

Golden Squire
This game.

Game #1:

3 people instalock DPS. 2 people take healers. I take Sombra and say "I'll switch when a DPS takes a tank". Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine, with 5 seconds left someone takes a tank, I switch to tank.

We crush them. Lopsided win on both attack and defense.

Game #2:

3 people instalock DPS. 2 people take tanks. I take Sombra and say "l'll switch to heal, but I'm not solo healing. When a dps goes to a healer I'll switch." No one switches. 30 seconds in we have a leaver, I leave when 2 minutes are up.

There has to be some kind of endemic fix to this right? Please say I'm not crazy.
  • 2Solidarity
Reactions: 1 users

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
wow i actually looked at the official forums, absolutely hilarious how butthurt people are over mercy lmao
I don't get it. Mercy was my most played but since the nerf I've just moved over to moria. So far seems to be just as powerful as mercy was. Gold/silver elims and damage AND healing, not just gold healing now.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This game.

Game #1:

3 people instalock DPS. 2 people take healers. I take Sombra and say "I'll switch when a DPS takes a tank". Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine, with 5 seconds left someone takes a tank, I switch to tank.

We crush them. Lopsided win on both attack and defense.

Game #2:

3 people instalock DPS. 2 people take tanks. I take Sombra and say "l'll switch to heal, but I'm not solo healing. When a dps goes to a healer I'll switch." No one switches. 30 seconds in we have a leaver, I leave when 2 minutes are up.

There has to be some kind of endemic fix to this right? Please say I'm not crazy.
That's where MOBAs break. There's no punishment for throwing or being a retard unless you take it to the extreme.

These games need rating systems to weed out the toxic assholes who don't stick to qp and a role based matchmaking system so when you get into a game there's no question of who is doing what.


Toe Sucker
I mean half of the posts on the forums were people saying they're awful at FPS games because they've been to war 3 times and lost function of their hands arms and dicks so they can only play mercy, but all the fun of mercy was literally being able to insta res somebody

  • 2Worf
Reactions: 1 users


<Bronze Donator>
I feel like picking sombra is going to intentionally tilt the others who could have experienced leaver situation the game before or earlier in the day. I would have picked like lucio or zenyatta and said solo healing isnt going to be enough, or hey we need a shield tank. Then I just follow the team and when we lose a choke cause we have no shield tank or lack of heals, people usually start changing by then, or we just lose.

Frankly I'm tired of trying to police people, I feel like high plat/low diamond people know the game by now and what we need or dont need, if they want to lose their points too it's out of my control already in the game. Sometimes solo healing works if your solo healer is a mercy, plenty of times we're getting our shit pushed in and I swap to reaper to rape winston or roadhog and win.
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  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


<Bronze Donator>
I love mcree, just got his golden gun. Want the blackwatch skin for it tho. I been on soldier more tho hes more forgiving on misses!


<Silver Donator>
lol how is there so few mccree mains, i guess i'm a rare commodity
The article kinda touch on this, but people are more likely to main or one trick heroes that have mechanical uniqueness and/or are off meta so they can always pick them. McCree is neither of these, he's been more or less meta forever(less so at times like back when he got ranged nerfed with the drop off and shit but still) and mechanically he's extremely vanilla, with only maybe S76 being more so. That makes him unappealing for people to main or one trick. And then there's the fact that he also requires pretty high FPS skill due to his slow rate of fire high damage shots.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Effect got a two day suspension over the whole Symmetra thing. He's playing on his alt account now in DM playing as Symmetra. lol

Edit: This comment from: Dallas Fuel's Effect Suspended from Ladder Play till Sunday • r/Overwatch

Can we stop turning this a one trick conversation and start focusing on who these players are? If any of you would have played Trouser you would know he/she is a very toxic player. They stay out of voice chat, refuse to work as a team, known for building TP’s on the edge of the map when games are going poorly. Their name is a dick joke ffs. The whole One Trick conversation isn’t needed here.
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Watcher of Overs
I'm just getting caught up. Lots of crazy games this week. Seoul without Jehong was sad to watch.

BTW I think few main cowboy because he needs a babysitter. If you have clout and people know you are amazing you'll get pocketed. You'll see this on iddqd's stream. If he gets a pocket he'll dumpster the entire other team, but if not even the best will eventually fall over to random damage.


<Bronze Donator>
yep hes a frail little pistol for sure, pharah can take him out quick if hes not protected.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is there any site that does a good job explaining how the silly "skill adjustment" for SR players below diamond or w/e works? I've played plenty of elo based games before and i have no idea why it's in the game at all. But one thing i noticed is if i lose in solo queue it seems to hate mercy. I typically lose more SR then when i lose as Lucio or another char. This despite Overbuff and everyone i play with seeming to agree Mercy is by far my best Hero. I think i just need to not play solo queue maybe.

Had a game today we won 5v6 when one of our duders DCed a few mins in. Was completely crazy how we somehow managed to barely break out of our spawn point in overtime get on the payload and beat there spot somehow despite having to hit 2 checkpoints.

Too bad a random disconnect on my part ( -50SR despite rejoining the game 2 mins later) means that my SR is lower today then it was yesterday at this time despite going 6w 3l in that time (including the DC). I don't get why the SR system can't just be like it is back when i played MTG or even age of empires online back in the 90s, 20 points win/lose for an equally matched SR team, Adjust that only based on the difference in SR between teams, if someone DC's 6 times knock them 80 points (that was how AoE worked back then). The current system just seems random and often frustrating.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
No one knows exactly how the SR rating works. As best as been figured out is this.

You gain or lose SR for winning or losing...obviously. This is adjusted if you are favorite or underdog in the match vs the other team. Basically if you win as an underdog you gain more SR, if you lose you lose less. Opposite if you’re the favorite.

Then comes the personal part. It essentially compares your performance with people of similar SR on the same hero. For Mercy it would be stuff like how many rez, how much healing etc...no one knows exactly. So if you’re losing a lot of SR it means you’re not performing as well as other Mercy of your SR.

My guess right now it might be because of the nerf. The stats might still consider how many rez you're getting now versus average Mercy when they still from before the nerf. It might be the same with healing since you lost 5 secs of Valkyrie. This is purely a guess on my part...not sure how often their stats are updated.

The other thing might just be that there isn’t that many Lucio being played right now and it’s easier to outperform as a Lucio


<Bronze Donator>
No idea, but on a decent "streak" here. maybe the numbers here can help
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Blackwing Lair Raider
My guess right now it might be because of the nerf. The stats might still consider how many rez you're getting now versus average Mercy when they still from before the nerf. It might be the same with healing since you lost 5 secs of Valkyrie. This is purely a guess on my part...not sure how often their stats are updated.

The other thing might just be that there isn’t that many Lucio being played right now and it’s easier to outperform as a Lucio

I think your probably right about the mercy nerf basically my bad SR loss were that day of the nerf and the day after. Since then I've stabilized and i only lose reasonable amounts save that disconnect game yesterday. I think a big part of it is deaths also as especially in solo queue with a disorganized team your potentially dying a ton. The speed nerf to valk combined with the no insta rez also is taking getting used to, times where i would simply valk and fly away from a stupid tire or self destruct i now find myself getting caught in the blast.

For the life of me i can't understand why they let DVA keep that stupid nuke everything with little to no risk ultimate.

It still seems like an odd system... I mean we only got 18SR for that 5v6 match we won today. I Guess i just got to get us it. I want to move up in SR so badly just from my competitive streak but i forget it took me years to my elo in mtg to what it was and although i moved up to the top raid guilds in wow very fast i had years of experience in eq beforehand.