Obi-Wan Kenobi


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>

Chuk, you might just want to let this franchise go at this point. This is a link that is doing nothing but trying to find things to complain about. If you want to find shit to complain about, you're going to find shit to complain about.


Millie's Staff Member
Chuk, you might just want to let this franchise go at this point. This is a link that is doing nothing but trying to find things to complain about. If you want to find shit to complain about, you're going to find shit to complain about.


<Nazi Janitors>
This series could have been so much better with competent writing and actual tie ins to the shit Filoni laid down. Instead, it really looks like KK's last attempt to shit all over Filoni as hard as she can (especially the mausoleum of dead potential plot threads). It would not have taken much to salvage this. The talent (except the Reva actress) was there to pull off a lot of what they were going for. I think if Filoni had been allowed to control the writing on this and they had cast literally anyone other than Moses Smugwoke as Reva, it could have been a good series.

The main issues are what the fuck was Reva's stupid plan anyhow? Killing Luke makes zero fucking sense to hurt Vader if he does not know about him. Having her back attack Vader at the shuttle escape in E5 and that be the reason they get away would have been much better. And for fucks sakes show Leia developing skills and character during the show instead of her arc being stubborn cunty kid to stubborn cunty kid with a gun holster. The sabre duel, while cool to watch, fucks up so much continuity its just ludicrous to have it in the story. Palps calling off Vader _did_ make sense if you understand the whole balance thing and that as long as Vader and Palms are balanced off by Yoda and Obi, its actually in his best interest to leave them be. But they literally repeated the biggest fuckup from TLJ with the slow motion fucking ISD chase. And Reva living AND her stupid ending were just fucking insulting on every level. Vader is a guy who murdered civilians and children at the drop of the had, as well as executing his own men when they made minor fuckups. But now, lets let a rogue force user who fucking ATTACKED you live because reasons. They really wanted to make Joggress Sith the star of this show.

And if Filoni was at the helm, I can thing of much better ways they could have tied this all into the movie cannon and Filoni SW mythos. Pick any of a number of EU characters for the Reva role (Ventriss would have been a good choice). Replace generic Black_Rebel_leader_001 with a younger less jaded Saw Guerrera. Replace Dinesh fake Jedi with any of a number of rogue type characters (how about Hono and even let Dinesh play him if you want). Maybe show the start of the Syndicate takeover of Tatooine as a reason why the Inquisitors can't just completely tear the place apart looking for Jedi there. There were a LOT of missed opportunities to blend this in instead of trying to shoehorn a bunch of KK subersive bullshit.
I have one solid complaint about this show that would have made it A tier if they’d just had the balls to do it:

When Vader had the two lightsabers and she was on her knees, I was praying that he was gonna slice her head off like he did to Dooku. And they fucking walked away from easy money.

Spineless cowards.
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Millie's Staff Member
I have one solid complaint about this show that would have made it A tier if they’d just had the balls to do it:

When Vader had the two lightsabers and she was on her knees, I was praying that he was gonna slice her head off like he did to Dooku. And they fucking walked away from easy money.

Spineless cowards.
they made Vader a flippin softy, he sounded like he was going to drown himself in his helmet with tears when he started whining about his situation. you didnt kill me, i killed me! i am no longer Anakin you failed, i beat you! booohooohooohoo! grow the fuck up bitch, its been ten years, you got clowned and you killed kids, you're the asshole in the room. you had many opportunities to kill OB1 in this show, but you choked.
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WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
This entire show just felt unnecessary. If anything it detracted from the story. I didn't hate it, but objectively it was not good.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Vader not killing Reva literally made no sense. Vader always handled failure with death, there was the force choke of the admiral in ESB and this is how he handled inquisitors:

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FPS noob
Yeah the rumors that the show was rewritten to let Reva live so she can continue on doesn't really make much sense, her scenes in episode 6 are too long and the perfect point of her death would have been in episode 5, the Dooku maneuver. So I'd probably rank that rumor as false.

The sad thing is they could totally have made Reva work as a character, as shitty as the actor is. Replace one of the fucking stupid Leia chase scenes with a flashback or two where we see Reia "lifted out of the gutter" by the Inquisitors, so we get a good scene of what life is like for force orphans in Coruscant after Imperial takeover. Show her executing jedi and padawans as a baby Inquisitor, so we see how the dark side and Inquisitors corrupt her desire for revenge.

