

Molten Core Raider
Played against this guy the other day, probably one of the best Genji's i've seen to date. I could dismantle his team, but he was able to dismantle mine, and stop me on a constant basis. I did get a quintuple though~
mkxiv - ayy quintuple - Plays.tv

I wish I could play Hanzo at a similar level, but I feel i'm gated by having a strong composition to back me up and support me in comparison. They really need to buff Hanzo's low end damage, at least in terms of crit. I don't have a grappling hook, machine gun, or trap to assist me in cqc. Running up a wall just doesn't really do much in terms of juking, it only works on the foolish and retarded.


FPS noob
watched the lawbreakers beta streamers for an hour, it looks like a boring but more realistic-graphics version of overwatch, but only 5 heroes and higher TTKs, more games modes though. lead dev is CliffyB I think, the guy behind gears of war. I think we're gonna see a lot of overwatch competitors launch in the next year, be interesting to see if any gain traction


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Never heard of Lawbreakers but just watched their trailer.

Narrated like a World Star video.


Molten Core Raider
Picked this up 3 days ago so I'm a complete nub. Had a game today on route 66 with 4 torbs, widowmaker and don't know the last setup right outside our spawn area. Whole team was getting slaughtered the moment we went into los, how do you deal with this?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
With Torbs and a widow? Could go mass Winstons, they actually do well vs. that stack.


Toe Sucker
i can't tell if my keyboard is completely fucked or if its overwatch but my mouse randomly just skyrockets my sensitivity up randomly during a game once in awhile, it's pretty nuts. (i plug my mouse into my keyboard, so i assume its the keyboard)

but god damn, how am i gonna get DANK HOOKS when my sensitivity feels like its 3000 dpi lol


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
i can't tell if my keyboard is completely fucked or if its overwatch but my mouse randomly just skyrockets my sensitivity up randomly during a game once in awhile, it's pretty nuts. (i plug my mouse into my keyboard, so i assume its the keyboard)

but god damn, how am i gonna get DANK HOOKS when my sensitivity feels like its 3000 dpi lol
What kind of mouse? I've had that problem wtih razer mice cause the dpi button is like right under the scroll wheel and would hit it on accident. Had to change the key for that.


Toe Sucker
What kind of mouse? I've had that problem wtih razer mice cause the dpi button is like right under the scroll wheel and would hit it on accident. Had to change the key for that.
Razer naga/deathadder that i swap between. Turns out i was pushing my keyboard into the base of my monitor where the input for the mouse was which kind of half ass knocked it out of place which made the drivers not work.... whack lol


I spectated some reroller games. Pretty close matchup with that really good enemy mcree. Was fun to watch. I was downloading and had a 1000ish ping but could still spectate ok.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Good fun tonight guys, we did great.


A Mod Real Quick
Sorry for the guys trying to join the group I was in. I was playing with a real life friend and he kept saying "Spies from the other team keep trying to join"

I didn't question it but then he told me the names after several games of this and it was all rerolled people.

I have no words...


Molten Core Raider
^I debated hoping in on a game and terrorizing, then I saw the average level and felt bad.


Molten Core Raider
Oh, i'm not hatin, there was just a lot of level 9's and 10's too.

edit; I don't know how people find soloq fun.. three games in a row with leavers. First game had a guy leave in the first few seconds of the map, then 2 other people left. Second game three people just dipped because the first point fell. Third game was roughly the same, but then the guys that rejoined just sat around spamming champion select.

I'm not salty or anything, but how is that fun?


Log Wizard
Got in a game against a person named Mist. I asked if they hated their life and they responded, "Eh, only a little bit." Not our Mist. Sad.

Also wasn't playing Zarya.


FoH nuclear response team
Dank hooks and semi-sad Mist, what a world we live in.

A friend and I did some pug games last night where those fucks would go two bastions or torbs, I almost ended my night on a samurai sword.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Taking inventory of my character experiences:

Torb- Usually grab Torb for D if no one else does. If the team knocks out my turret in the first minute of a match I won't pick him again (unless it's temple)
Lucio- Love Lucio. He will be my first 1000g skin purchase. I pretty much just keep running, spam healing boost, speed boost when I hear "nerf this" or "fire in the hole", and knockback any closefags. I've gotten some 20+ kill Lucio matches

Reinhardt- Love Reinhardt. I love when people get too close. Dat hammertime.
Pharah- I feel pressured into playing Phara all the time. Mostly when we're on a map where torb and bastion stacks are common, or no one's clearing the turrets.
Genji- Genji is fun, but I tend to hang back with him more than I should. These pro Genji's are always up in everyone's face.
Soldier 76- Well rounded character. I pick him when we get the "Low damage" warning on the character select.
Bastion- I'd rather Torb, to be honest. I only Bastion if we're on D on a payload map and they're approaching the final checkpoint.
Junkrat- Not very good at him. I'll only hop on Junkrat if there's a koth point that is packed with opponents.
Winston- A lot of fun. I get on Winston if I want to troll around behind their defense and pick off a sniper or mess with people returning to point. He needs a little buffing imo.
Roadhog- Only played about an hour of RH so far. He's a fun bastard and I love how long he can last solo.
Widowmaker- Haven't played too much mostly because someone else in the pug will grab her right quick. I do alright with her I recon.
Hanzo- Hanzo is another one that I don't play much because someone else picks him quickly. And two Hanzos just sounds like a lousy group. I do alright with him, but need to get used to better placing my sonic arrow.
McCree- I've had a few good games with him. Stun and Fan. Stun and fa. Stun and fan.
Reaper- I'm the fucking worst at Reaper. Still haven't figured him out yet. Would rather McCree.
Tracer- Another one of my troll behind the lines picks. Man, when the other team has a good Tracer, the game just sucks. She's so annoying and can pick off the loners right quick.
Mei- Block, wall, block, wall, block, wall. That's my rotation. I'm not good at her and a good Mei is so fucking annoying to go against.
Symmetra- Haven't played more than 30 min on her. Dat teleporter is dank, yo.
D.Va- Haven't played much. She seems to be just a damage sponge imo.
Mercy- Had a couple decent games with her, though sometimes find myself too deep in the crossfire. Need more practice.
Zarya- I don't understand how to play this one at all. The random character event keeps giving me Zarya!
Zenyatta- Had this one game where I was just plowing through enemies with Zen. Should play more.