

How do you buy individual shit? I have some coins but cant figure out how to spend them.
Go to the Hero Gallery on the main menu and pick the one in question, then category (spray, and so forth), the individual one you want, and then on the right it should show Equip and Unlock right underneath it. The rest should be obvious.

@Cinge: Reaper.
Clearly supports/heals himself by dealing damage.


Molten Core Raider
Sorry for the group I was playing with earlier tonight that disbanded. I tried to leave the game and forgot to check the stupid leave as a group box.


Lucio isn't required for comp play, he is almost certainly required for Quick Play. His healing is just mroe useful. If your Lucio is doing it right, he is also laying down supporting fire. He is tagging the snipers and rando's to keep them from poking their heads out. He is taking out Torb turrets. Mercy can't really do that. On the capture points, he can boost to get there and have healing boost up by the time the point is active.

My win rate when my team has a Lucio is much higher then when my team has a Mercy. Honestly though, they need to change something so there are more then two choices. Perhaps reduce Zen's damage a bit but allow his gold orb to stay on out of LoS? I don't know. Perhaps give Symmetra some healing? Make a new healing character?


Trakanon Raider
Just won a 5v6 game (the 6th NEVER joined, it just sat there doing its dumb animation. Yet we still won haha. Was really annoying though thinking we were going to lose because of it at first. it was obviously a bug. 5 minutes with no new player?


FoH nuclear response team
Jesus what is up with all the generalisations and cliches? He wasn't being salty at all for fucksake. He was simply stating that Lucio is a requirement in any serious game, certainly any competitive/tournament game and that as a result, he hates him on principle. Which makes complete sense. It had nothing to do with cheese. Jesus people, stop resorting to dumb cliches and instead try engaging in discussion critically. You really sell yourself short when you resort to cliched communication rather than engaging in meaningful dialogue. So tired of the "salt" "qq" and "get gud". Collective gamer IQ goes down every year as a result of these retarded cliches.
Exactly this, what happened to well thought out, clever trash talk? I love bashing on git gud/QQ/Salt idiots. No disrespect to Araxen but step it up, I expect more from my RR brethren.

This is starting to become my major probem with the game, yes, there are 21 characters and more to come but if you want to win you are pigeon holed into the the best 5-6 out of that lineup to win. Let me be clear, yes you can win with many other compositions, however, people are going to choose the path of least resistance to do it. How Blizzard didn't see that shit coming is beyond me.


Molten Core Raider
He's the perfect pub healer. Because mercy will die a lot and have a horrible game if the team doesn't watch/help her(in an even matchup), whereas lucio can pretty much take care of himself most of the time.
Pretty much. I've almost completely stopped using Mercy, who was my main for a long time, because people want all her healing but don't want to do shit to protect her. Lucio is far and away the better choice for anything not organized.

Lucio isn't required for shit. Did you ever notice that the capture point doesn't unlock right away? That was put in specifically because of Lucio. If you do use Lucio you are better off saving the boost for HEALING when you engage for the first time instead of running to a capture point that isn't active.
If you hit your boost right away it gives your team time to set up before the unlock, and it's back within a couple of seconds of engagement anyway. Basically either the other team has a Lucio and you both used your boost for speed or the other team gives up the advantage. And pretty much any time I've played Lucio, which is a lot, if the other team doesn't already have one they switch to one some time during the match. He may not be required, but he's definitely preferable most of the time. Mercy really kicks ass, and is superior, when you have teammates that realize that she has to stay alive to heal, boost damage and rez, but most quick play pugs couldn't care less as long as they getting kills. In any given match I'll heal more, deal significantly more damage, and die far fewer times as Lucio than Mercy. It's also a lot more fun zooming around the map, knocking people off ledges, taking out turrents, etc. than it is running back from the spawn point over and over again.

