

Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Streamers make a lot more then you guys think. Sodapoppin on stream said he makes six figures alone just from donations. Lirik has over 10k subs and pulls in at least 3k a month from subs alone. Summit1g bought a Nismo Nissan GTR.

Desirae Lazar on Twitter:
With 10k subs he's pulling in at least 20k from subs alone. Here's a snippet from someone who's done some good guestimation:

"Lirik fluctuates between 9600-10000 subs a month, which at an 80 split is 38,400 - 40,000 x 12 = 460,800 - 480,000, which is very close to 500,000. Add in an additional 240k a year in donations and their figures are very reasonable, if not low."

The 80 split is questionable but I honestly wouldn't doubt it considering he's twitch's #1 streamer. Even at a 50/50 split which is the least he'd be getting he's sitting at 250ish a year from subs. I'd also wager he averages about 100 bucks an hour in donations, maybe more, so that 240k could be closer to 300k+. Let's say 500k a year minus 1/3 to taxes. Add to that any sponsorship he might have (not many). Not a bad gig. He's getting his youtube ramped up too now I believe.

Summit has a lot more sponsors - wonder how much that brings in.

Would have been a dayum good gig if anyone with any decent streaming skills would have got into it when it was growing. Pretty much impossible to break in and make it big now unless you get really lucky with big boy referrals.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Not impossible to break in if you have the time and personality tbh. Good players can attract audiences easier, too. I wish we had all this shit when I was playing games 15 hours a day, now Im lucky to get 2 hours at most per day unless I want to be a zombie next day. Just a couple generations late to the party


Molten Core Raider
Yea no shit, where was twitch when I was in DnT playing WoW 8-10 hours a day pushing content? zzz :[


I guess if you're in the PewDiePie level of making money it would be a good life but the people streaming to 4k people probably making like $750-$1k a month it seems like a terrible existance. You have to be a loud annoying fucktard and pander to twitch chat which is basically the most repetitive, droll, immature, anti-funny community on the planet. I'd rather flip some fucking hamburgers than be a sorta-name streamer.
They are making way more then that. If you stream to 3k viewers constantly you are making close to, or over 100k a year in Subs, Donations, Merchandise, Sponsors, and ad revenue.

Not a bad living for them for doing what they like. The pitfalls for them is obviously what comes with money at a young age. Drug abuse etc

And it's like youtube now. Super hard to get e-famous . If you look at the ones that did make it, they worked a year in poverty before anything happened for their channel.

The reality is tho, Twitch still has a super small user base. So most of the timeslots are pretty much booked. Your chances of making it now for a non Esport pro is pretty terrible.

They are all getting raped tho imo. PewdiePie made Youtube so much money, and only took a very small chunk of that revenue even tho it looks like he is making a lot. They did an analysis of his earnings to what he made for them, and it is staggering.

Same thing with Twitch very few have cut a good deal on their subs, and Twitch can take that away at any time. The majority of the popular streamers still have to pay Twitch 50% of their revenue for all the same functions a non partnered streamer would get.

They should be furious about that, If an agent took 50% of an entertainers salary in any other medium they would pretty much be robbing them.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, on twitch you get $2 of every sub I think. Then like you said, donations, ads, yadda yadda yadda.

A friend of min linked me to some chick last night and he was outright pissed. She was playing LoL, and by playing I mean like 1 match every hour I guess. She has her boobs almost out and dudes were donating hundreds to her at a time. She was also partnered up with G2A gaming and had her own discount code to use when getting games. I laughed and said I'd do the same if I were a semi attractive hot chick.


That is completely an apples to oranges comparison
It really isn't. Most of the major streamers aren't even that great at games, Soda, Elohome,Lirik, Toweliee, Krip etc they are purely their as entertainers.

If they weren't entertaining people 12 hours a day 7 days a week no one would ever watch them.

So in fact they work harder then most other entertainers, and they supply all of thier content on their channel. The social networking, the self advertising, the layouts, the production equipment etc etc

Twitch is purely there as a platform. It be like if a comedy store charged thier talent 50% for a show they do every night because they provided the stage for them to perform on, but the entertainer provided everything else. The mic, sound equipment, electricity, lights etc


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It really isn't. Most of the major streamers aren't even that great at games, Soda, Elohome,Lirik, Toweliee, Krip etc they are purely their as entertainers.

If they weren't entertaining people 12 hours a day 7 days a week no one would ever watch them.

So in fact they work harder then most other entertainers, and they supply all of thier content on their channel. The social networking, the self advertising, the layouts, the production equipment etc etc

Twitch is purely their as a platform. It be like if a comedy store charged thier talent 50% for a show they do every night because they provided the stage for them to perform on, but the entertainer provided everything else. The mic, sound equipment, electricity, lights etc
If someone wants to perform comedy they're allowed to do it on a street corner. Or the comedy club down the road. If someone wants to set up the infrastructure to allow for (mostly) infinitely scalable viewership including the HTML5 player they're more than welcome. Then they can get 100%. But until then Twitch is allowed to charge whatever they please because without Twitch there wouldn't be streaming. If anyone complains they sure as fuck better stream on hitbox.tv or one of Twitch's competitors. Because without competition Twitch will continue to be allowed and without argument be allowed to take whatever cut they please.


Then they can get 100%. But until then Twitch is allowed to charge whatever they please because without Twitch there wouldn't be streaming. If anyone complains they sure as fuck better stream on hitbox.tv or one of Twitch's competitors. Because without competition Twitch will continue to be allowed and without argument be allowed to take whatever cut they please.
Not even the point, the point is they are robbing them.

It's same thing they say about PewdiePie with Youtube. It is what it is until someone changes it, but you can still socially comment on it just like every other fucked up thing. More people speak up the more awareness it gets.

Right now people are very naive when it comes to streaming, including yourself earlier listing those ridiculous low numbers. Most people are in your boat, totally clueless.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And we all know you suck streamer dick so no one really gives a fuck about you


Log Wizard
Beware column shitpost. Do not engage. I repeat, do NOT engage.

I want to see a 6 Tracer team. I don't know if they'd win, but they'd sure as fuck ruin some people's nights.


And we all know you suck streamer dick so no one really gives a fuck about you
O baby mad now because he lost another argument, and some random gamer on Twitch is making more money in a day then you make in a week.

I will always be on the side of little guy versus the Big Corporation in this case Amazon/Twitch


Bronze Knight of the Realm
"You said streamers make too little. But in fact you're an idiot. They make WAY more than that. Because they're being exploited by twitch."

You are truly a fucking moron.