[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT


From the guy who says George wrote and directed Howard the Duck /giggle

When you are trying to make a point about a Director you might want to check your facts first.
IMDB is a click away.


Lord Nagafen Raider
eh, I give Lucas credit for Directing and Producing good products. Anything he writes though...I hope he has two other people to filter through before it goes to screen. From the horror stories I've heard about authors pitching ideas in the EU, he does a really poor job of keeping up with his own characters let alone the symmetry we expect from those characters.

Lawrence Kasdan is back for 7 and that gives this feature more creditability than anything else I've heard about it. I don't know much about Michael Arndt, he's the Disney guy I assume?


If you don't think those three films are some of the best ever made you hate film imho.

He could have stopped at Graffiti imho, and been done.

The only reason they are not currently in the Criterion Collection is because Lucas refuses to give up the rights to them.


Silver Knight of the Realm
If you don't think those three films are some of the best ever made you hate film imho.

He could have stopped at Graffiti imho, and been done.

The only reason they are not currently in the Criterion Collection is because Lucas refuses to give up the rights to them.
Gary Kurtz and Francis Ford Coppala, Producers of American Graffiti. Marcia Lucas and Verna Fields, editors of American Graffiti.
Gary Kurtz, Producer of Star Wars. Marcia Lucas, Paul Hirsch and Richard Chew, editors of Star Wars who also won an oscar that year for editing of Star Wars.

Without Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas, Star Wars would have sucked balls.


And without Lucas, and the legions of talented people that worked on all films there would be no Star Wars for them to win awards on....

You are a fool to think anyone But Lucas could have made that film the way it turned out.
But we already know you are a fool citing Lucas as the writer/director on Howard the Duck...


Avatar of War Slayer
Or you could Flip that around ,and say without Lucas the movie is never made at all.

All Films take an army of talented people to make, but they are always guided by the producer/director. There has to be a Decision maker, and a guiding force.
Star Wars exhibits all of George Lucas's signature film making techniques. Just like any other well known director they don't need to sign their artwork to tell who made that film.

The way you guys passively dismiss his contributions to cinema because he wrecked your vision of Star Wars when he was way past his peak is reprehensible.
There are very few artists on the planet that can go back and recreate the same magic that they had when they peaked as an artist.

Ridley Scott couldn't do it, and neither could Lucas.

Not one Film Student on the planet that has actively, and un biasedly looked to study George Lucas's films would come up with the same conclusions that you idiots have.

You must respect that man came out with three films that are considered masterpieces. Most artist's and Filmmaker won't even see one in there lifetime.
To belittle that accomplishment makes you a very bitter, and sad individual.
no where does the PRODUCER get the credits lucas does though.
Can you even NAME another producer, save maybe Jerry Bruckheimer ? A guy that also very much knew how to plaster his name big on everything. he IS a great producer. but no one things he created Pirates of the Caribbean, or any of his other movies.

Lucas's contributions as a producer are just fine. dude got these people together. he made ILM. And sound design as well.
As a creator and director, he was pretty awful. And credit should go to the artists that made Starwars, not Lucas.


Buzzfeed Editor
Trying to minimize Lucas just because other people had input on the original trilogy is silly. All directors take in criticism and input, the medium is collaborative by nature. I don't know about this best films of all time business, but they are classics for sure and they are Lucas' vision, whether that vision had input or not he was still the hand that guided them.


Lucas is a name. You put him on anything ,and people will relate the product to him. There is no way to get around that.
You can do that for most big directors.. Attach Stanley Kubrick to a project it's a Kubrick film ,and must be measured next to all of them.

I've yet to see one interview where Lucas has claimed he has created something he had not. The artists are clearly credited in every film.
You're upset because people don't know who edits, or directs photography? Most people don't even know who Bill Pope even is, yet he has created some of the most revolutionary cinematography of the last decade.

Lucas made 6 films total, and three of them are legendary. Not to mention all the other properties he helped create. What have you done with your life that is even close to that?
You call him an awful creator? you might want to look in the mirror.

Star Wars is a collaborative project that was created and who's direction was from Lucas. The movie exhibits all his signature film making techniques, and well as his many interests in films over his many years of study. Without Lucas you have nothing.

I don't discount the many talented people that worked to make Star Wars great,but you dismissing Lucas as the chef is once again asinine.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah I see what you mean column. I am sorry for attacking you. I respect your thoughts and insights. You are a class guy. Really Class.


I'm still impressed you got to see that movie when it opened.
I would have loved to have seen 2001, or Blade Runner in the theatres.

I'm not even sure what that is like to watch a film at least a decade ahead of it's time. The closest thing I got was the Matrix visually, but I don't think that would have the same impact as seeing Star Wars in 1977.
Just the opening scene with that Star Destroyer would have blown my mind


Millie's Staff Member
well its not so impressive when you think about the movie was in the theater for like 6 months and pretty much the entire world got to see it. i was just lucky being born early enough.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm still impressed you got to see that movie when it opened.
I would have loved to have seen 2001, or Blade Runner in the theatres.

I'm not even sure what that is like to watch a film at least a decade ahead of it's time. The closest thing I got was the Matrix visually, but I don't think that would have the same impact as seeing Star Wars in 1977.
Just the opening scene with that Star Destroyer would have blown my mind
That's why even though there are other movies far greater than Star Wars, SW had a huge impression on me as an 11yr old. It also had a huge impression on pretty much everyone who watched it because up until SW, there was nothing even remotely close to what was done in that movie, in the theaters.

After May of 1977 it was nothing but Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars. Because of SW, we got Battlestar Galacitca and Space 1999 as well as so many other Sci Fi movies. Although there was Star Trek about 10yrs earlier, it didn't have the same effect that SW did on the public. I would say SW is to Sci Fi what books The Hobbit and LotR were for High Fantasy.


Silver Knight of the Realm
well its not so impressive when you think about the movie was in the theater for like 6 months and pretty much the entire world got to see it. i was just lucky being born early enough.
The question is, why was it in theaters for six months. They answer, it was still pulling in loads of $$. It's not the number 2 highest grossing movie after inflation for nothing, it was popular for almost a year. Star Wars is to movies like what Dark Side of the Moon is to albums/records.

My little town in Wisconsin oddly got this movie in May of 1977 because at the time of it's release it wasn't expected to be a big hit. They kept Star Wars running in that theater for almost a year. I think I saw Star Wars around seven times that year in both the theater and drive-in.


Potato del Grande
I think I saw Star Wars around seven times that year in both the theater and drive-in.
For me, seeing Star Wars in the theatre as a child was life altering. It was incredible. My childhood from that point onwasStar Wars. That being said, it was eclipsed when I saw Empire...I mean, Empire, for me, is THE greatest movie followup of all time. Nothing has come close to topping it. For sure it will be extremely hard if not impossible for JJ to wow the first generation Star Wars fans. Movie making has changed.


Millie's Staff Member
That's why even though there are other movies far greater than Star Wars, SW had a huge impression on me as an 11yr old. It also had a huge impression on pretty much everyone who watched it because up until SW, there was nothing even remotely close to what was done in that movie, in the theaters.

After May of 1977 it was nothing but Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars. Because of SW, we got Battlestar Galacitca and Space 1999 as well as so many other Sci Fi movies. Although there was Star Trek about 10yrs earlier, it didn't have the same effect that SW did on the public. I would say SW is to Sci Fi what books The Hobbit and LotR were for High Fantasy.
space 1999 was 1975. and i would never deny the success of star wars, i had quite a few star wars toys too. lucas made some good green off of me.