This is starting to become my major probem with the game, yes, there are 21 characters and more to come but if you want to win you are pigeon holed into the the best 5-6 out of that lineup to win. Let me be clear, yes you can win with many other compositions, however, people are going to choose the path of least resistance to do it. How Blizzard didn't see that shit coming is beyond me.
It's annoying to see the same five characters in every match. It's even more annoying when, if you don't pick one of them, you have to listen to some know it all bitch and moan because you didn't pick them. My last game last night I had one of these guys complaining about character choices some of us made, specifically because I picked Pharah over Bastion. I proceeded to wreck shit with her and if I had been playing Bastion that wouldn't have been the case. If it weren't for the 4 other people in the group I'd just switch to the worst possible character and troll the shit out of him with, but I just blocked his mic and moved on.

I'd like to see a random character mode, as well as a mode that only allows one of each character. And not some weekend bullshit, but permanent. I pretty much don't get to play as half the classes because I've never used them and I don't want to be that Widowmaker/Genji that doesn't do shit and random mode would allow me some time with each character without worrying about it too much, and the single character would just make the game more fun and diverse. Like you said, you can already see the game devolving into the theorycrafting shit and people acting like there is only one comp to any situation.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
While hero stacking might be frustrating at times. I think it would be worst in terms of team composition without it. I think it would end up with 1 or 2 team composition for each map depending if you're attacking or defending.

Hero stacking allow for more options, even though those are not necessary used right now because of balance issue.

I still think one of biggest issue, and I am very much guilty of this, is that people tend to stick with one hero for a match, and get stomped by a team composition that counters theirs which can lead to lopsided match and be very frustrating.

Also, and this is kinda specific to RR, but related to previous issue is that almost noone plays Widowmaker, and even few Hanzo so that any match that would require a sniper to counter what we're facing we end up doing poorly.

The game is still fun for me even with all the issues. I ended up playing for about 2 hours solo last night trying different classes...the evening was a mixed bag in terms of win rate...but I had fun trying new classes I hadn't played or hadn't played much.

My Widowmaker still suck, but I had a few games of 15-20 kills which is tons better than when I started with her and had 4-5 only. Hanzo is the same, but I like him less for some reason.

I cannot for the life of me play Mei effectively, I like her play style but I just can't seem to make her work.

I did a few games as Reinhardt, he's kinda fun. I could see myself learn him a bit more.

I tried Pharah also, which was fun...but hated her on some maps.

Then I finished the evening playing McCree. Seriously even without having the flash bang+right click automatic reflex, it's so easy to pull that almost any time I would turn a corner and run into someone they ended up dead.

I haven't really tried Symetra, Roadhog, D'Va and Genji yet. Roadhog I think I'll like, I'm pretty sure I'll be an awful Genji though.

Looking forward for some more Overwatch tonight.


<Gold Donor>
Wrath_sl said:
Sorry for the group I was playing with earlier tonight that disbanded. I tried to leave the game and forgot to check the stupid leave as a group box.
It's fine dude that last match was such a shit show. It was late (for me) probably best to end it there anyway.


A Mod Real Quick
Played another 6x mcree match last night, it was actually hilarious because they were not good at all. Basically went Roadhog and just kept ripping those dudes apart. Sat on the convoy the entire way from start to finish.

I joined some weird match where we kept doing 12x the same hero (both teams agreed somehow). First match was 12x Soldier 76, then 12x Genji, then 6x Tracer vs. 6x Roadhog.

We won the Genji match but lost the last match because 6x tracer's can't really take on 6x roadhogs.

It was sort of a breath of fresh air with everyone just having fun.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Had some cheese comp on Valskaya and Hanamura with 3 Torb, Bastion, Winston and Symmetra or something. We won, but holy shit was that some faggoty nonsense.

I went Reinhardt and just would move in... let them kill at least one turret. Recharge shield, move in, repeat. The benefit of that dumbass comp is they never actually sit on the point at all so we were eventually able to secure it.


<Silver Donator>
I only have a few hours of played time, most of which has been on Mercy, but I tried out Torb last night and I have to say he is a beast on defense. First time I played him, I got my first PoG.

My kid played him once and shit it up. Didn't work for him, for some reason but I played him two more times and got PoG again.

If you place the turrets well and move them every now and then to keep the other team guessing he's challenging to deal with.

