

Avatar of War Slayer
Its cool they arent wasting the resources and putting out a game. But really, what is the plan here?

Is there some barrier to playing TF2 that Im not aware of? Watching the game play it pretty much looks like a reskin of it, right down to the stream healing. This has a very specific type of gameplay. Its fast twich and frantic. Everyone who likes that game is already playing TF2.

So the plan is to poach the player base from Valve? Really? Its good thing people arent fanatically loyal to Gabe. At best they have made an alternate to split the community.... at least until Valve comes out with something that completely changes the paradigm, again.
TF2 is 7 years old man. If Valve can't count to 3, do you blame Blizzard for doing it?


The problem is, just like the MMO industry, the FPS industry has also objectively gotten worse. Why?

Because the effect of skill levels at the floor and ceiling has been minimized - the more or less skill you have means less in modern FPS games. Dumar, what does that mean? These companies, more concerned with rolling in dollars than actual real gameplay, realized that people will not play a game where they get owned 100 - 0, or 100 - -30. Players get frustrated and quit if they run into someone with a much higher level of skill, and the oldschool FPS games let you run wild with a very high skill ceiling. QII or QIII, for example, it wasn't uncommon to REALLY stand out as a player. You could own an entire map purely by how skilled you were.

Enter in the modern FPS, where these floors and ceilings have been moved much closer together, to where skill doesn't separate you at the levels of older FPSs. TF2 was objectively worse gameplay-wise than TFC because they gutted what made the game what it was so console players could play the game, for example. It's this gutting of gameplay in the name of profit that's the same broken record in every part of the gaming industry under the euphemism of 'accessibility'.

It's fucking disgusting, and these companies can go fuck themselves. I'll go play Quake2-3 or TFC if I want a real FPS.


Tranny Chaser
This is why I like the PVE shooters like Destiny. Because shooting things and using abilities is fun and getting your head blown off every few second isn't.

I'm thinking this forms the logic behind their statement about time-to-kill being fairly long in Overwatch, so that people feel if they die that they got to do things and failed as a result of poor ability use rather than just getting capped by someone running around a corner with a shotgun.


I don't know what you're talking about (dumar), I still get crushed in all the modern shooters. If anything, they're harder than the old ones because you can't tell where you are getting shot from in a lot of cases. At least in CS or Unreal you could spray and pray in the general direction of someone about to gib you.

Pure FPS games just are too fast for me to play against teenagers. I'll take games like TF2 where I can at least play a support class that doesn't require fast twitch target tracking in 3 dimensions. Overwatch looks like it will have that, though I do hope there are bigger maps that will slow the game down some. From the video it looks like it will be too high velocity for me to handle for more than 10 minutes at a time.


The problem is, just like the MMO industry, the FPS industry has also objectively gotten worse. Why?

Because the effect of skill levels at the floor and ceiling has been minimized - the more or less skill you have means less in modern FPS games. Dumar, what does that mean? These companies, more concerned with rolling in dollars than actual real gameplay, realized that people will not play a game where they get owned 100 - 0, or 100 - -30. Players get frustrated and quit if they run into someone with a much higher level of skill, and the oldschool FPS games let you run wild with a very high skill ceiling. QII or QIII, for example, it wasn't uncommon to REALLY stand out as a player. You could own an entire map purely by how skilled you were.

Enter in the modern FPS, where these floors and ceilings have been moved much closer together, to where skill doesn't separate you at the levels of older FPSs. TF2 was objectively worse gameplay-wise than TFC because they gutted what made the game what it was so console players could play the game, for example. It's this gutting of gameplay in the name of profit that's the same broken record in every part of the gaming industry under the euphemism of 'accessibility'.

It's fucking disgusting, and these companies can go fuck themselves. I'll go play Quake2-3 or TFC if I want a real FPS.
Hey Dumar, how's Fortress Forever doing?


<Gold Donor>
Doesn't it wear you out, being so negative/jaded about everything? Jesus H. Christ.
Unfortunately, at least in this respect, he's right. I'm sure the game will play well, and make a shite load of $$ - but it just doesn't appeal to me at all. In fact, I'm finding very few games these days that do appeal to me - Destiny was definitely one, but was an absolute disgrace. DA:I is another, we'll see how it plays out. I'd have loved to have Overwatch's setting with a single player element (in fact, the idea behind Titan was GREATLY appealing to me - where Overwatch was a mini game within the larger scope of a persistent world, etc - but Overwatch wasn't necessary to playing the game, it was more of a thing to do for shits and giggles (ala "pvp" in Destiny).

