Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Christ I hope this goes to kickstarter. I'll donate a dollar to keep the Vision alive.
Meanwhile, back at VR headquarters...



Blackwing Lair Raider
You can't make this crap up.

Your own team has called you a liar and untrustworthy some directly and others strongly implied and you have backed that up by trying to convince people this site requires hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars to maintain and that future pledges and subs wont be going to fund development but to maintain this web site, which at best is $200/year and was created with the help of volunteers.

Thread over


Trakanon Raider
You can't make this crap up.

Your own team has called you a liar and untrustworthy some directly and others strongly implied and you have backed that up by trying to convince people this site requires hundreds and maybe thousands of dollars to maintain and that future pledges and subs wont be going to fund development but to maintain this web site, which at best is $200/year and was created with the help of volunteers.

Thread over
For the entertainment these 2 threads provided me at work I hope this lasts forever.


Pantheon needs to be made into a reality show. Seriously, this shit would topple anything out there. The intrigue, drug abuse, mental illness, deceit, cultish diehards, backstabbing--pure gold.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For the entertainment these 2 threads provided me at work I hope this lasts forever.

Brad should post here saying that if we at rerolled will donate 10 bucks each into a 50/50 draw, he will keep this charade going as long as he can. We then guess how long and how much more money he can bilk out of suckers and the person who gets the closest wins the 50/50.

Entertainment dollars well spent


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>

KTAM on Peetheon_sl said:
Devs said Trust was the biggest reason why they split from Brad. How do you regain trust? You communicate. I have not made one negative comment about the photo's or the video. Nirritx tried to spin it that way but in reality she agreed with me in her own way on that same topic on I said it all looks great and I am excited.

How does this game get made with no team? There is no team right now. I know some of you think that a whole new dev staff will keep the game going. Like I said, this game was Tony's idea. He pitched it to Brad. Who has the vision if it was not Brad's Idea? Adding a whole new Dev team will not make the game we have all been expecting, it will end up very different. Maybe for the better maybe not. I would like to try and see the original team work something out, but there needs to be Trust. Trust includes truth.

Why not answer the questions or at least try. Why all this other B.S. calling me out in public and avoiding the questions? Some of these questions have been asked for months with no answer. So far everyone seems to agree they are not all that big of a deal. Why then is it so difficult? I am not asking for financial statements. I want better communication. In all of this what has actually been communicated? Yes we have some pictures and a video, but what actual content have we seen and what kind of management? We still have no idea about a lot of other things. Are we not assistant developers? Why are we kept in the dark about virtually everything? We can't blame the Dev's they are not VRI. Only Brad is, yet he vanishes for weeks/days, comes back for a day or so then poof is gone again and he is posting and deleting and all excited and then he's doing other stuff and obvious paranoia, other wise he wouldn't have called me out. Just like all the accounts from VG and what was going on there? Rumors are growing and I don't want to speculate.

There is a lot of support here. Awesome. Can you all fund the next KS? Likely not, so who will? People who have questions, some I have been asking and some that are a lot tougher. The next time is going to be a huge up hill battle because now he has to convince people that this is still worth taking a risk on after a failed KS and a dismal showing on this web site. You can only do that if you have people's trust and his own team, made of up of people who called him their friend, people that have known Brad for YEARS don't seem to want to work with him any more. How do you convince a bunch of other Devs to step into that?

Yes you might think my method is unreasonable, but are my questions unreasonable? What is Brad going to do to bolster the community beyond this site? For those people have already pledged what are they going to get for hanging in here? What makes the risk more acceptable than it already has been going forward? Yes that is a nice demo, but that is not an investor worthy Demo unless you want to sell Unity to someone. Does it show potential? Yes, but will it inspire 12 million in investment? No, that is why Brad needs to dip back into the public well. That is obvious. What I am asking is what kind of transperancy can we expect going into round two to be sure he doesn't piss off a second team of Dev's? What has he learned and what will he change and how will he do it? How will he remain accountable and who will hold him accountable?

