

Golden Knight of the Realm
So. You had an organized team that was communicating. Which, we've all already said a team communicating and working together would really negate a lot of Bastion's bullshit. Also it was three of them? And from what I've seen three of anything really isn't a good idea in this game. So I don't really see how what you are saying changes much.

The problem I have with Bastion mostly is when he can set up a long ways behind a point half hidden in a doorway where he can peep the main avenue of approach with his whole team in front of him. If you fight on the point he melts you. You don't, you have the other team controlling it and fighting you the whole time.

Which, the more I think about it prolly is less of a Bastion being OP, and more just shit map design that allows those spots in the first place. The Anubis map is the worst one I've seen it for. And there is no real way to flank the setup I've seen since its half in the hallway from their spawn.
Bastion is only a problem for people that are extremely new to this game. After a week of OB I love seeing Bastions...just switch to Widowmaker if we don't have one already and proceed to punish. Really good Tracer's can abuse them too. Has nothing to do with PUG's vs groups, tournaments vs solo queue...its simply knowing how easy he is to snipe and where they are likely to be.


Molten Core Raider
I find that Bastion is good if you have a Reinhart (sp?) shielding in a spot with you behind it in machine gun mode. Otherwise he gets fucked pretty quickly.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Reapers are good for that, because you can avoid footsteps if you use your abilities, then sneak up behind for easy crits on the vulnerable core.


Trakanon Raider
I played one last time in the beta myself with friends just to see if I still felt the same about the game. I just wish there was a 12v12 mode at least on PC. The fact the title is on consoles at 6v6 makes me skeptical this would ever be explored.

The TF2 pub server experience at 24/32 total players is just much much better to the drop in and fight style of gameplay compared to Overwatch's equivalent 6v6 solo pub experience. TF2 competitive play capped things at 8v8 or 6v6 I think, and I have no problems with the notion that competitive Overwatch is best played at the size of 6v6 with all the intentional class swapping required to execute whatever strategies a team might want to use to manufacture synergistic advantage.

Expressing to my friends that the game demands you counter pick, especially if no one on your team will, was frustrating at best. We had the most pub fun in brawl mode, but the unfortuante thing about brawl mode is that you see far fewer ultimates. Every time we'd queue into a normal game, I constantly had to counterpick Bastions (among others) that my teams could only die to because there is absolutely no way certain heroes can kill him given equal skill level of the players.

TLDR; If pubbing was 12v12 with bigger maps, there would be less pressure on any 1 player to character swap to the role their team needs. It also increases the likelyhood that at least 1 or 2 counters of any given character will probably be active on the map. Players should not be so heavily punished in a pub setting for not running an ideal comp, especially if the opponents actually do. With only 6 players on a team there are so many combinations of horrible compositions that it made pubs way less fun than I think they otherwise could be.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Reapers are good for that, because you can avoid footsteps if you use your abilities, then sneak up behind for easy crits on the vulnerable core.
Crouching also muffles footsteps. Zenyatta doesn't produce footsteps either but I don't think too many people fear the Zen flank.


Trakanon Raider
I played one last time in the beta myself with friends just to see if I still felt the same about the game. I just wish there was a 12v12 mode at least on PC. The fact the title is on consoles at 6v6 makes me skeptical this would ever be explored.

The TF2 pub server experience at 24/32 total players is just much much better to the drop in and fight style of gameplay compared to Overwatch's equivalent 6v6 solo pub experience. TF2 competitive play capped things at 8v8 or 6v6 I think, and I have no problems with the notion that competitive Overwatch is best played at the size of 6v6 with all the intentional class swapping required to execute whatever strategies a team might want to use to manufacture synergistic advantage.

Expressing to my friends that the game demands you counter pick, especially if no one on your team will, was frustrating at best. We had the most pub fun in brawl mode, but the unfortuante thing about brawl mode is that you see far fewer ultimates. Every time we'd queue into a normal game, I constantly had to counterpick Bastions (among others) that my teams could only die to because there is absolutely no way certain heroes can kill him given equal skill level of the players.

TLDR; If pubbing was 12v12 with bigger maps, there would be less pressure on any 1 player to character swap to the role their team needs. It also increases the likelyhood that at least 1 or 2 counters of any given character will probably be active on the map. Players should not be so heavily punished in a pub setting for not running an ideal comp, especially if the opponents actually do. With only 6 players on a team there are so many combinations of horrible compositions that it made pubs way less fun than I think they otherwise could be.
I've been trying to put my finger on what it is that bugs me about this game. I'm having fun, but it seems frustrating and I think this about sums up what it is. Its that feeling I get in Dota where I have to pick a character I don't really feel like playing because no one else wants to roll support. Its way more competitive role based gaming, and less the free for all that I was expecting with what I imagined was Blizzard's TF2 successor.

I'm real curious how they play to monetize this though. I bought the game, but I don't feel any of the desire to spend money on it like I do with Dota's Compediums and such. Are they going to go for expansions? Just sell hats? Really curious how they are going to take it. If they do the 'buy this expansion for more maps and characters' bit, I will prolly jump off the train quick.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think I would never pick up this game if I came to the party late like I did with Dota and LoL. I know what to do and what counters what so I don't get frustrated. In those Mobas I simply didn't want to be the weak link and didn't feel like fucking reading up on everything so I wasn't a fucking feeder is what I believe they called me lol.

