

Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't GAF what people pick as long as its 222, if its not, fuck off with your Hanzo or Mei. I had 2 memorable matches this weekend: First one I was doing something else so when the screen comes up I instalock zen because he's usually fine everywhere. This was eichenwalde defense. I come back 30 seconds later and we have: Rein, Winston, Sym, Bastion, Genji. Yeah. And yet we held A somehow. wut? and it wasn't a matchmaking eff up, we barely got A ourselves on attack with a much better comp. Who knows.

Other one I was playing Ana on KOTH, we have a super mouthy (text chat) Pharah complaining about not getting heals. Dude I can't magically find you when you're off doing your thing. Finally on match point in round 4 or 5 I say "cool you want heals, you can play a healer this round" and take Pharah after he switches off of him. Of course he doesn't switch and we lose. Not sure what I could have done there to win that game I guess some times you just are gonna lose in those situations.

Ana in general isn't great on KOTH. Even during the height of Ana meta you'd sometimes see Zen ran instead of her on some KOTH points. She also makes a pretty sub-optimal support to run with Pharah because Pharah requires too much attention. Pharah is all about taking some chip damage that you want to heal up off and on so a great Harmony target or Mercy staff target but not so much an Ana who would have to refocus her sights to get heals to her. In general with a Pharah and on KOTH you want a Mercy or a Zen. Often times I run Zen because I find his Trance is better than Rez in most situations where people are forced to team fight in a small area.

I get it is annoying to feel like you're giving in when someone is complaining in text but it is often better to swallow your pride for the sake of winning. Also sometimes it really is the support's fault for DPS constantly dying. Either the supports are positioning themselves poorly or being too obvious a target and sitting in respawn cycle constantly. Zen and Mercy especially can suffer from being out of position and dying immediately.


Golden Squire
So when you want 2/2/2, what does this mean exactly? Where do Widow/Hanzo/Sombra/Mei/Symm/Torb/Bastion fit into your 2/2/2?

If they're good at them (50+% wr) and there's not 2 dps picked, go nuts. But comp is literally the easiest way to have a good shot at winning. I think my biggest irritation with this game is a) there's twice as many "dps" heroes and b) the worst players tend to play them. I don't understand why people play characters they don't win with.

And yeah I play every other character than Mercy. She's great, but I don't feel like there's any sort of way other than the occasional pew pew headshot to really affect the game, I'm relying on other people to win the game for me while I alternate between holding left and right click. I'd rather not.


Log Wizard
Ana Winston is the combo for KOTH. It forces at least two people to go anti-Winston which means they basically lose ranged damage and Pharah can shit down their throats. It's pretty great.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And yeah I play every other character than Mercy. She's great, but I don't feel like there's any sort of way other than the occasional pew pew headshot to really affect the game, I'm relying on other people to win the game for me while I alternate between holding left and right click. I'd rather not.

You may feel that way but the number of Mercy one-tricks in GM prove that she is a character you can very easily climb ranks with


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I feel like Mercy is practically required. Your team is severely disadvantaged if other team has a Mercy that actually can get res off. Worst feeling is being with a Mercy who never ults... or you lose and Mercy has Ult available. I'm ok with the 2-man res in most cases. I am a little sad when they solo-res.

Res is just so damn strong that as an Attacking team or on Koth maps, you just need a mercy. No Mercy while on Defense is understandable, but a lot of times you still have a Symmetra.

Trying to cap point B of Anubis/Volskaya/Hanamura is near impossible in an even-match game when you don't have Mercy.

Escort maps don't need a Mercy as badly simply because you can run back and not lose too much progress in that time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I still prefer Zen to Mercy as primary support. The only thing better than bringing everyone back from the dead is ensuring they don't die in the first place. Plus Zen can really frag out if you're good with his projectile and he works out better in dive comps.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
RH is pretty ass now. I haven't died to a hook yet through my MH farming today.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I still prefer Zen to Mercy as primary support. The only thing better than bringing everyone back from the dead is ensuring they don't die in the first place. Plus Zen can really frag out if you're good with his projectile and he works out better in dive comps.
Zen is definitely an impressive killer if you're good with his attacks.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Roadhog is a piece of shit now. Couldn't even combo kill a S:76, then he proceeded to drop a heal, missile shot/headshot me until dead before I could kill him.

Meanwhile, Hanzo can 1 shot 400 HP heroes derp.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Zen is definitely an impressive killer if you're good with his attacks.

I practiced with Zen in the practice area and just spent a couple hours there learning how to lead his shots at varying distances on the robots that move on the west end of the map. It only takes me about a shot or two now to get the proper lead distance. I don't miss too much on the second shot now. I used to miss all the time with him.

Edit: I got hooked today in MH as Tracer and just recoiled away. They really fucked RH up.
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Molten Core Raider
I'm actually having zero issue oneshotting people as road. I find that hes actually a lot more fun this way.

He's more aligned w/ beta/dayone hog. Either start it w/ a right click hook left click for death, or hook/melee/left click pretty much guaranteed kill.
  • 1SJW
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm actually having zero issue oneshotting people as road. I find that hes actually a lot more fun this way.

He's more aligned w/ beta/dayone hog. Either start it w/ a right click hook left click for death, or hook/melee/left click pretty much guaranteed kill.

He's also super deadly in team fights and doesn't rely completely on flick shots on the shotgun. I actually think he's fun to play and fun to play against now.


Watcher of Overs
I have a steady 100 ping tonight. If it were unstead I'd suspect local trouble, but since it is steady I wonder if I am getting thrown to far off datacenters? Like maybe dallas is down.


Molten Core Raider
If they're good at them (50+% wr) and there's not 2 dps picked, go nuts. But comp is literally the easiest way to have a good shot at winning. I think my biggest irritation with this game is a) there's twice as many "dps" heroes and b) the worst players tend to play them. I don't understand why people play characters they don't win with.

Because they want to get kills. Most people people at the mid to lower tiers cannot shoot with dps character or characters that require aim. Im half decent, but i wont touch a character like McCree. Widow, Hanzo, Genji in comp. I know ill hold the team back by doing that. People just dont give a fuck and rather lose then play somethign they could play half decent. You just have to play your best character and hope for the best. lol