No love from your own team on the cards, though, regardless of whether you're dropping armor and destroying the other team. I guess everyone thinks he's too easy?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The torbs on Hanamura were actually pretty sharp. One turret to the left of the gate but beyond the top entryway thing. One on the high platform on the left and one to the back on the left side so you couldn't use that little high opening on the gate itself.


A Mod Real Quick
Also last night I decided just to work on my backline harass by playing Genji, Reaper, and Tracer. Reaper obviously a bit different as you just want to be up in people's grills the whole time.

Actually did surprisingly well. Most matches with reaper I was at the 30 elim mark, and it just felt right.

Genji I'm fairly terrible at, but definitely feel more comfortable.

Even got play of the game with Tracer which was surprising. She's a bit twitchier to play than I'm used to, so I'll need more practice.

I'm just using the time now to become more comfortable with as many heroes as I can.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No love from your own team on the cards, though, regardless of whether you're dropping armor and destroying the other team. I guess everyone thinks he's too easy?
The way Torb is right now, he requires as much skill as the enemy team makes you require. There are games where you literally cannot fuck up as Torb because the enemy team just has no concept of how the game works, and there's games where you have to be super-dwarf to pull your weight at all because the enemy team has geometric mastery and can hit 95% of the turrets from around 2 corners. It's actually the main problem I have with playing him, is it feels less reliant on what I'm doing than even Mercy.


Trakanon Raider
Also last night I decided just to work on my backline harass by playing Genji, Reaper, and Tracer. Reaper obviously a bit different as you just want to be up in people's grills the whole time.

Actually did surprisingly well. Most matches with reaper I was at the 30 elim mark, and it just felt right.

Genji I'm fairly terrible at, but definitely feel more comfortable.

Even got play of the game with Tracer which was surprising. She's a bit twitchier to play than I'm used to, so I'll need more practice.

I'm just using the time now to become more comfortable with as many heroes as I can.
The key (I think) with Tracer is to not focus too much on making kills, but instead on messing with their formation/walls. She's fantastic at that. Tracer players have to accept that they won't be getting many POTG's and that they won't often be getting lots of golds. Tracer is a very underappreciated hero. She's similar to Mei in that she can singlehandedly ensure a win for your team without anyone ever noticing that it was you that did it. Yeah, Mei is recognized when she lands a perfect ult that wins the game, but there are also a ton of really well placed walls that win fights/games that nobody notices. So you have to be ready to accept being an unsung hero.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah I found the key to Tracer was just harassment and obviously taking a kill when there is an opening. But there is no hero 1v1 that you will kill if they see you first (and aren't terrible). I killed a few widows that didn't know I was behind them, but I would never run into one head on.

But harassment sucks for the other team. You can't ignore a tracer because she will kill you quickly if you let her, so you need to turn your attention. But then you turn your attention away from the point. It's just a balancing act. Genji is very similar although he's a bit more robust.

My POTG was just tossing a sticky bomb on a Mercy on the point, but she ran into 4 other teammates and I got a 5-kill out of it.


Trakanon Raider
Plays.tv keeps telling me to select Manual Recording in preferences every time I try and Cntrl+F3. But that option is greyed out? Irnewb. Hawlp me. It's just recording all of my gameplay. I just want to take snippets? Closed it and re opened it and now I selected manual and now I don't get an error when I hit Cntrl+F3, but there's no 30 second clip to be found under my videos? Thanks in advance for the help. Much appreciated. Saves me the time of watching an overly long, convoluted youtube tutorial. Edit: okay I think I figured it out. So you can only record the last 30 seconds, rather than starting it up and it recording the next 30 seconds yeah? So If I want to save a POTG, I watch it and then after it is over I hit the Cntrl+F3 hotkey? And then after that, what's the process of uploading them as a gif? Or perhaps I make a youtube account and upload the videos there? Are the video files that the program creates compatible? Thank you
Oh and is there a way for it to not just nonstop record and instead just force it to record the next 30 seconds?

Finally got 1000 credits. Now I'm starting to think that the Fool skin looks better than Jester. hmmm I really wish it let you preview the weapons.