

She's just an annoying fuck hero. The reason she's insane is translocator being 20 seconds meaning you can basically get very safely behind enemy lines, hack a target or pick a support on an oblivious team and the second anyone even as much as looks at you, you just teleport back across the entire map. Repeat forever.

Except now her hack is so goddamn short that you're probably not even going to interrupt her with damage before she can even do anything.

She stops tanks completely other than hog really and kills any support especially in a teamfight. Make no mistake though, if a teamfight is happening and a sombra is unchecked she almost immediately makes that teamfight 5v6 which means you lost against any fairly competent team. Unless she does some dumbass shit like hack a soldier.


<Bronze Donator>
got a draw on my first placement cause this idiot was playing in a snow storm and disconnected 3 times, on hanamura, at the shittiest times on defense and we were wreckin them on offense which he never dc'd on lol. gonna wait too


yeah you pretty much are guaranteed to get placed at your highest rank of last season

I didn't play for like 4 seasons and came back at the end of last season to be 3500+ again which was really jarring because a lot of things changed since then


Watcher of Overs
I may not even bother. I'm near max currency and gold guns are tacky and gross. If they would offer something decent to buy with tokens I'd be interested more.


Golden Squire
Comp is the only mode where people actually try to play the game as intended though i.e. have a decent team comp and play the objective. Wish there was some sort of casual comp but w/e. Also something else to do with cp besides gold guns ffs..


Golden Baronet of the Realm
They regret putting the golden guns in, so you won't see anything else to buy with CP points.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
After a bit more on Brigitte, I’m starting to think she will be extremely situational, and most likely will see little to no play in OWL.

When she works, she can be quite powerful, but otherwise she can end up being very weak and be very unfun to play.

I played her on Junkertown on attack with what I thought was a decent team for her, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Lucio, Soldier, and forgot what the other DPS was.

The defending team had a Widow, Pharah, Orissa, D'va, Ana and Zen..playing on high ground, and basically at range all the time.

I never had such an experience where I felt so useless. Aside from my Repair Pack every 6 seconds, I could do nothing, provided no healing, couldn’t flail away, couldn’t shield bash. Her shield offers little to no prot$tion against Pharah, you take a lot of damage even if you have you shield up.

It was honestly one of the most frustrating Overwatch experience ever.

When there's some good engagement in tight area, on fights on point, or payload she can be a lot of fun and very powerful, but in cases like these she is unfun and useless.

It might not be a bad design to be honest to have her this way, I don’t know.


Golden Squire
Yeah not feeling the love for this character. Completely wrecked by all ranged classes and the one mildly decent range attack she has is equivalent to roadhog's hook which is one of the most powerful abilities in the game even now and completely outclasses Brigitte's. I won't be playing her right now thats for sure.


Golden Knight of the Realm
After a bit more on Brigitte, I’m starting to think she will be extremely situational, and most likely will see little to no play in OWL.

When she works, she can be quite powerful, but otherwise she can end up being very weak and be very unfun to play.

I played her on Junkertown on attack with what I thought was a decent team for her, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Lucio, Soldier, and forgot what the other DPS was.

The defending team had a Widow, Pharah, Orissa, D'va, Ana and Zen..playing on high ground, and basically at range all the time.

I never had such an experience where I felt so useless. Aside from my Repair Pack every 6 seconds, I could do nothing, provided no healing, couldn’t flail away, couldn’t shield bash. Her shield offers little to no prot$tion against Pharah, you take a lot of damage even if you have you shield up.

It was honestly one of the most frustrating Overwatch experience ever.

When there's some good engagement in tight area, on fights on point, or payload she can be a lot of fun and very powerful, but in cases like these she is unfun and useless.

It might not be a bad design to be honest to have her this way, I don’t know.

I like her, shes fun to play and kit feels great if you're not against ranged heroes, which is part of the problem.

She's obviously designed to be situational considering her kit is melee and anti dive.

But this is overwatch, so every single game will have some shitter on brigette in situations like you mentioned blaming DPS for their loss. Sick of having awful moiras in your team yet who do nothing but feed all game and do no actual appropriate healing? Well now there's brigette who'll be TOTALLY useless but hey some retard picked a support so its fine, right?

Brigette/Ana/Moira, the trio of utterly garbage supports you just know have a 99% chance of doing nothing useful the entire game if you're in < diamond.



Toe Sucker
She's a 'melee' support that needs to be actively in combat to do anything. first point of junkertown would be the absolute worst place for her lol

tighter corridors will be where she shines, but definitely not viable all the time though


Watcher of Overs
Yea swap to her in the streets phase.

So there's a grapevine sort of podcasty thing where they have 4 guys talking about the past week or two. Harsha is on there (he's a sanfran coach).

Why are they tiptoeing around the problem they all obviously see? Your main dps is shit. Reinforce brings up IDDQD and ... I'm not even sure what that reaction was. Seems like something secret is going on.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, she is terrible in open spaces. She basically twiddles her thumb and can only heal every 6 seconds if the other team is out of range. She's going to shit up a ton of games in gold/silver. =(


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
The thing about Brigitte is that when she's not a good pick, she's a really terrible one.

In those situations where she is bad, she might just be the worse hero in Overwatch, an attack Torbjorn or Symmetra brings more than she does I think.

She might end up being the biggest troll pick in some case. :)


Watcher of Overs
Some fascinating insight in the vid above about eqo / shadowburn that I didn't really think about. Reinforce says that shadowburn has been the best genji in the world for 2 years, so every team puts him as their #1 focus to kill, and it has made him extremely paranoid.

Eqo wasn't considered as much of a threat so he could just go super aggressive. I can totally see that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
My win percentages in MH:

No one under 50%. Then I see posts like this and just think get good. Yeah, you see some stacks that are auto-win, but they don't happen that often. If you can flex you can overcome most of the toxic ones by just whittling them down because they won't respawn as the same hero.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
LA Gladiators are the perfect example of a middle of the pack team, they win against team lower than they are and lose against the team above them...almost no exceptions.

They have some serious communication issues, like really obvious bad coordination at times.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well they added Fissure and Bischu has to translate so that is where the comm issues come from I think. They have been improving week by week. I believe the League as a hole will come up with a system for the language barriers to be less of a non-factor. If the League doesn't, the first team that figures it out will start to dominate.