Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Great convo just plugged Rerolled on the show and asked all the Pantheon pledgers to come here and discuss
they already came here and left!?


Trakanon Raider
i got a PM a few months back from a dev who worked for brad at sigil making vanguard. promised him i wouldn't reveal what he told me, but maybe now that all this shit has happened once again he wouldn't mind if i shared it? i'll ask him. it's pretty good stuff.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Outside of pining for UO or old school, what exactly do you want, Dumar? I want tech to evolve and the genre to move forward, it almost sounds like you want it to go backwards.
I'd love to see a focus more on exploration and little to none of the BS beyond the newbie ground that is nothing but an endless chain of quests kill/fetch quests, mechanics that encourage more team work and a world and gaming style that encourage the fostering of a tight community that is largely self governing. Added to that that I was an RZ player, I'd love to see old PvP where content was contested over in the open world, no instances to hide in and no battlegrounds to suck the open world dry of PvP, which is what caused me to quit WoW when Atlerac Valley suddenly made people refuse to fight because they were either too busy otw to a battleground or so no point in doing so. My favourite WoW moments were in open beta/ the first few weeks of release after the lag fest when my guild constantly invaded and took over Astranaar until we were driven out by Alliance people uniting and kicking our asses through sheer force of numbers, the exact same kind of stuff I used to do newb killing in Nektulos and the Commonlands on my Troll Sk.

Well, you have to remember, a large part of the allure and charm of EQ, was due to the fact that it was broken/buggy as hell. The systems we tout as amazing now, were mostly the result of unintended gameplay/bugs. The fact that it came at a moment in time when the internet was first becoming "social" helped it even further along. It was the graphical Facebook for its time, really. Then you also have to remember that Brad wasn't really the "man" behind EQ. He's been taking the lion's share of the credit from the real people responsible for EQ - people like Trost, Smedley, Clover, Zatkin, and Cooper.
The fucked up mechanics played into the sense of exploration that the open game world already fostered (think of starting out as a newbie in a new game like EQ and imagine trying to find your spell merchants or even how the game works when you just find yourself dumped in the middle of your hometown), as well as fostering a sense of personal, team and community pride in working past them. While sites like Allakhzam and Castersrealm were looked on by the then old schoolers as spoiler sites, they were community hubs encouraging everyone to come together and work around an unforgiving and obtuse game.

But to give an example of what you're talking about that always rubbed me as crappy and very amateurish is how raiding revolved around CH rounds for much of EQs history - a lv40 Cleric spell was needed to be spammed to work around the fact that for much of the games Golden Age even dedicated tanks like Warriors could be beaten down by raid mobs in seconds and wipe dozens of people if the spells didn't land timely enough - to me it sounds like an act of desperation that became the norm as if we'd played a game where only Druid of Paladins could heal and having 90% of your raid guild be them spamming their shit heals was seen as a feature of the game.


Embezzlement is a crime, right? does this crime also apply if it's your own company? Sure does here...
Doesn't really apply here, since he didn't steal off his books. He'd actually have to have books and sold product and corporate cash to embezzle. Since he said from the get go the donations initially would go for 'backpay', and since 90% of the pay of course should go to 'Dear Leader' then it's legit. Immoral, crooked, wrong, and devious, but no more than any typical American CEOs making mint while offshoring and outsourcing work for the good of the company.

I'm really bummed this didn't fund due to the prolonged drama and agony this would've caused cratering in December with still no prototype and just a bunch of scribbled papers and Unity art assets shown as proof of concept.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Greed is a mofo..

Just hope those in denial about the situation understand what has happen now. Anyone paying to that site, really deserves to get ripped off.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I have to admid that I though B-daddy had at least the tiniest bit of programming experience. Now I know this game wasn't going to run on Unity. It was going to run on ego.

This might as well have been the site:


I have to admid that I though B-daddy had at least the tiniest bit of programming experience. Now I know this game wasn't going to run on Unity. It was going to run on ego.

This might as well have been the site:
Great pic btw.. ha..

Actually old Brad probably could code. It was a requirement to really do anything on PCs when he and I grew up. If you are asking can Brad program today? Sure. He's a smart guy. The tools out today mean anyone with a bit of fortitude and perseverance can program. Will that person become John Carmack? No, but programming is not art/drawing and does not require a ton of skill.

It's no different from really being an auto mechanic. Pretty much anybody on this board can learn and become a very good mechanic. The glaring issue that was brought up from day one is if a business is opening a garage to fix cars, you don't hire 9 accountants, you hire one and a bunch of mechanics. There was one freakin coder for a game development studios, and by all accounts he wasn't a heavy hitter.

The goal was to bilk cash. He got 160k, which 90% apparently went to his bills. Maybe he'll open a delicatessen and name it Pantheon.


Musty Nester
Ill also add this notion that Brad did this all as a scam is pretty fucking stupid as well. He would have to be Corky level retarded to basically flush his career for what amounts to maybe 50k and that might be generous.
See, I honestly do think that he's Corky level retarded.

In Brads mind, he can try again in 18 months once this all blows over. Why would he think otherwise? It's been the pattern of his professional life.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The fucked up mechanics played into the sense of exploration that the open game world already fostered (think of starting out as a newbie in a new game like EQ and imagine trying to find your spell merchants or even how the game works when you just find yourself dumped in the middle of your hometown), as well as fostering a sense of personal, team and community pride in working past them. While sites like Allakhzam and Castersrealm were looked on by the then old schoolers as spoiler sites, they were community hubs encouraging everyone to come together and work around an unforgiving and obtuse game.

But to give an example of what you're talking about that always rubbed me as crappy and very amateurish is how raiding revolved around CH rounds for much of EQs history - a lv40 Cleric spell was needed to be spammed to work around the fact that for much of the games Golden Age even dedicated tanks like Warriors could be beaten down by raid mobs in seconds and wipe dozens of people if the spells didn't land timely enough - to me it sounds like an act of desperation that became the norm as if we'd played a game where only Druid of Paladins could heal and having 90% of your raid guild be them spamming their shit heals was seen as a feature of the game.
That wonderment instilled within you wasn't due to the vast, open world of EQ. It was because you had never experienced anything like that before. It was likely your first foray into an online world(or at least one of that scale), maybe even your first foray into a 3D world.That'swhere your sense of awe and wonderment came from. The social element(like I said, graphical Facebook of its generation)was the cherry on top. Trust me, if another online game comes out, drops you in the middle of an area like GFay, gives you the basics, and says.."Now, explore!" - how quickly do you think you're going to figure it out? Probably in half the time(likely less)than it took in EQ. How quickly is your sense of awe and amazement going to evaporate? Pretty quickly. Why? Because you've seen this all before. You understand the basic concepts now of needing a light source, needing groupmates - the fundamental properties which govern MMOs are no longer foreign to you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Oculus Rift/Sony Project Morpheus should be the next "gamechanger"-tech. The first game to really use that tech to full effect can make a fortune. Think about a 1st-person VR-MMO done right.... a true revolution i think.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd like to officially apologize to anyone who warned about Brad. I was all for this guy getting a second chance and hoped we'd get a solid game in return. you guys were right, he was underserving of my support.