[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Although some stuff wasn't bad most of us who actually saw the original three in the theatre want the original theatrical versions. We don't care what Lucas wants to do to the movies, just give us the ability to watch them as we originally saw them and loved them. It's why I will only watch the 2006 DVD release with the crappy port over of the Laserdisc of the original movies.

Amazon.com: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (Two-Disc Widescreen Enhanced and Original Theatrical Versions): Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, David Prowse, Phil Brown, Shelagh Fraser, Jack Purvis, Gilbert Taylor, George Lucas, Marcia Lucas, Gary Kurtz, Rick McCallum: Movies TV
Thanks for posting that. I need to buy it. Although, to be honest, I didn't really mind the added bits with the exception of the horribly CGI'd lizard things on Tattoine and everyone's favourite fuck up: Hayden Fucking Christensen shitting up the last scene of Jedi. Fuck, that just gets me angry every time I think about it!


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think it is simply a matter of him having been more constrained by outside forces and other people with the originals. Budget constraints ... boundaries of special effects technology that were less yielding ... the studio being more insistent in it's oversight ... creative collaborators who were in a position to have more of an impact on the finished product. All of these worked to reign him in from some of his "creative" impulses and for that reason alone he probably holds the original trilogy in less higher esteem than the fans do.

The prequels and to a much lesser extent the Special Editions were the product of a Lucas unbridled from all of that and the results speak for themselves.
If you have Netflix, watch "The People vs. George Lucas". They actually talk about this and how pretty much EVERY movie has these or other limitations and that pretty much every movie is given to the public having never reached the director's vision. Once that movie is given to the public though, that's the movie or piece of art we are given. Do you think if Leonardo da Vinci were alive today and said that the Mona Lisa wasn't what he had envisioned and wanted to touch it up, people would let him?

As I said before, the big problem people have with Lucas has been his refusal to give us the actual 1977, 1980 and 1983 theatrical releases of the movies. Instead we get his continual retouching and now the abominations that are his crappy re-visioning.

Is Star Wars the same movie that in 1977 won a number of awards for things like the special effects? No it's not, it's a completely different movie now. Lucas' refusal to give the public what we actually fell in love with and what had become a huge media phenomenon is really pretty shitty on his part.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's not only that though. I remember an interview he did when Shadow's of the Empire came out on n64. Something to the effect of "Even if they aren't happy about the material, they'll pay to play it and see it and experience and spend years talking about it until we give them more content." Was a specific question about why there weren't any force users in SotE.

I was 14 or so and it made me realize how much $ played into everything they do.


Lucas was a brilliant filmmaker, that lost it.
There isn't much else to say. He still is responsible for American Graffiti, THX, and Star Wars when he was younger.

Pretty sure most filmakers would give their left nut to have anything even approaching one of those films.


Lucas was a brilliant filmmaker, that lost it.
There isn't much else to say. He still is responsible for American Graffiti, THX, and Star Wars when he was younger.

Pretty sure most filmakers would give their left nut to have anything even approaching one of those films.
His ex-wife probably helped him out with AG and THX too lmao.


Millie's Staff Member
Lucas was a brilliant filmmaker, that lost it.
There isn't much else to say. He still is responsible for American Graffiti, THX, and Star Wars when he was younger.

Pretty sure most filmakers would give their left nut to have anything even approaching one of those films.
he had some great ideas he copied from old timey movie serials. you can actually see frame for frame shots in star wars that he got from older films, indiana jones, he did the same thing. im not taking away from the movies, i of course loved them. but lucas is not a great filmmaker. Howard the duck and the prequels were all him.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thanks for posting that. I need to buy it. Although, to be honest, I didn't really mind the added bits with the exception of the horribly CGI'd lizard things on Tattoine and everyone's favourite fuck up: Hayden Fucking Christensen shitting up the last scene of Jedi. Fuck, that just gets me angry every time I think about it!
George Lucas should have been hanged for that hayden bullshit (jimmies rustled forever)

About george becoming a fucking douche and a horrible director, just watch the red letter media review about the so called "prequels".


he had some great ideas he copied from old timey movie serials. you can actually see frame for frame shots in star wars that he got from older films, indiana jones, he did the same thing. im not taking away from the movies, i of course loved them. but lucas is not a great filmmaker.
Every artist copies someone else, there is not one artist on the planet that doesn't. You would have to live in a vacuum not to be influenced by other artists.
Indiana Jones wasn't even Lucas, it was Spielberg on visuals....

If you really think that George is not a great filmmaker you need to march yourself back down to your local community college, and take a Film history course.

If you sculpted the David, and everything else in your career was a dud you still fucking created one of the best works of arts ever....


Still a Music Elitist
Column, Star Wars is not "one of the best works of arts ever". Star Wars is actually pretty bad. Bad dialogue with a lot of poor acting. It's still awesome, but it's not high brow entertainment.


And he has 3 movies that are considered classics in that same time period..

THX is definitely high brow, and a work of art. Graffiti is a spectacular film from every side of the coin.

He is considered even by his peers to be one of the greatest film makers ever. Even as a student he was so far ahead of everyone.

There is a documentary ,which I forgot the name of that explores the film makers that came out of USC at the same time. and they all agreed Lucas was a legend.
And these aren't small creators, these are giants like Coppola..

Not to mention what he did for the industry itself from the independent side. Then all the standards he created for film viewing audio/video, and one of the greatest effects houses ever.
He was revolutionary, but that fired died in his youth.

Despite what you feel about his later career, as an educated film watcher you need to respect his accomplishments to entertainment.


the artists are all the people working on the original trilogy not named George Lucas.
That is so far from the truth it is not even funny. If you look at the Documentary on ILM, it was a mess till George put it back in line, and they all credit him as the driving force behind there success.
If you really think George is not a great artist you know nothing of art imo..

Star Wars was so ahead of it's time visually in 1977 that it's almost unfathomable that it could ever be created. We have never watched a film in our lifetime that even comes close to being that technically advanced.. It has changed the face of cinema forever.

The closest thing would probly be the first Matrix Movie, but even that is not even in the same ball park.

I don't think you understand what people were watching in the 70's...


Buzzfeed Editor
Astrobro, give the man his due. Yeah his vision turned to shit later, it happens. But he had it once.


Buzzfeed Editor
He has enough of a track record from that time period that you're just being a hater if you don't acknowledge it. Since then? Yeah, he's shit. But at the time he was the balls.


Millie's Staff Member
honestly im not a hater, i absolutely loved american graffiti. i have no problem with that movie. star wars i can give lucas credit for the story and the direction and the editing. but all those things make for an average movie. what we all loved were the awesomeness of darth vader and the space battle effects. those things were done by other people. it is not "hating" if i cant give full credit to Lucas for the success of Star Wars. i just know too much about that movie to say for sure if there wasnt a John Williams or Ralph Mquarrie or a Ben Burtl or a Gilbert Taylor the movie would still have been an all time classic.


Lucas is a decision maker, and even tho great artists worked on Star Wars it was their Art Director that gave you what the film would be visually.
Lucas decided what the final version of Darth Vader looked like not the artists that worked for him, like he does in every film...

Without Lucas guiding Star Wars you would have had a much different film, and I doubt we would still be talking about it in 2014.

To put it in perspective, go watch Logan's run then go look at Star Wars. They came out at the same time. I don't think you understand what Films looked like in the 1970's, or what a Director does on a film.


Millie's Staff Member
yes i did, before Star Wars my favorite TV show was something called Space 1999.

i even had the main space ship as a toy