Orange Is the New Black


NeoGaf Donator
Finished the second season last night. Pretty good but not nearly as good as the first. Every time it cuts to the relationship between Officer Gimpy and George Lopez I want to skip ahead. Red vs Vee was cool but every black girl besides Taystee and P is annoying as shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just finished the second season last night. I ended up going back and watching the first season beforehand to watch the entire thing together. I can't really say as I noticed a significant change in quality from one season to the next. Some things were a little better, some were a little worse. I do think the writing in season 2 was a little lazier though.

For instance, one of my biggest pet peeves is someone having this extremely important person in their life that just suddenly materializes out of nothing. Taystee never mentioned Vee at all in the first season, never talked about looking for her when she got out (in fact, she stated that she was going to look for a cousin), never mentioned not being able to find her when she got back, never even mentioned someone similar in passing. Then we get an episode that shows Taystee's back story and, tada!, Vee is now in jail too! There really should've been more of a lead-up to that. It just felt like a really lazy way to introduce an integral character, particularly since she conveniently also had history with Red.

I also think the nun episode was one of the weakest of the season. They were obviously trying to go with a really shocking back story that we wouldn't see coming, but it instead just felt really artificial and out of character. There have never been any indications that she has any sort of fame, nor have we really seen any hints towards her desire for it. And they didn't really do that great of a job showcasing what put her on this path. It was like watching two completely different people.

Watching this season and thinking about the complaints, I realized that I actually like Piper's character. Especially as she has grown colder in prison. The stuff with Brook was hilarious. And I like Jason Biggs character and his scenes, they are fine and give some context of her former life. I even like the whole relationship with Polly, it makes sense and she has nice titties. Alex is the problem in the show. Every scene with her or about her is just trying.
I came to like Piper more this season since she's started shedding the whole naive puppy thing and is embracing her circumstances. While Soso was an extremely annoying character, she did a good job serving the purpose of showing just how much Piper is starting to fit in. Some of the stronger scenes this season were between the two of them.

Now, the Alex stuff... I liked the twist of Piper turning her in, but I think that storyline has run its course to the point where it's going to start straining believability. The show is a lot better when the writers aren't having to do mental gymnastics to keep this love/hate relationship going.

Ok, so that is one of the storylines that I absolutely hated. Everything about the Diaz thing was awful. "If you loved me, you'd go to prison for fucking me." How in the hell does that make any sense at all?
I didn't mind their storyline the first season, but this part of it really became grating by the end of the second season. In what world is having your baby's father go to prison for several years for statutory rape, likely forcing him to register as a sex offender, and having him lose his job preferable to having him visit the baby in secret? Kids trust their parents. It's not like Bennett is going to have to lay out his whole life story the moment the kid can speak. Yeah, it was shitty to pin it on Mendez, but it's not like Mendez was an innocent soul. He was arrested because he was actually breaking the law. The pregnancy was just secondary to that.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah that was really stupid. Go to jail so this kid can have two felons for parents instead of one. This kind of decision making makes it pretty clear why this bitch is in prison.
And apparently why her entire family is also. That type of stupid has been inceptioned three layers deep.


2 Minutes Hate
I just finished the 2nd season and yeah, the whole Diaz thing is silly only if you've not married and have kids. Women say and rationalize stupid shit all the time when they are pregnant. None of that surprised me at all.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I came to like Piper more this season since she's started shedding the whole naive puppy thing and is embracing her circumstances. While Soso was an extremely annoying character, she did a good job serving the purpose of showing just how much Piper is starting to fit in. Some of the stronger scenes this season were between the two of them.

