North Korea goes full retard


Let's say this conflict ends without military escalation... where does that leave us 5 years from now, when their missiles might actually be somewhat usable? 10 years, when they might actually be able to hit Hawaii?

They've managed to hold on to power through a famine that killed 10% of their population. Why is it reasonable to believe that their grip on power will loosen over the next couple years?


Musty Nester
I don't see that it is. I didn't see that it was last time, or the time before. You could kill the King and I doubt it would matter. The barons would just install a new King.

They're going to have to actually attack someone next time. If nothing else moving the ships and planes over, for however briefly, was physically supportive of the diplomatic stance of "Seriously -- we're tired of this already". Seems that it was diplomacy aimed at China.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
There's no upside for NK if they actually nuke someone. Once they do that it's over for them, whether anyone retaliates with nukes or not. They're not going to nuke anyone, they just know that saber rattling is the only diplomatic chip they have and they want nukes because the international community treats countries with nukes differently than those without them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I would find it funny if China invaded NK just put new leadership in place.
Would there be anyone to stop them from doing this? I wonder if that's the one nation NK would just shit their pants and bend over for?


FoH nuclear response team
The loss of the Circuit of Americas is the only noteworthy thing I'd miss.

Lost Ranger_sl

Would there be anyone to stop them from doing this? I wonder if that's the one nation NK would just shit their pants and bend over for?
No one would want to stop them. The only reason the United States hasn't dismantled them yet is because they are China's mentally retarded cousin. If China wants to clean house they would not get any resistance from the global community. A China-controlled North Korea would only be a good thing for stability in the region.

I fully respect China not wanting the USA stomping through North Korea. The US wouldn't tolerate China wrecking Canada for the exact same reason. That is just too close to home. We try to keep a friendly relationship with each other, but that doesn't mean we want to be neighbors. That is why we need to keep communication open with China and work together. They let us fuck up North Korea, and we promise not to step foot on NK soil. For the sake of being fair they can do the same thing to Canada.


Golden Knight of the Realm
It seems there are only 3 options that aren't devastating to the world.

1) North Korea gradually backs down. Somewhat likely since it's all smoke anyway but it could easily escalate.
2) The U.S. and allies back down. Not very likely as we aren't the aggressors but there is precedent for us appeasing them with aid although this seems like the most strenuous situation to date.
3) China makes it their Iraq. NK wouldn't really have the justification to retaliate on the U.S. and SK if it was China attacking them and replacing with a puppet government. The total loss of life would be less (assuming they don't also just go all out on SK anyway) and is also somewhat likely considering it would be somewhat beneficial for China.

For #3 they'd still keep their buffer state and with power they put in place would be even closer to them. Hell, maybe they could even sway the peoples' cult of personality as saviors by raising them to an actual developed country. NK could transition to a respectable international entity (might take 10-50 years) and be a very strong ally relationship like the U.S. has with SK instead of just the friends with benefits it currently is. Another benefit would be that it gives China an opportunity to flex their military muscle. Afghanistan's kind of a wash but the U.S. has consistently dominated someone every 10-20 years that functions as a display of power to the world. In the last 10 it was Iraq and in a matter of days, in a huge international display of power, we just laid waste to Iraq's infrastructure. I'm sure China has had other engagements but the most recent I could find was some naval battle with Taiwan in 1988 that was very minor and 1979 against Vietnam before that. With their increased status in the last decade in other areas they would benefit on the world stage from raping NK.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think we'll see a combination of 1 and 2. 3 seems very unlikely unless the situation changes.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
3 would be a huge power move if China wants to declare themselves a superpower to the world, but I agree, I don't think they're at that point yet and it seems very unlikely.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Plus side of three is I think most of the big powers while maybe nervous about it would prefer something like this than the alternatives and sit back and let them do it. I think south korea would likely be in a happier place if NK was an official chinese satrap and not what we have now. One of the big things against this movie is China is simply not a very expansionary power. They don't think to much of other countries and want little to do with them unless they have some resources they need to trade for but have not shown to have much if any expansionary desires.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Plus side of three is I think most of the big powers while maybe nervous about it would prefer something like this than the alternatives and sit back and let them do it. I think south korea would likely be in a happier place if NK was an official chinese satrap and not what we have now. One of the big things against this movie is China is simply not a very expansionary power. They don't think to much of other countries and want little to do with them unless they have some resources they need to trade for but have not shown to have much if any expansionary desires.
i do hope that if NK were to be invaded, it'd be China doing the invading. If we were to occupy NK.. it'd just be a disaster.


Confirmed Male
If a nuke lands in austin will anyone notice?
Bro, Austin is one of the best cities in the US. But from a strategic point of view, I dont think it holds any rankings in that category. It was an odd choice. Maybe he just hates hipsters, Austin is full of them.

Given Austin is the liberal bastion of Texas, the rest of Texas will be outwardly outraged but inwardly pleased. Kinda like if someone were to beat up a sibling of yours you never liked.
I know you are kidding, but not really. Austin is just as beloved as any other city, for one there are so many teasip alums out there, and besides, Houston is just as liberal as Austin is... We have a lesbian mayor for fuck sake's.


Now that Austin is getting Google Fiber I think that if NK nuked them Google would retaliate.

Wait, didn't google just visit NK recently?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Bro, Austin is one of the best cities in the US. But from a strategic point of view, I don't think it holds any rankings in that category. It was an odd choice. Maybe he just hates hipsters, Austin is full of them.
Maybe Lil Kim was trying to say he wants to nuke Fort Hood, which is in the vicinity of Austin. Army deploys from Fort Hood. If he wants to kill some hipsters, Portland is a better bet.

He might get some thank you cards from RR if he vaporizes Salty and the Nose.