On a scale of 1-10, how much of a pedo is Gaige?


Legal Ephebophile
I'm not a descendant of carnies, I'm adopted. I'm not a pedo, 16 is legal in more places than not and also the scientific definition of post pubescent. I'm not ashamed about mooching on my parents I'll continue to do so as long as I live. I wish I didn't have to pay my Netflix though
Free Netflix would be better.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
I feel like Duppin is super mad because Gaige is banging regularly while Duppin hasnt seen a vagina since the Bush presidency

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
The one you never get to stick your dick in


Musty Nester
He's a fucking pedo, what do you expect?

He thinks that because he's convinced a few people on the internet to allow him to use a more precise term for his pedo disease that he's not a pedo.

And this is the shit that he'll admit to with the complete anoynimity that the internet affords him.

12 year olds, dude. There's 12 of them.

Fucking subhuman garbage.


Legal Ephebophile
This is a seriously fucked up statement. No, finding someone attractive is NOT the same as saying you would fuck them at the drop of a hat.
Oh come the fuck on it basically is saying just that. Are you telling me that if you find some woman attractive and you have the chance to fuck her you'd turn it down? Relationship notwithstanding I'm saying if you're single and an attractive chick hits on you and says "hey let's fuck" you're going to say no? As if. Males are programmed to propagate the species. Physical/sexual attraction exists for that reason. You've probably fucked a bunch of ugly chicks so don't sit here saying you'd turn down women you think are hot.

He thinks that because he's convinced a few people on the internet to allow him to use a more precise term for his pedo disease that he's not a pedo.
No I think pedophile literally means attracted to prepubescent children. As in PRIOR to going through PUBERTY and reaching SEXUAL MATURITY. That applies to exactly ZERO 16 year olds on this planet. I don't need to convince anyone anyway, most intelligent people already know the difference between pedophilia and men saying they'd fuck women that in over half of our country alone ARE THE FUCKING LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT. Jackass.

And this is the shit that he'll admit to with the complete anoynimity that the internet affords him.
Why do I need the internet to make the claim I'm making? I said "if 16 was legal where I lived and I had the opportunity to fuck a 16 year old, I would". Where is the shame in that statement? It's not a crime. It's not immoral. It's just fine in 30 of our 50 states. In fact 16 is the LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT in more states than 17 and 18 fucking combined. I don't have to feel shameful for making that statement. It's the same as saying "if Arizona raised the speed limit to 110mph tomorrow, I'd drive 110mph every chance I got".


Unelected Mod
Oh come the fuck on it basically is saying just that. Are you telling me that if you find some woman attractive and you have the chance to fuck her you'd turn it down? Relationship notwithstanding I'm saying if you're single and an attractive chick hits on you and says "hey let's fuck" you're going to say no? As if. Males are programmed to propagate the species.
Yes, I am not an animal driven by my base desires. I have a conscience and morals. There is more wrong with sleeping with a 16 year old than simply the law. It is perfectly normal to find someone attractive physically but understand that they simply aren't mature enough to realize what they are doing and you are taking advantage of them if you were to try and have sex with them.

God, the more you talk the more creepy it gets. You really shouldn't be allowed anywhere near kids. You basically straight up said you can't understand anyone not forcing themselves onto a girl because he found them attractive.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
If a 30 year old woman tried to seduce any of you at 16, how many of you would feel you're being taken advantage of?


That's what I thought


Legal Ephebophile
You basically straight up said you can't understand anyone not forcing themselves onto a girl because he found them attractive.
No. I said:

I'm saying if you're single and an attractive chick hits on you and says "hey let's fuck" you're going to say no?
How you got forcing yourself onto a girl that you find attractive from that is seriously beyond my comprehension. Again, if 16 year olds are so in need of protecting from older men how come 30 of our 50 states disagrees with your assessment and lets them fuck whoever the shit they please? Answer that you fucking self-righteous prick.

Most of you idiots are hypocrites anyway. I see posters in here giving me shit and calling me a pedo who are also in the "Who's That Girl" thread desperately begging people to find more nudes/porns of girls that look fucking YOUNGER than 16, lol. I guess it's legit to fantasize about it and watch them get fucked while jerking it but to admit you'd fuck them if you had the opportunity makes you a pedophile. Fucking jackasses.


I wonder if gaige got his parents to donate to FoH for posting rights? Ihope no mod would have approved the account of a pedo without getting money.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Opinions vary. I also lust after 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 year olds. I haven't slept with any of them in the past 10+ years either
I think I was 22 or 23 the last time I slept with a teenager (she was 19). That's what so funny about all of this. People act like it's a big deal that I said I'd fuck 16 year olds if it were the legal age where I live... but I mean 18 is legal where I live and I haven't fucked any of those. I'm just honest saying if the opportunity arose and it was legal I would.Not like that matters, not many 18 year olds lining up to sleep with 36 year old chubby momma's boys.I'll stick to my gf, tbh.

People just get offended I'm so honest about my opinions. It's much more normal to be my age and flat out say fucking 18 year olds is gross (and then spank it to 18 year old teenie porn all night long) like the rest of the motherfuckers on this board do.

I mean Jesus Christ go look at the pretty girl thread - so many chicks in there in the 16 to 19 age range it's not even funny.
Not according to Sam Deathwalker.


NeoGaf Donator
This is really the kind of life that ends with the sound of teeth scraping across the steel of a shotgun barrel.

When you're parents kick the bucket and you burn through the inheritance what are you going to do? Being a mallcop or whatever at 50 doesn't scream "I made a lot of good choices."


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not a pedo, 16 is legal in more places than not and also the scientific definition of post pubescent.
The difference between you and the people making fun of you is that you actively SEEK young "immature" women (in your words). From your posting, it appears you are a damn near 40 year old man-child, so I guess it makes sense.

Anyone would rub one out to a video of a hot 18 yr old failed actress doing porn; you see a girl with a 16-18 yr old's mental make-up as RELATIONSHIP material. A big difference which you are apparently too obtuse to figure out.

I'm not ashamed about mooching on my parents I'll continue to do so as long as I live. I wish I didn't have to pay my Netflix though
Free Netflix would be better.
You really are a child. That's fine, just never use the word "normal adult" to describe yourself. Adults don't beg their parents to buy them spinning rims when they are 40.

Also, why has no one made fun of your bandwagon sports fan faggotry? Seems like some low hanging fruit left alone.