[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT


Are you saying you watched Star Wars when it came out?? how old are you lol.

But yeah that above video proves my point of what films looked liked in the 70's and how revolutionary Star Wars was,


Millie's Staff Member
im old as fuck. in my 40s and i saw star wars with my parents when it came out. the line in the parking lot to get in was all the way down the road. they had the state police directing traffic.


So you more then anyone should admire what that film brought to Cinema. People were watching Planet of the Apes lol


Millie's Staff Member
definitely, star wars was probably the best film of my childhood. if you asked me back then why i liked it so much id tell you darth vader, death star, tie fighters, x wing fighters millenium falcon, light sabers, han solo and chewbacca. george lucas would not have entered my mind. today after watching and reading volumes of info on the movie i would still be hard pressed to give george full credit for that film. so many amazing people behind the scenes that made everything go just right. its like saying that The Beatles was all John Lennon or any other one member.


That's all films tho, and really any type of artwork that takes a group effort to make the difference being there is always one person that guides his Unique vision, and everyone else is hired to strengthen that vision.
Star Wars is 100% Lucas in every final decision, and that film made by any other person would look drastically different no mater if they had the same crew ,or not.

Even down to the people he hired for the film is all him.

Lucas more so then most people is very controlling over every aspect of any of his creations. Your analogy of the Beatles does not work.


Star Wars is 100% Lucas in every final decision, and that film made by any other person would look drastically different no mater if they had the same crew ,or not.
Not even close.His ex wife made Star Wars into the film we all loved(I was in the theater for the premiere too). The fact of the matter is, Star Wars was mostly Lucas' vision and direction, but if you want to see Star Wars created 100% by Lucas, watch the fucking prequels. He surrounded himself with Yes-Men and they produced the movies Lucas wanted to make.

Lucas is an excellent technical director and his SFX were, and still are, unmatched. However, he's a horrible storyteller and is completely clueless about interpersonal relationships, both on and off screen. If I had to guess, I'd say he has borderline Asperger syndrome.


If you even bother to read that article ( which is very bias, and who knows how factual it even is) his wife didn't even like THX which most consider the high brow film of the three.
She was his editor, and his wife so of course she played a huge role in all three movies, but to say those movies are not his creations is pathetic.

One of the keys of journalism is the double story, build someone up so you can knock them down again, and that is clearly the case with the article you just linked.
Happens to artists all the time.

George's weak point has always been the screenplay in Star Wars not the concept. There is nothing wrong with how the Prequels looked they just lack a compelling story with good dialogue.
Do not confuse the fact that he was the director of those early films, and he assembled a crew of artists including his wife that helped him showcase his vision.

Until his wife creates a movie on the level of those 3 movies then you can say it was all her, until then it's all bullshit imo.

Almost all artists have a moment in time where they reach there peak. Lucas had this happen at a very early age, and all artists that try to recreate that time have failed miserably.
Prequels were doomed from the start.

The parts where you profess you know him personally makes me think you are just another crazy star wars fanboy.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Not even close.His ex wife made Star Wars into the film we all loved(I was in the theater for the premiere too). The fact of the matter is, Star Wars was mostly Lucas' vision and direction, but if you want to see Star Wars created 100% by Lucas, watch the fucking prequels. He surrounded himself with Yes-Men and they produced the movies Lucas wanted to make.

Lucas is an excellent technical director and his SFX were, and still are, unmatched. However, he's a horrible storyteller and is completely clueless about interpersonal relationships, both on and off screen. If I had to guess, I'd say he has borderline Asperger syndrome.

Many of the people on set that helped created George's vision into the reality of Star Wars have said that it was a complete mess. Without all of the other incredible people on set, his movie would have turned to shit. The story was incredibly conveluted and he had no real direction. It's because of all the other people on set that Star Wars turned into what it did and Empire was great. You can see though that by RotJ things were changing. His producer quit because George was becoming more adamant about his film and of course we got fucking ewoks.


If THX and Grafiti did not exist then you could possibly have a case for that, but they do exist.

If you watch the ILM documentary it was the other way around, ILM was in complete disarray before George cleared house.
To claim that his crew "who he hand picked and hired" is responsible for Star Wars is of course true, all movies are a joint effort. The Matrix without Bill Pope would have been a different looking movie.

To claim that Star Wars had nothing to do with Lucas, and was really everyone else that took control of that film is retarded.

New Hope reeks of signature Lucas shots, editing decisions, and tropes. If anything the later films look less like Lucas, both Jedi, and Empire.


Avatar of War Slayer
If you even bother to read that article ( which is very bias, and who knows how factual it even is) his wife didn't even like THX which most consider the high brow film of the three.
She was his editor, and his wife so of course she played a huge role in all three movies, but to say those movies are not his creations is pathetic.

One of the keys of journalism is the double story, build someone up so you can knock them down again, and that is clearly the case with the article you just linked.
Happens to artists all the time.

George's weak point has always been the screenplay in Star Wars not the concept. There is nothing wrong with how the Prequels looked they just lack a compelling story with good dialogue.
Do not confuse the fact that he was the director of those early films, and he assembled a crew of artists including his wife that helped him showcase his vision.

Until his wife creates a movie on the level of those 3 movies then you can say it was all her, until then it's all bullshit imo.

