

Watcher of Overs

One of the best matches I've seen in a long time. Starts at 4:45

Leetaejun is back! I forget what he was benched for, dating too many fangirls at once or something?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
New escort map coming Junkertown.

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Defense Matrix getting a nerf!


Actually, we've made some significant changes to D.Va internally and have been testing them for a while now. Here are the changes we've made:

Defense Matrix: Energy drain increased by 2x. This means her effective uptime for this ability has been reduced by 50%.

Boosters: D.Va can now use her Fusion Cannons while flying.

New ability - Micro Missiles: D.Va launches a long salvo of small missiles that explode on impact, dealing damage in a small radius around them. This ability can be used while using her other abilities or firing her Fusion Cannons.

The combination of these changes allow her to play more aggressively and deal more damage, at the cost of being able to Defense Matrix as often as before. Defense Matrix still remains an extremely powerful tool when timed correctly, but the reduced uptime means D.Va won't be able to use it nearly as often overall.

Her new Micro Missiles ability in combination with her ability to fire while flying allow for some more aggressive play, as well as opening up some new options versus heroes such as Pharah.

Overall the goal here is to reduce her reliance on Defense Matrix and make her more fun to play. As far as balancing goes, we want to nerf Defense Matrix as an ability, not D.Va as a hero.

She has been a ton of fun to play with these changes, and we're looking forward you letting you guys play with them as well. Hopefully we'll have a new PTR up soon!

Now they just need to make Mercy rezz LOS.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Scott Mercer Seagull Q and A summary • r/Competitiveoverwatch

They should have Scott do more Q&A's like this. Way more informative than anything Jeff has put out.

Spectator Mode

  • Various spectator UI clean ups to make it more inuitive and easy to use.

  • Working on team colors & potentially other things.

  • Better stat screen for esports specifically that tracks damage per ability, ability usage etc.

  • Full replay system that allows freecam. They specifically see this as useful to Esports which will allow better post-match analysis.

  • All or most of this will HOPEFULLY roll out before Blizzcon for the world cup that is their goal.
Gameplay & Heroes

  • Additional changes to spawn rates being made internally to address stall. Overall the design team views stall to be an entertaining feature in the RIGHT amounts.

  • They're fine with Doomfist's current OHK once the hitbox changes go live. They feel Doomfist has enough counters that the OHK is not an issue.

  • Transparent objective markers are something Blizzard is aware the community wants and is something they're going to hopefully put in eventually."

  • Mercy is going to get some changes, potentially in specific regards to her res mechanic.

  • No role selection, they have discussed it internally. In order to make it work they'd have to lock people into certain categories which they don't like.

  • They've been making secret changes to the match making that makes win trading or offpeak hour SR farming significantly harder, they reference the issue with Brazil specifically.

  • They're not going to do MMR resets because the bell curve would be matching higher and lower skilled players together for awhile. Everyone would have to hop online and play 50 matches immideatly to level it out.
Competitive mode

  • They don't view Solo queue as being a huge necessity at the current moment.

  • Competitive death match is not off the table, they're always discussing things like this.

  • They don't want to add to the Golden weapon issue by adding more CP rewards. but they also have no plans to alter or remove Golden weapons in their current state.

  • They don't like SR decay in it's current state, but some form of it is still necessary. No solid info so far but he doesn't like how it forces people to play, you should play when you want.

  • Map voting is not something they want to do at the moment, they don't feel like the map pool is too big yet.
Report System & Trolling/Toxicity

  • Report system is always being looked at and tweaked. They're going to try and be more aggressive with penalties. One thing they're looking at is trying to track people in game to see if they're throwing a lot.

  • One-tricks are being looked into.

  • Map creator is something they want to do, but it is not currently in the works and will not be coming anytime soon.

  • 120 tick tournament servers will not be rolled out into general game queue because it requires a bunch of on site tech.

  • They're comfortable with the 3 - 4 a year release cycle. Regardless of changes they want to maintain a regular cadence to release schedules if they do increase. It's not an issue of running out of ideas, they have many hero ideas.
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Watcher of Overs
Cool to see them fixing things.

Really like to see them round off some of the sharp corners it is so easy to get stuck on in the maps, get some junkrat grenade bounce sounds, and fix the sounds dropping out problems.

One of my other major peeves was the white UI elements blending into bright backgrounds but I think they are adding an outline option or something?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The thing that excites me the most is the full match replays. Yeah, I can record my matches now with OBS or some other program, but I can't view anyone else in the match. Full match replays should make this possible.


Watcher of Overs
I wonder if it records the local pov as well, so you can show people how you were 2 rooms away via tracer blink when those bullets came through 3 walls and killed you.


Golden Baronet of the Realm

- 2 month seasons now
- more competitive points per win
- skill rating decay - 5 games per week now, 25 points instead of 50.
- Control maps, best out of 3 instead of 5 now.
- Placement matches have no auto-deflate now.
- High MMR players will wait longer for matches now for fairer pairings in matches.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finally a Mei one!! Plenty of gratuitous Mei ass shots in this video. I approve.


Toe Sucker
Typical woman cries over an inanimate object, when she knows she can just recharge it via her solar panels.

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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Love it's a Mei short, disappointed she can create an Ice Gun out of thin air... Should have just been a device already created for their mission.

Creating an Ice Gun to climb the tower instead of just using a Rope or climbing on a roof or something, makes sense.