, marines are sent to do some training exercises against some new robotic military units. Chick with robotics implanted in her head goes along to assist/analyze. Things don't go as planned. Chick gets somehow a lot more attractive to me throughout the movie.

I'm not going to say it is epic as something like Aliens or Edge of Tomorrow in regard to the marine vs. enemy stuff, but for a direct-to-video release it was pretty fucking good. There isn't a ton of plot, enough to give the movie purpose, although you aren't going to be exactly surprised with what happens (at least by not watching the trailer you'll have a chance to see it develop organically, which will help). It also had enough of a special effects budget that it looked good to me most of the time. Not like some shitty Asylum production, not by a long shot. Also, for not recognizing a single actor, they did well enough. There weren't any cringe-worthy moments that I can remember. A few cliches, sure, but overall solid acting.

I give it a hearty thumbs up and recommend it if you enjoy sci-fi mixed with military, and don't need some super-convoluted story to keep you interested.

EDIT: Sorry I fucked up, it was called Kill Command, not Killer Instinct. I blame alcohol. Sorry for any confusion
Kill Command (2016) - IMDb


<Gold Donor>
I fucked up with my last post and put the incorrect name of the movie. I have corrected it above. So sorry for the confusion.

By way of atonement, I will briefly review The Huntsman: Winter's War which I also watched last night.

Emily Blunt instead of Kristen Stewart should normally make for a better movie. In this case, even she couldn't save it. It sucked, had forced humor/characters that didn't work at all, and had a "twist" you saw coming a mile away. Charlize Theron looked great as always, and is a great Evil Queen, but she's not even in it much. I'm not sure Emily Blunt is really cut out to play a villain either, much as I love her.

Even if you're a huge fan of Thor this movie pretty much sucks. His accent makes me think he watched Braveheart and was trying to copy it (badly), and the way they made him act (bafflingly cheerful most of the time, even when there was no reason to be) was just off-putting.

Oh, and terrible dwarves. Turrible. Save your time.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Rewatched Coen Bros True Grit.

Barry Pepper plays such a great dirty cowboy.


Throbbing Member
I watched the new Netflix Sandler movie The Do Over. It was surprisingly not horrible. I think you still need to be somewhat of a fan of these guys to enjoy it, but it's probably the best Sandler movie to come out in years.