Note Millie


Tranny Chaser
Regarding the path to zero now that I see it has come up again -

When the +internets was added I, like a few others, thought it was really dumb so what I decided to do was give everyone who had a positive score a negative and everyone a negative score a positive. The idea was, obviously, to bring everyone closer to zero. In one of the old threads about the system I explained what I was doing after some people started to ask and Millie said something like "hey, isn"t that what the Path to Zero guy is doing?" I ripped on him for his total obliviousness, a few others laughed along, and it was bannings galore.

I"ve seen other people with similar internets given that didn"t come from me but to find out that Millie was following around doing the same shit isfucking crazy.I don"t even know what to say about that. I guess it was as good a cover as any. I"m not going to do it anymore. My already dumb idea has now been irrevocably tainted. Ick.
Arbitrary said:
Regarding the path to zero now that I see it has come up again -

When the +internets was added I, like a few others, thought it was really dumb so what I decided to do was give everyone who had a positive score a negative and everyone a negative score a positive. The idea was, obviously, to bring everyone closer to zero. In one of the old threads about the system I explained what I was doing after some people started to ask and Millie said something like "hey, isn"t that what the Path to Zero guy is doing?" I ripped on him for his total obliviousness, a few others laughed along, and it was bannings galore.

I"ve seen other people with similar internets given that didn"t come from me but to find out that Millie was following around doing the same shit isfucking crazy.I don"t even know what to say about that. I guess it was as good a cover as any. I"m not going to do it anymore. My already dumb idea has now been irrevocably tainted. Ick.
I think that more than just you and Millie did it. Self perpetuating joke which was pretty funny.

Hell I know I did it to a few people for the lulz.

Aychamo BanBan

For the person who said Millie is a huge narcissist, I completely agree.

I think the title of the thread is just the icing on the cake, Millie makes the post and titles it "A note from Millie", being sure to include her name in the title, instead of something the entire rest of us would, like, "A note for you all" or "A note from me."

You have to wonder if Millie expected all this to happen once he quit. I wonder if he expected everyone to be like "Ohhh wee miss u!" or what.
aychamo_aycono said:
For the person who said Millie is a huge narcissist, I completely agree.

I think the title of the thread is just the icing on the cake, Millie makes the post and titles it "A note from Millie", being sure to include her name in the title, instead of something the entire rest of us would, like, "A note for you all" or "A note from me."

You have to wonder if Millie expected all this to happen once he quit. I wonder if he expected everyone to be like "Ohhh wee miss u!" or what.
I didn"t want to say it, but you know how these internet things go. I put the odds at 50/50 that we hear of something "tragic" by "a friend of millies/alyssa"s" that has happened in the next 6 months.


Trakanon Raider
aychamo_aycono said:
For the person who said Millie is a huge narcissist, I completely agree.

I think the title of the thread is just the icing on the cake, Millie makes the post and titles it "A note from Millie", being sure to include her name in the title, instead of something the entire rest of us would, like, "A note for you all" or "A note from me."

You have to wonder if Millie expected all this to happen once he quit. I wonder if he expected everyone to be like "Ohhh wee miss u!" or what.
I kinda wondered that too, what his intention of starting this thread was. Because he had to have known what would happen if the board was informed he wasn"t going to be around, no longer had mod powers, and the powers that be were no longer going to cover for him. Maybe to see who was on what side, or how vehement the reaction would be?

Or maybe it was for that one last bit of attention?


A nice asshole.
It is really an elaborate trap, I have discovered that Tuco is really Makata, James is really Kegkilla, Tyen is really Millie and I am the god damm batman.


Elisha Dushku
Hatorade said:
It is really an elaborate trap, I have discovered that Tuco is really Makata, James is really Kegkilla, Tyen is really Millie and I am the god damm batman.
It"s genius. It was sure to go to Hall of Shame -- which happens to a thread about as often as a true blue moon. So "A note from Millie" will be on the front page of the boards for a long, long time.

So for those who can"t divide by zero. Here is the flowchart.

1) Millie was originally John (Kefka)

2) Millie became Alyssa when John gave his girlfriend (Alyssa) the account.

