Nightly Movie Thread


<Bronze Donator>
I needed a chuckle so I tried Tucker and Dale vs evil. Really liked it 8/10.

Tucker: [Unsure of what to say to the sheriff] Oh hidy ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property.


<Bronze Donator>
+1 for Trollhunters & The Invitation.

Been watching a lot of horror films recently with the gf, jump-scare horror films you find on Netflix and shit...

The Boy, The Forest, Sinister not much to say... All very basic, made for theater jump-scare horror films that are all 6/10.

10 Cloverfield Ln was a great, two part movie. John Goodman is a phenomenal actor, and the whole movie is just fantastic. A very, very solid 8/10.

The Invitation is a super tense, well made movie. Reminded me of Cabin In the Woods with its turn, really liked it. Shit was legitimately creepy.

Under the Skin - a Scarlet Johansson movie that I felt was under the radar. Well received on IMDB & RT. Very slow paced, but a very interesting visual movie about a "creature" kidnapping human men. I was in no mood to watch a movie when we actually watched it, but it was pretty decent.

The Witch - The girls hated it, the guys fucking loved it. What a great movie.


Got something right about marriage
If you have Netflix there are two movies that you absolutely must watch. You simply have to, for better or worse.

1) Tucker and Dale vs Evil
2) Trollhunter

Those 2 movies are, in my opinion, exactly why Netflix was created and why we all pay subs for it.


Watched 3 movies the last 3 nights.

Keanu = Horrible. What a waste.

13 hours in benghazi = I can't say I loved this film,but it is the best Michael Bay film short of Bad Boys. Just a straight up war movie without all the political shit the writers try to force on you for the last 10 years.

House of the Devil = I found this out of nowhere. Super good, I loved this throwback horror film. Felt like one of those old 80's carpenter films.


FPS noob
Saw The Brothers Grimsby tonight (blu ray rips are out), starring Sascha Baron Cohen aka Ali G / Borat - 6/10. Some really funny bits, a few really gross scenes. I dunno why the dude is so fascinated with showing genitalia on screen. His wife, Isla Fischer, is briefly in the movie too but no naked bits from her unfortunately. I love his Ali G show and early movies, but felt he's been downhill since The Dictator.

Would not watch with wife/gf unless she is into raunchy shit, but if she or your friends like that or Jackass this will leave everyone dying


No Escape - Owen Wilson, and Pierce Brosnan.

Thought it was some direct to video fluff movie, but was surprised how great it was. Easily give it a 9/10
Was trying to figure out why the metacritic score was so low afterwords, and it's just people screaming racism, but not really watching the movie itself.

Anyway this was a hidden gem, and I really liked it. If you like thrillers where people are on the run this is a movie imho you will enjoy. Wife liked it a lot also, so I would recommend it for couples looking to watch something on the weekend.


<Gold Donor>
I felt about the same way about The Brothers Grimsby. It made me laugh and grossed me out at parts, so overall a decent watch.

Synchronicity (2015) - IMDb

Time travel movie that was decent but not anything really great. It was nice because I was able to see a few of the time travel moments the first time they happened, instead of later when you see it from another perspective. It wasn't super confusing like Primer, and didn't try to be, although I'm not exactly sure what it was trying to be. Oh, and it had Michael Ironsides in it! Overall maybe 5/10, not bad, not anything special though either.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I don't know how Keanu has a 77% RT score.

It was bad. 40% tops


FPS noob
The Keanu rips out right now are the asian rips, which apparently excludes some nudity and a few other things. I can't believe the movie would really change that much with an extra 2 minutes tho. Still, I'm gonna watch when the blu rays are out since I liked K&P show and figure its more of that

Same with the X-Men Apocalypse rips, the chinese available cuts out some adult scenes, and some scenes about Vietnam and China (go figure)


I'm probly with a lot of people in saying those American versions would have to be totally different movies for it to make a difference.

Keanu was basically just a skit they had that went too long.