If you have plenty of friends pick it up, If you like gaming alone a lot then I would probably pass. Pugs can be such a fucking horrible experience.


what Suineg set it to
I think I would never pick up this game if I came to the party late like I did with Dota and LoL. I know what to do and what counters what so I don't get frustrated. In those Mobas I simply didn't want to be the weak link and didn't feel like fucking reading up on everything so I wasn't a fucking feeder is what I believe they called me lol.
Actually the opposite is true and that's one of the issues with the game. In an effort to make it accessible to babies they crushed the skill cap to nothing. There are a couple heroes that are worthless without knowing how to play them properly but largely your average idiot is always going to be happy joining your game.

I do agree that this game is much better with friends but I don't feel I can give it a pass on that aspect alone - there's really no game that isn't more fun with a group of friends over pug shitheads.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Actually the opposite is true and that's one of the issues with the game. In an effort to make it accessible to babies they crushed the skill cap to nothing. There are a couple heroes that are worthless without knowing how to play them properly but largely your average idiot is always going to be happy joining your game.

I do agree that this game is much better with friends but I don't feel I can give it a pass on that aspect alone - there's really no game that isn't more fun with a group of friends over pug shitheads.
Considering I've been watching the tournaments I'm gonna have to totally disagree with that. If you think the skill cap is low then you just aren't paying attention. My Genji and Seagulls Genji are on two different planets. Being able to pick up a character and have some success isn't a bad thing.


what Suineg set it to
Yes, Genji is one of those characters that needs a skillful hand to play well. He still dies like a bitch to autoaim/instakill ults.

Also, I think Widowmaker needs to see a doctor. She's got some severe spinal issues. Though maybe she's half-centaur, IDK.



Trakanon Raider
I think I would never pick up this game if I came to the party late like I did with Dota and LoL. I know what to do and what counters what so I don't get frustrated. In those Mobas I simply didn't want to be the weak link and didn't feel like fucking reading up on everything so I wasn't a fucking feeder is what I believe they called me lol.
Being late to the party is not relevant in a modern online game if its matchmaking population is sufficiently large. Trying to learn or play a game with insufficient population is one thing (like trying to be good at Quake Live tomorrow) the 50 people still playing the game are only godlike or slightly less godlike. There are no newbs to frag and no path to learn. In the case of Dota 2, League, CS:Go, and Rocket League they all have a critical mass of player population that guarantee that only the small percentile at the top are unable to play matchmade games with 5-9 other players of near identical skill level. The only time a truly new player will be "punished" for being new is in the small window of games where accounts are under smurf detection measures to weed them out of lower skill matches as soon as possible. It takes about 30 matchmade games tops to sort a player close to their trueskill.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lvl 20, whatever that means. Loved tf2, not feeling this game, especially for non ftp model. I think being so reliant on my team is killing it for me. 1.5 k/d in vehicle fps ( I never use vehicles). 2.3 k/d in non vehicle fps. Friends agree that it seems to be a good game, but can't find the fun.


Lvl 20, whatever that means. Loved tf2, not feeling this game, especially for non ftp model. I think being so reliant on my team is killing it for me. 1.5 k/d in vehicle fps ( I never use vehicles). 2.3 k/d in non vehicle fps. Friends agree that it seems to be a good game, but can't find the fun.
You motherfuckers are crazy. Level 20 and you don't like the game? Level 20 is no walk in the park it's at least 7-10 hours played.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Here is an older competitive game between Seagull's team and Cloud-9 for those complaining about a low skill cap. This was also before they nerfed Zen



A nice asshole.
Here is an older competitive game between Seagull's team and Cloud-9 for those complaining about a low skill cap. This was also before they nerfed Zen

Wow is Zen looks like top tier pre nerf, dem barriers. Also Genji reflected Zarya's ultimate(the press together AoE grenade) I had no idea he could do that.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wow is Zen looks like top tier pre nerf, dem barriers. Also Genji reflected Zarya's ultimate(the press together AoE grenade) I had no idea he could do that.
Genji's ult can reflect basically all projectiles. If you're really lucky you can reflect the little arrow Hanzo sends out to call in his dragon.

They changed Zen so he requires LoS for his orbs. Previously in this patch you'd just put a Harmony orb on Tracer and she'd be invincible. This also made him gain ult fairly quickly since Tracer is constantly taking damage and getting healed up. Same for his Discord where you'd put it on an enemy flanker and it would stay on forever (well, Tracer could E it off and Zarya could shield it off but someone like Genji was stuck with it.)


A nice asshole.
Genji's ult can reflect basically all projectiles. If you're really lucky you can reflect the little arrow Hanzo sends out to call in his dragon.

They changed Zen so he requires LoS for his orbs. Previously in this patch you'd just put a Harmony orb on Tracer and she'd be invincible. This also made him gain ult fairly quickly since Tracer is constantly taking damage and getting healed up. Same for his Discord where you'd put it on an enemy flanker and it would stay on forever (well, Tracer could E it off and Zarya could shield it off but someone like Genji was stuck with it.)
Wasn't his ult.