Have her team up with Obi-Wan for a final fight, Vader kicks their asses, Vader mocks Obi-Wan for failing another Padawan as he fucks Reva up, Obi-Wan has to choose between saving Reva or killing Vader (instead of just walking away... again.... lol), Reva sacrifices herself so Obi-Wan can get away. Could use all those beats to write away the dumb parts of 5 & 6 like the two being a distraction while the cargo ship gets away, no need for a 2nd ship or silly 1 hour Imperial Star Destroyer chasing a tiny cargo ship, etc.

Instead we get these bizarre moments where Reva hunts Luke for ??why?? (it can't be "revenge", Vader doesn't even know about Luke!) completely ignoring facts like how the fuck is she walking around minutes after being stabbed with a saber, how the FUCK did she get from shit rebel outpost to Tatooine AHEAD of Ben, or why GI left her an inquisitor blade.

Still, she should have never ever been a part of the show, should have just been the Grand Inquisitor who is chasing Ben without any Leia/Luke shit but this is peak Shit Star Wars time, when you have to inject in black women because #StarWarsTooMaleWhite.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It wasn't as terrible as some of the earlier episodes but that's not saying much.

I mean, Obi-Wan is in the arse-end of nowhere and senses Luke is in danger and jumps to hyperspace only to arrive on Tatooine within 10-15 minutes of Reva going after Luke.

I mean, do the writers think Hyperspace is just like a teleport or something?
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
first few eps were a mixed bag, some very good some meh. Last episode was fucking awesome. I could go into details but I'll just settle on Ewan and Hayden absolutely killing it and a good resolution for Reva. HIgh point of this entire series however will be the relationship between Ben and Leia. Fucking loved it.

Wait, are you one of the people who thought TLJ was a good movie? Everything about Reva from the writing to the acting was fucking horrible. What resolution? The part where she survived getting gut poked by Vader a second time in her life only to go try to kill a youngling like her friends Vader had no clue existed because reasons? There were ways to redeem the character, but none of them involved living through her encounter with Vader. This was trash tier SJW hackery (just like TLJ) with a trash tier diversity hire actress.

And while the duel was visually cool, Vader somehow went from being a child murderer who only lost due to being a retard and doing a flip in the air to getting his ass straight up beat, despite years of seethe on Mustafa to get his shit together while Obi was just going full PTSD mode in the same time frame. And since apparently Mace Windu has managed to survive, I have a simple question. Has Vader ever managed to kill anyone outside of children, defenseless civilians, his own pregnant wife, and weak ass subordinates? I guess he sucker tossed Palps off a cliff, but Palps managed to survive that too. The supposed unstoppable chosen one of the force has apparently managed to kill exactly zero force users who have made it past puberty, aside from beheading a helpless Duku with Papa Palpatine there to give him confidence (who wanted Duku dead anyhow). Ashoka got away. Kanaan and Ezra got away. He stabbed this Joggress McSmuggington through the gut twice, once as a child, and she is still walking around doing stupid shit. Obi Wan punked him twice on screen and, if you are charitable, you can all the third duel in E4 a draw, same with him fighting Luke in Empire. They have made him steadily more of a bitch over the years and there is a lot of blame to go around on that one.

The Leia Obi-Wan relationship I will give you a pass on, since MacGregor acted his ass off on those scenes. Rest of it was unadulterated shit and pure subversion by the Kathleen Kenedy Klan, probably to shit on Favreau and Filoni, because yes that bitch is that petty.

Gavinmad Gavinmad Yeah I forgot they whacked Ventriss. Got the characters mixed up. As for budget concerns, they somehow managed to bribe Neeson enough to cameo in this shit show and that dude literally quit acting for a while to get out of being in any more of the prequels. It does look like they spent money on stupid shit that was not used a lot (massive Alderon set pieces, the new rebel ship types because KK hates anyone using EU ideas, the syndicate world city sets with tons of extras) but they cut corners in other places. It reeks of all the same fuckups as TLJ, which leads me to believe that Debbie Lunch was just a puppet for KK to ram her hand up the ass of while she took more personal control. Does anyone know if she still has that retarded gaggle of SJW fucksticks acting as her writing gestapo or did High Republic getting shitcanned finally get them tossed out the door?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The final episode was the best one of them all IMO, but again not saying much. I still hate Reva (mostly because the actress is awful) and hate how they made Vader such a wuss. I wish we got more of Obi and Luke. Hope to god they dont decide on a season 2.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Let me be a massive hypocrite here and add some fat shaming to the pile, but is it my imagination or did she chunk up over the course of the series? And she was not exactly petite to begin with.
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Tranny Chaser
the funniest thing about Jogger is she changed her name from Monique to Moses. I guess Monique is too jogger-typical