<Gold Donor>
I enjoyed Keanu, but yeah that's a great definition, a skit that went on too long.

I would have actually enjoyed it more if it were more about the cat, to be honest.

Going to check out No Escape tonight, really looking forward to it now after your review.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think this is a good spot to put this: Special with Michael Rapaport it's an older movie but I had never seen it. Damn good movie. it may fall into the you'll love it or hate it. I thought is was fucking great.

I had a youtube link, but screw that is will spoil the movie.


Watched the new Stephen King movie last night "Cell". Not to be confused with the cell with Big Booty Lopez.

It was all right, worth a watch if you like the Twilight Zone short story stuff.


FPS noob
in a depressed funk (bad week) and watched 1/2 of the extended Godfather Novel for Television edition which aired recently, its 7 FUCKING HOURS long and its godfather 1 + 2 plus a bunch of deleted/unseen stuff, and edited to be in chronological order (so you see 1/2 of Godfather 2 first, etc). A+++, tons and tons of new scenes that were cool to see, like in the beginning you don't just see Vito's mom strolling up to Don Cico but a 2 minute scene where his men go to collect Vito. Just a ton of small scenes like that interwoven in, since I've seen the OG 1 & 2 a dozen+ times it was a real treat seeing new scenes pop in and out all the time.

any fan of the godfather should watch it at least once, just the extra 2-3 hours of footage and the remix to be chronological is awesome, drank 1/3 a bottle of beautiful scotch while watching and going to finish off the bottle and movie later in the week.


Re-watched Akira as I landed on it on TV.

Almost 30 years later it is still by far the most insane feat of classical animation ever made. The pacing is all weird, the story is burdened by a lot of pseudo-scientific and mystic hodgepodge, as someone familiar with the amazing score, seeing scenes where you only have time for ten bars of a 5 minutes track feels strange, but all of this is dwarfed by the technical mastery of the film and Otomo's fulgurant film-making.


Trakanon Raider
Re-watched Akira as I landed on it on TV.

Almost 30 years later it is still by far the most insane feat of classical animation ever made. The pacing is all weird, the story is burdened by a lot of pseudo-scientific and mystic hodgepodge, as someone familiar with the amazing score, seeing scenes where you only have time for ten bars of a 5 minutes track feels strange, but all of this is dwarfed by the technical mastery of the film and Otomo's fulgurant film-making.
Have the original movie on VHS. Heard the newer versions of the movie have new voice overs and dialogue. I'm having the VHS converted over to DVD now. Still one of my favorite movies (although it doesn't have the same magic it had when I first watched it as a teenager).
As far as new movies go, watched "Room" over the weekend. Holy fuck, what a movie. Can't believe that didn't win best picture. Really hard to watch, but an absolutely amazing movie.


Watched Conjuring 2 tonight.

Really liked it, and thought it was a good sequel to the first one.

If you do any research on the event later, the film isn't even close to being accurate tho.


Vyemm Raider
Saw The Brothers Grimsby tonight (blu ray rips are out), starring Sascha Baron Cohen aka Ali G / Borat - 6/10. Some really funny bits, a few really gross scenes. I dunno why the dude is so fascinated with showing genitalia on screen. His wife, Isla Fischer, is briefly in the movie too but no naked bits from her unfortunately. I love his Ali G show and early movies, but felt he's been downhill since The Dictator.

Would not watch with wife/gf unless she is into raunchy shit, but if she or your friends like that or Jackass this will leave everyone dying
So...Me, my kid sis and 2 cousins and a minor sat down to watch Grimsbly not knowing what its about, within 30mins i had to kick out the minor bc this shit was fuckin crazy.


<Gold Donor>
Going to check out No Escape tonight, really looking forward to it now after your review.
Finally got around to watching this despite intending to weeks ago. I enjoyed it, and it was a lot better than I thought it would be. Not 9/10 good, but good. I did find myself leaning forward a few times in anticipation of what might happen.