Note Millie

Tuco said:
Brtna is milele
Dude how long do you leave your fucking christmas tree up?

Whatever I change my shit to youre just going to change anyways so can I at least be seasonally appropriate?


The Dirtbag
Duppin said:
I think I might"ve been in one of the iterations of Mistwalkers! I don"t remember.
Everyone here has been in some version of Mistwalkers at some point or another...


Screamfeeder said:
Everyone here has been in some version of Mistwalkers at some point or another...
Ha ha ha, probably true.

And yeah, I didn"t see the intenets thing coming either. It"s just weird. and I don"t see the possible motivation for it any more than I see the possible motivation for the gender thing.

I"m still not sure it changes my overall opinion much, but it"s freakin" weird.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Etoille said:
LOL I"m not going to get into what I did to "deserve" a lot of that hate.

Thats an impressive amount of stupidity though.

For all the bitching "it" did about people "estalking" "it" that sure looks like a pretty good start down the same path.

I do have to laugh that Millie called cuppy annoying when cuppy spent a good 2-3 pages on this thread defending Millie.

Never defend psychos. Ever.
Yeah the whole cuppy defending millie only to find out she called her annoying is delicious.


This is something I"ve been curious about for a while but vBulletin has a lot of "dangerous" features enabled by default. On the forums I manage, I always disable the ability to delete or merge users, physically delete posts and no administrator but the owner has access to the logs (or ftp). I"m a bit paranoid but I just cannot imagine giving a moderator the power to delete users.

Also, since vbulletin now retains the option to revert edits, you can probably re-enable the forum"s ability to edit (as I recall, it"s primary purpose was to prevent people from editing out all their stupid shit once they got rickshawed - I vaguely remember a thread with an internet tough guy threatening to beat up people hastily trying to edit as Furor moved the thread).


Snugglebear said:
Is this the thread where some guy started a story about not washing his hands in the bathroom at work, and everyone called him dirty, and he got in a pissing match with Millie? And she banned him? And maybe banned other people?
What the? There was banning in *that* thread? I guess I didn"t read it long enough to catch that.


For those asking, I don"t think a formal audit has been done(I haven"t done one) of every administrator, but I know that I haven"t done anything shady and I really doubt that any of the others have either. I"m sure if I were to review my history I"d find that I had given the same person nets on more than 1 occassion just because I"m not going to go and make sure that I haven"t every time I do it(and I suspect this is the case for all of us) but nothing abusive.