Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)


Millie's Staff Member
i think everyone wanted prometheus to be awesome. i certainly did. i liked Alien but it never hooked me like The Thing or The Terminator did. but then Aliens came out and i was like holy fucking shit, game changer. i even didnt mind alien 3 or wynona ryder Alien. prometheus had so much promise, but it disappointed in ever single way. pacific rim had incidental characters around the jaeger vs kaiju fights and since thats what most people paid for then that means it is a great movie. godzilla promised godzilla and cranston. they killed off cranston early on and we got bare minmum godzilla and they pushed this fucking asshole soldier story. did anyone want that asshole soldier story? i bet nobody here did. and nobody wants a meaningful jaeger operator story, we just want our robot v monster goodness. isnt that enough?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
it's not that the humans of pacific rim were bad, per se. they were just simple and straightforward. idris elba just manhandles every scene in the history of acting, but his character arc is still pretty simplistic. The point wasn't to have overly complex characters. it was to have overly simple characters that we don't have a problem in the world identifying with. this way, we can EASILY relate to the action of the jaegers. contrast this to the transformers movies where the action is actually pretty well done, but you simply cannot identify with ANYONE in those movies and the impression everyone leaves the theatre with is, "confusing, long, and boring."

I'm not saying pacific rim was a masterpiece... what i'm saying is that... let's say an artist decided to paint something only using various shades of blue. it would be disingenuous to tell this artist that it was bad because he didn't have a bright yellow instead of this shade of azure or a crimson instead of cobalt. the artist wanted to invoke emotion using ONLY blue. if he wanted to use red, he would have. if you want to critique his work, you should comment on the shapes, the swirls, the flow... whatever... but if the point was to use blue, then he didn't make a mistake when he only used blue. that was the point.

so for pacific rim, the point was to have giant robots fighting giant monsters. sure, you could put that up on screen for 2 hours but unless there a story that people can relate to it's going to just feel confusing, long and boring. it doesn't have to be a complicated story as long as it's relatable. It's just that the more complicated the story, the more it takes away from robots fighting monsters.


what Suineg set it to
Except for the fact that there were really very few robot vs monster fight scenes and even fewer worth a damn. You can't claim 'well it was just a Michael Bay action flick' when 80% of the movie was hamfisted drama bullshit, bad dialogue and nonsense.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
no. i'm saying it WASN'T "just a Michael bay action flick." in fact I pointed out WHY it wasn't... but I digress. you can say you didn't like it and that's fine. I didn't think the drama was hamfisted anymore than any other movie. and I didn't think the dialogue was disingenuous to the film itself. I ALSO thought that every single action scene was well executed (the only minor exception being jax teller's inability to not telegraph his moves) but, again, I digress. if you didn't like the movie for what it was that's perfectly acceptable. what's not really acceptable is saying that 80% of the movie is drama and nonsense. 80% of the movie is visual effects.

just say you don't like the movie and move on. explaining why you didn't like the movie makes it sound like you didn't actually watch the movie.


<Prior Amod>
but the acting and caricatures were super bad, that's the part no one can get over.

charlie hunnam played jax w/ acting 101 lessons, it's like del torro asked him "don't be jax from sons of anarchy" and he froze and acted like shit.

elba played "general/dad w/ stick up ass, w/ overprotective issues and insert independence day speech" to a comical 11

japanese girl, was japanese girl, oh she looks hot in a foreign way, don't let her speak proper english, "me likey jaegars much!"

scientists were horrible and worse, tried to be funny

del torro said, "i need ron pearlman, cuz i can't make hellboy" "ron, go act and say stuff", he also decide he didn't have almost 30 years of acting experience and was phoning it in.

australians... god those were horrible aussies

as i said b4, the best acting was from the little 6 yr old japanese girl screaming and running away believing there was a real gojira chasing after her, in front of a green screen.

it's not that most ppl couldn't "check expectations at the door, it's giant robo's vs. kaijus" "oh and voltron sword at the end, spoiler", it was that the parts w/o cgi robots fighting dark kaijus in the rain were absolutely horrible to sit through.


Millie's Staff Member


<Gold Donor>
I'd hang out with Astro. Until he went OCD on me and couldn't let a tiny little point go until he got the last word. But up until then, I think he'd be amusing to hang out with (and not in the make fun of him way either).

I could be wrong though.


Millie's Staff Member
Im probably not too fun to hang with if you arent into nerd stuff. I am also getting into strange hobbies. For some reason my latest hobby is collecting cast iron cookware. I just bought an 80 year old skillet for super cheap


<Prior Amod>
Was it always seasoned and never washed? Thatd be a god pan. Get into cutlery thats more interesting.


Millie's Staff Member
Was it always seasoned and never washed? Thatd be a god pan. Get into cutlery thats more interesting.
It was never used as far as i know, i paid 2 dollars for it, its a birmingham 6 5/8 skillet. It had surface rust front and back but after a few minutes with a wire brush and a nice seasoning it looks brand new now. Fries eggs like a champ.its hard to get my spatula under because the surface is so slippy


<Prior Amod>
I used to buy lodge cast iron pans cook with them for a few weeks and give to friends as xmas gifts, a seasoned pan! All that effort wasted, i visit their kitchens and i see the cast iron pans are all rusted, signs of being washed.

Now i dont care, ill sharpen knives for friends or they can take knives they like if they used something and they like it, but i dont do kitchen stuff or even presents for that matter, i always give better gifts than imget.


The Big Mod
but it really wasn't a love story. they didn't even kiss. it was more about 2 people developing a friendship instead of a love interest. I loved that.
holy shit, put a fucking bullet in your head now


Millie's Staff Member
I used to buy lodge cast iron pans cook with them for a few weeks and give to friends as xmas gifts, a seasoned pan! All that effort wasted, i visit their kitchens and i see the cast iron pans are all rusted, signs of being washed.

Now i dont care, ill sharpen knives for friends or they can take knives they like if they used something and they like it, but i dont do kitchen stuff or even presents for that matter, i always give better gifts than imget.
you can rinse a pan in water of course as long as its hot water and you make sure its dried completely. after each use while the pan is still very hot you are supposed to wipe/rinse in hot water then get use a little oil or crisco and with a paper towel wipe the whole pan down top to bottom and handle and its ready for the next time. at least thats what i do.

how do you collect cutlery? isnt that very expensive? i mean i have some vintage cleavers and assorted knives, but nothing special like victorinox or anything.


Buzzfeed Editor
I always wash mine with hot water and a bristle brush, no soap, then dry completely and wipe with oil. I think those are the Lodge instructions verbatim. The big skillet I have is amazing, but the small griddle pan I have has developed a bit of oil around the ridges that has solidified into this weird, thick goop that doesn't come off. I am going to have to do something about that at some point.


Millie's Staff Member
I always wash mine with hot water and a bristle brush, no soap, then dry completely and wipe with oil. I think those are the Lodge instructions verbatim. The big skillet I have is amazing, but the small griddle pan I have has developed a bit of oil around the ridges that has solidified into this weird, thick goop that doesn't come off. I am going to have to do something about that at some point.
i have a Wagnerware pan that has that, what i am doing is trying with usage to make the whole surface smooth even the goopy looking part. i was able to take it back some with the wire brush so its about even with the rest of the surface. still working on it.
is there a hobby thread because i have quite a few other things i collect.