Anyways, rant off. This just seems like Blizzard settling for the lowest hanging fruit that they could pull out of Titan and monetize (in an I'm sure, very fun and appealing way) - still though, it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth QQ


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Saw an action bound to space bar, does that mean you can't jump in this game?
I think everyone has a vanilla jump but I believe some get additional skills on their jump like jetpacks. I know they said that by default everyone does NOT have sprint.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Unfortunately, at least in this respect, he's right. I'm sure the game will play well, and make a shite load of $$ - but it just doesn't appeal to me at all. In fact, I'm finding very few games these days that do appeal to me - Destiny was definitely one, but was an absolute disgrace. DA:I is another, we'll see how it plays out. I'd have loved to have Overwatch's setting with a single player element (in fact, the idea behind Titan was GREATLY appealing to me - where Overwatch was a mini game within the larger scope of a persistent world, etc - but Overwatch wasn't necessary to playing the game, it was more of a thing to do for shits and giggles (ala "pvp" in Destiny).

Anyways, rant off. This just seems like Blizzard settling for the lowest hanging fruit that they could pull out of Titan and monetize (in an I'm sure, very fun and appealing way) - still though, it leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth QQ
If you want to find games that appeal to a niche audience then stop looking at AAA games and publishers


<Gold Donor>
Open, persistent world FPS/MMO's/single player RPG's are "niche" games? The game that Titan was meant to be was "niche"? Don't be retarded.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So anyone here actually play the game at Blizzcon? As much as the fanboys vs don't fucking like anything crowd is entertaining, would love some impressions.


I like things. I like good games with real gameplay. Unfortunately, those don't come around often anymore.

You know what we're ALL waiting for? What's in the cash shop! Tell us! What great goodies can I buy?! Powerups? Skins? New weapons? The sky's the limit on monetizing this great new IP!

How far, how terribly fucking faaaaar this industry has fallen into the deepest shithole in the universe.


Golden Knight of the Realm
It looks fun. When I was around 15 I played quakeworld practically non-stop, and ever since then the 'die in a hit or two from someone miles away' didn't really do it for me. This looks fast like quake but you can survive for a bit so if you get ambushed you get a chance to turn it around. I actually didn't really take to the original TF at the time because it felt a bit too gimmicky, but now im old the strategy involved in the different classes seems quite appealing.

If I can hold someone in the air with an LG-type weapon like the old days then that'd be the icing on the cake ;p


You could absolutely survive for a very long time in Quakeif you were good. That's the point I'm making here. The floor and ceiling in terms of skill difference was HUGE in those old FPS games. I used to play semi-competitively TFC back in the day (we weren't great, average), and I still remember a few medics I met that were literally gods: they could conc jump with eerie consistency across any map. Ever play QIII on dm17 with someone who can REALLY use a railgun? Real skill separated players in those games.

Companies realized this, or more importantly, they realized it impacted the bottom line, just as Blizzard began worshp at the altar of profit upon noticing that Scarlet Monastery was the way to design every dungeon in the game.


Trakanon Raider
I can't find the info aynwhere, but did they tell what kind of model are they going with ?

In FPS it usually doesn't matter that much whether you win or lose, you just join a server and die/kick ass for 30 minutes, maybe get some xp at the end or an item drop and you are done, no problem with quitting mid match, nobody cares if you won.

MOBAs are much more match oriented, you stay until the end of the game,then you need to decide whether you commit to another round and winning or losing turns people into fucktards. There's also no expectation of dedicated servers in favor of more out-of-the-game progression with some semblance of MMR and matchmaking.


If Overwatch is really Titan pvp assets then this game could be here to build interest in their new IP before moving forward with the larger aspects. They'll be able to see which mechanics and heroes are unpopular before going all in.

Titan in 2020-2021, get hyped!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Doesn't it wear you out, being so negative/jaded about everything? Jesus H. Christ.
He is 100% correct. We are all starting to settle for mediocrity. And as long as we keep buying it, and they still see revenues (The entire industry) it won't get any better.

Thank God we have Indies.