Almost all artists have a moment in time where they reach there peak. Lucas had this happen at a very early age, and all artists that try to recreate that time have failed miserably.
Prequels were doomed from the start.

The parts where you profess you know him personally makes me think you are just another crazy star wars fanboy.
Lucas is basically a producer. it is what he is good at.

He has a concept. but holy shit dude EVERYONE has concepts. Hundreds of them. The concept of Starwars as a script is not special in the slightest. and even then concept visuals, is great of course. but the concept ARTISTS did 90% of THAT work.

They really aren't his creations. Movies are collaborative efforts. And Lucas's main contribution was producer. But slapping your name on EVERYTHING works like a charm. Just ask Stan Lee. "creator of spiderman" whose only contribution was "hey, lets make a comic about a 16 yr old kid."


That's such an asinine way at looking at films.
If that is the case then no film should ever have one creator front lining it. I don't even think you understand what a Producer does for a film... Lucas did both sides of that coin in a very indie spirit.

If you really think Lucas had no part in the creation of Star Wars, and is not the director of that film in every way then you need to enroll yourself in Film Studies..

Concept Artists are just a gear in a very large machine when it comes to that collabrative art process, to claim they are 90% of all films is the most retarded thing I have heard in awhile...


Silver Knight of the Realm
That's such an asinine way at looking at films.
If that is the case then no film should ever have one creator front lining it. I don't even think you understand what a Producer does for a film... Lucas did both sides of that coin in a very indie spirit.

If you really think Lucas had no part in the creation of Star Wars, and is not the director of that film in every way then you need to enroll yourself in Film Studies..

Concept Artists are just a gear in a very large machine when it comes to that collabrative art process, to claim they are 90% of all films is the most retarded thing I have heard in awhile...
We are not saying that. What we are saying is that without people like his wife, Gary Kurtz and others it wouldn't have been the huge success it was but would have been much more like the prequels. You do realize the only reason those crappy movies made money is because of the original trilogy right?


We are not saying that. What we are saying is that without people like his wife, Gary Kurtz and others it wouldn't have been the huge success it was but would have been much more like the prequels.
Or you could Flip that around ,and say without Lucas the movie is never made at all.

All Films take an army of talented people to make, but they are always guided by the producer/director. There has to be a Decision maker, and a guiding force.
Star Wars exhibits all of George Lucas's signature film making techniques. Just like any other well known director they don't need to sign their artwork to tell who made that film.

The way you guys passively dismiss his contributions to cinema because he wrecked your vision of Star Wars when he was way past his peak is reprehensible.
There are very few artists on the planet that can go back and recreate the same magic that they had when they peaked as an artist.

Ridley Scott couldn't do it, and neither could Lucas.

Not one Film Student on the planet that has actively, and un biasedly looked to study George Lucas's films would come up with the same conclusions that you idiots have.

You must respect that man came out with three films that are considered masterpieces. Most artist's and Filmmaker won't even see one in there lifetime.
To belittle that accomplishment makes you a very bitter, and sad individual.


Silver Knight of the Realm
You must respect that man came out with three films that are considered masterpieces. Most artist's and Filmmaker won't even see one in there lifetime.
To belittle that accomplishment makes you a very bitter, and sad individual.
And then when left on his own due to his success makes "Howard the Duck" and the SW Prequels showing just how good he really is.


And then when left on his own due to his success makes "Howard the Duck" and the SW Prequels showing just how good he really is.
It's like talking to a wall with some of you retards.

At what point do you not understand that an artist peaks at a certain time in his life ,and everything else is just a pale comparison of when they were genius.
Some artists do it very late in there lifes, but Lucas did it very early. No one has a perfect career, they are all marred by imperfections.
Even my favorite film maker of all time Kubrick, has some flops.

If anything THX and Graffiti are more powerful, and personal films for Lucas, and are personifications of how great he was.


<Bronze Donator>
By your very logic then he peaks with those movies. The motherfucker wrote a dumb as shit script for new hope, ripping off shot for shot from some of his favorite movies. If it was for kurtz and his wife the concept of the force, the visuals the feeling of the movie and over mythology would of not existed. suck a dick column.


Everyone steals, are you really that daft?

You realize Tarantino did the same fucking thing for all his early films, going so far as stealing shot for shot remakes of some of his favorite european directors. want to call him a shitty film maker as well?

You people are uneducated twats that have never studied anything in your life aside from a Mcdonalds 99 cent menu, and you are going to criticize Lucas? check your fucking life.
Without Lucas there is no Star Wars, the shit never happens, and someone else makes the dent in Film making for millions of other artists to follow.


<Bronze Donator>
boo fucking hoo. Stop appealing to film education as the only defense you have. You don't have to be an authority on the subject matter to "get" what he was doing. There are plenty of examples where he had total control of script, production, direction etc and it was abysmal on every single level individually and as a whole.


George has had complete control of exactly 6 films. 3 of those films are considered the greatest films ever made.

2005 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
2002 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
1999 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
1977 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
1973 American Graffiti
1971 THX 1138

Please show me these many examples...


Silver Knight of the Realm
George has had complete control of exactly 6 films. 3 of those films are considered the greatest films ever made.

2005 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
2002 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
1999 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
1977 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
1973 American Graffiti
1971 THX 1138

Please show me these many examples...
How little you know.