Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trump's Staff
But gogo, the VRI dev team should be in KTAM chat jacking off the same 40 dorks week after week! It's community building, and stuff, man!




But gogo, the VRI dev team should be in KTAM chat jacking off the same 40 dorks week after week! It's community building, and stuff, man!
I laughed when I saw your post. I must have been writing mine as you posted yours and it's basically exactly what I was thinking. KTAM needs to understand that Brad brought the people to them, not the other way around. And since the entire project has been driven into the ground, there are damning questions that need answering and the whole team is split; it's over. No minuscule website or radio show is going to save it.


Maybe if I get back involved with Project PantheonIcan be the savior!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Don't talk such blasphemy, Brad deserves the money. He's the face. He's the brand. The team was garbage look at the mess they made of VRI, hell most of them didn't even have jobs! Obviously they are not very good if they don't have jobs. The team should never had took the money they did. If they weren't so greedy the game would still be in full Dev mode as we speak.

Brad, I know you are reading this. Many of us here fully support you still and think you should fire this baby back up and do a new kickstarter with a new team that is not so greedy.
I believe in you.


Got something right about marriage
I like the idea of faking an angel investor. If you're gonna be a troll, be a Jotnar.


Vyemm Raider
Wow that KTAM guy is fucking annoying. That is the weakest shit ever. Bolster community? Make Pantheon? Get old devs back? What the fuck is he talking about? The game was doomed from the start. Those of us with our eyes wide open saw that the very first day a Pantheon post went up. I have watched every single MMO of varying budget sizes come and go, and almost all of them have been complete let downs. If anything Brad should do a great justice for everyone and explain that nostalgia needs to die. Everquest is gone, and so is the version of you that loved it. Anyone with a halfway respectable position in life, responsibilities, or any sort of motivation isn't going to camp the fucking Ancient Cyclops for 3 to 8 hours, the frenzied ghoul, or whatever!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm curious, I had to pay money in order to get the juice, how are you fuckers reading them for free?!!

Also Ktam is a joke. The guy keeps drumming up drama in hopes of getting listeners but no one gives a shit about his show. If they want drama and entertainment they come here not listen to him. It's hilarious how important he thinks he is though. This is the same guy that flipped out over losing his purple name. Same guy that donated 3000 dollars to the project then attacked it on a daily basis. I kind of wish he was more important, that way it would be more entertaining to watch. He reads these forums, come post bro!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Ktam cares about what little listeners/viewers the Pantheon project brought them. They already started pissing off the believers. The best way to call out Brad and not alienate those few viewers they have gotten is to do a 'but we're FOR this project' and call Brad out by asking him to do the right thing and get the band back together. When that won't happen, because it can't, they'll save face, save viewers, and Brad will look like even more of a joke to his own believers. Ktam just doing what has to be done to survive as a nobody on the internet.

Anyone remember how P99's support was going to get this project over the hump! Because if anyone was willing to support Brad it would be the suckers still basking in his original vision, right? :/


Brad needs to just post here and straighten this all out..
It always bothered me that he tucked tail and ran when things went south, instead of manning up and just coming to talk to us. He must have forgot about the 500+ pages of POSITIVE support the project was getting before he released that abortion of a kickstarter and we were like, "WTF?".

Brad after kickstarter release:


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It always bothered me that he tucked tail and ran when things went south, instead of manning up and just coming to talk to us. He must have forgot about the 500+ pages of POSITIVE support the project was getting before he released that abortion of a kickstarter and we were like, "WTF?".
He felt like he didn't have the time to keep up with the thread since it would turn south in a hurry when he would leave. Looking back. rightfully so...Hard to stand in the fire when you're getting hit with accurate remarks.


He felt like he didn't have the time to keep up with the thread since it would turn south in a hurry when he would leave. Looking back. rightfully so...Hard to stand in the fire when you're getting hit with accurate remarks.
And that was the worst part. Even when we discovered not a damn thing was done we were like, "Ok, ya fucked up. Whatever. Here is how to fix it". But he totally ignored most of our advice and just kept driving 90mph the wrong direction. That is when the hate started. You know your fucking shit up when gogojira of all fucking people bails out before it crashes into a tree.