3) Millie is Ravenn

4) Ravenn is Furor"s hot wife

5) Tuco had sex with Millie (Alyssa) (Ravenn) (Furor"s wife)

Brittney, and James are jealous. Eomer already knew all of this.


Blackwing Lair Raider
this thread is going in circles. someone needs to pump some juice back into this thread. maybe blackhand or some other "anonymous" mod could bust out some of the pm"s millie got/sent and embarass the piss out of some common posters here.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
aychamo_aycono said:
For the person who said Millie is a huge narcissist, I completely agree.

I think the title of the thread is just the icing on the cake, Millie makes the post and titles it "A note from Millie", being sure to include her name in the title, instead of something the entire rest of us would, like, "A note for you all" or "A note from me."

You have to wonder if Millie expected all this to happen once he quit. I wonder if he expected everyone to be like "Ohhh wee miss u!" or what.
A Post from Aychamo.


Millie said:
Truth be told, what"s happening right now is really just another cycle in Screenshots forum history. Before it was these guys, years ago, it was another dumb clique that rose to power in Screenshots and started acting like they ran the place. When we cracked down on them at the time, they too freaked out and left, forming what is now And in their absence, the "Hoofshots" people filled the power vacuum. I"m sure there will be a new group just like them, and just like the ones before them, in due time. It all comes and goes in cycles.

All we can do is stay the course, and deal with the next generation of morons as they emerge.
PM sent to me when I questioned the hoofshot bans.
Secret source:

Let"s get this out of the way right now. Brittney... is a girl.

I was surprised as anyone.

Sean and Zhoup figured it would be better to sit at home and, I don"t know, make out than come see me - fine. After some therapy and medication, I think I"ll get over it. The Britt, Mr. Aran, Ace (Tec) and assorted Britt fans (Dantrin, Darren the Driver) came along to dinner at an Irish pub, where Mr. Aran had enough Guiness to numb the pain of his afternoon dentist appointment and I had red snapper with water. Yes, I am boring. I rarely drink, because when I drink, I act like my mother when she drinks.

Picture it: Denver, 1992, 2:00 AM. Your mother stumbles through the front door after many hours of drunken kareoke, singing at the top of her nasal voice: "My D-I-V-O-R-C-E! BECOMES FINAL TODAY! ME AND LITTLE J-O-E! WILL BE GOING A-WAY!"

So I don"t drink much.

I go out with these kinds of people on occasion, and I always get geeked up. Drunken debauchery! Subtle hints that the boys are homosexual! Not-so-subtle hints that the girls are whores! It"s my kind of party, in my head. So I put on my Bounty Hunter boots and head out, only to spend the evening zoning out while everyone else argues over whether Final Fantasy seven or nine was better. I eat all the appetizer bread. I wish I were a drinker.

I"d hoped the evening would degenerate into the kind of drunken debacles that happen during EQ conventions. I had to be satisfied with sitting around, making fun of Sean in his absence, and discussing the game. It was like irc, with beer and eye contact. But I played footsie with Ace, and then there was the general satisfaction that comes from being the hottest girl at the table.

Sorry, Britt.
My mind was blown.


Blackwing Lair Raider
does anyone know layel,from sol ro? this whole story reminds me of him. completely started out as a joke then somehow it turned into some reality that needed to be upheld, to the point where in ffxi (i was in his guild) the guild leader - his "boyfriend" - supposedly flew out to meet "her" and apparently "she" suddenly couldnt make it. then later it turns out a friend of mine went to college with the guy and covered for him for years while watching him go off the deep end. i heard various creepy bits like hormone pills being taken and attempts at voice modding on the phone, but dont know what truth there is to that.

anyhow this whole millie thing reminds me of that. you end up so wrapped up in what you created that you start believing your own bullshit, to the point that you probably dont even think about how absolutely insane you are anymore. i bet if someone dragged millie away from his pc and spelled everything he"s done out plainly on a chalkboard he"d breakdown rainman style and just start banging his head against a wall.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Everlast said:
PM sent to me when I questioned the hoofshot bans.
So Tyen and Zhavric and Aych are Hoofshots 2.0 basically?

Also, I"m pretty sure 80% of the people posting in this thread are, in fact, Millie.