Now, the Alex stuff... I liked the twist of Piper turning her in, but I think that storyline has run its course to the point where it's going to start straining believability. The show is a lot better when the writers aren't having to do mental gymnastics to keep this love/hate relationship going.
I think the only way I'll enjoy Piper's character is if it fundamentally changes. Right now it's gone from scared hipster girl to annoyed and depressed and confused blonde chick. I'd rather she start getting more integrated into the system and start making a life for herself inside instead of being so attached to the outside. I'd love to see her get pissed enough to deliberately kill someone, get sent to max and have to outsmart the stupid but brutal inmates there. Meanwhile all the garbage characters in her RL are thrown out and the audience and Piper don't get relief from seeing the outside constantly.

Really I want a different show than what they have and should stop comparing the show to what I want.


Musty Nester
Piper is basically irredeemable and they're making a show about her redemption. It's not that she is some sort of physical embodiment of moral evil, it's that they're talking about two different things.

Unless s3 is her making DonnAlex her prison bitch and then getting released and going back to her yuppie life and letting DonnAlex rot then piper scenes are going to go right back to being insufferable.

I expect the show has probably peaked.


Still a Music Elitist
She's going to be out in less than nine months. Why would she attempt to get more integrated into the system when she actually has an expiration date compared to the other seemingly lifers?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Piper is basically irredeemable and they're making a show about her redemption. It's not that she is some sort of physical embodiment of moral evil, it's that they're talking about two different things.
I'm not sure if it's about her redemption. Going into the show, Piper didn't necessarily have anything that needed redeeming as we were frequently reminded that she made a minor mistake a decade ago and had since built a life for herself. I think it's more about Piper figuring out who she is as a person, embracing her mistakes, and realizing she isn't the yuppie she was brought up to be. Unsurprisingly, there is some similarity between Piper's trajectory and Nancy from Weeds. Hopefully next season doesn't end with Piper burning the jail to the ground.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
She's going to be out in less than nine months. Why would she attempt to get more integrated into the system when she actually has an expiration date compared to the other seemingly lifers?
I don't know what the book / true story says, but in my 'ideal way this show could go' she loses her release semi-purposefully and is basically turned into a lifer. This would then make the show both about a semi-good girl breaking bad, and also about how the US prison system criminalizes minor offenders.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I don't know what the book / true story says, but in my 'ideal way this show could go' she loses her release semi-purposefully and is basically turned into a lifer. This would then make the show both about a semi-good girl breaking bad, and also about how the US prison system criminalizes minor offenders.
I could get into that. Good idea, would watch.


Vyemm Raider
Really I want a different show than what they have and should stop comparing the show to what I want.
I'm right there with you. We want female "Oz", what we're getting is Paris Hilton's "The Simple Life" behind bars.


2 Minutes Hate
The next 9 months will probably be another 2 seasons. No need to make her a lifer. I have no idea if there is an end game other than just enjoying the ride. Polly and Larry getting married is probably going to happen and Piper will be fake-invited.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
They can't possibly give her another weekend pass, so the invite would be pointless. I don't think it will happen.

You really think they can make 2 more seasons out of 9 months? I think it more likely that she has another episode where she beats on someone, or something, and is given a slightly extended term, and season 4 will be that.


Musty Nester
Yeah, they could do it.

They're not super strict about the passage of time in this show. Hell, they could even retcon out her 9 months if they felt like it. She only said it once in one episode.


Buzzfeed Editor
I got the impression that this season was very short as far as in-show time, like a few weeks.

In real life the chick did her time, got out, and married Larry so I doubt we deviate too much from that basic arc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nothing says we couldn't get a season with Piper getting out and trying to adjust back to her old life. Because of Larry and Polly, we already see a lot of what goes on outside of the prison, so it wouldn't be that significant of a change to shift Piper over to that. Considering the lives the show is based on and where everyone ends up, I'd gamble on that being a possibility. It seems unlikely for Piper and Larry to get back together while she's still in prison.

Really, I wouldn't even be against them having Piper get out and just ending her arc. There are enough interesting characters to carry the show without her, and due to the setting, it's not hard to introduce new characters. The real Piper didn't even originally want a character based on her being in the show, so they have already considered something along those lines.