Operation: Adebisi O'Mara


Oh, hooray, a parental debate. The bottom line in parenting is this: take responsibility for your child. If you do that it doesn't matter how you raise it, but always take responsibility for its actions. If at 2 it breaks shit, is a heathen, and spits at people, that's your fault. Don't listen to the advice other people give you about raising it; do your own thing. Remember, though, it's ALWAYS your fault if the child is badly behaved, unless there is some kind of underlying medical condition.

vGrade, you sound like a douche. Perhaps your style of parenting works for you and your child, but you have little right to tell other people how to raise their own.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Typical rude Canadian. I'd take her to small claims or at least write her a ridiculous legalese letter. You're completely in the right