Do I think this game can be made? Yes, at some point I think it can be. Do I think he can achieve his funding goals? Not right now. Can the community help speed up the process? Yes if they are used effectively. Is the community being used effectively right now? No it is not. How can the community be used more effectively? By treating the community with the respect it deserves and out lining the plan going forward and what tools are currently in play and what is needed. A clear strategy to drum up positive community messages on target sites and boards.Creating fan based content to help get more people interested in the art and lore. (You can thank K-TAM and the Lore Library for doing this last part this entire time)

I don't see any of you on Massively putting on a good argument for Pantheon, or on Rerolled working on Troll management or any other site really. I see Brad and Pantheon being run down constantly and almost no one standing up for it. Do you all think Brad has a magic wand and can just make it all happen? I have said from day one that with out a community this game can not be made. YOU are that community and it is shrinking every day as many of you, the most passionate don't reach out beyond this site. You sit quietly and let someone else do it for you. It's your money, are you working for it? You are assistant developers do you not feel you hold some responsibility to do more than just post here or lurk? What are you doing? Am i getting you a little amped up? Do you feel like you need to get out there and Defend this project you say you support? I hope so, that's the plan.

All this time Brad just had to set a time and Date to be on K-TAM and do it regularly. They had the Dev Panel on Rob and Dan, why can't he do the same on K-TAM and keep all of you updated? I am not sure Rob and Dan would have him back. They complained the Dev panel was a drop in their numbers and people were complaining they didn't care and wanted to watch them play Heros of Azeroth. That's why they stopped hanging out for the Aftermath show, which was very positive and fun and had some great ideas too. What is an hour of time, an hour of some good news, promotion and direct communication with the greater community? Is it too unreasonable to have some regular info? Star Citizen does it at least once a week and other crowd funded games have gone as far to do a daily update. Even Trion worlds, which is a pretty bad company as far as PR went with their community management does a weekly broadcast with the community.

Where am I being out of line with these questions? Yes, I sensationalize them, but that doesn't change the fact they are good questions and valid ones.

Brad called me out. I answered. Not how I would expect someone who wants $12 million to behave. Brad needs to stop appologising for not listening to the community and start listening and acting. Many of you have given some great ideas, from KS and how to do it better, to what he can do going forward. Troy has excellent blogs.

This community needs direction and that can only come from Brad. Clearing the air to find that slate to plan going forward is what is needed, in my opinon. My methods might not be appreciated, but you're getting involved now. That means it is working.


I'm Amod too!
Someone needs to post there about how Rerolled was right all along and watch the rage explode.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I like how we came to the conclusion pretty early this was a farce, yet somehow we need "Troll management" here.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Lol, K-TAM cracks me up. I love where he's trying to call out other sites for not putting out a good argument. Buddy...that's because there is no good argument. That is not $150,000 of work and who is giving more? No one. I think he's just in it for the ratings now but keep it coming. We'll try to manage the!


Same trailer, different park
I keep thinking someone from RR is gonna email Brad about having an angel investor on the hook and wants to meet to discuss Pantheon. They can show up, top hat/mustache/monocle and all. This whole thing is a farce, why not join in on the trolling?


Trump's Staff
These KTAM guys have their heads so far up their fucking asses they can probably smell their own breath.

No amount of 'community engagement' is going to help this project, and that has been clear since February. In fact, the highly active members of their precious community probably did more to harm the project than they did to help it. Your average poster would take one look at the drooling-housewife-Neckbeard-zealots on the Pantheon boards and run for the fucking hills.

Any dev team outreach at this point is a waste of time and resources. This project needs to be burned the fuck down and totally rebranded (and restaffed) if it has any hope at all.


I have sort of a love/hate thing with KTAM. I think it's funny and it adds to the drama when they go back and forth with Brad but they damn sure value themselves way too much. And could they have asked themselves any more questions in that last tirade? Yes they could. Was it still incredibly annoying? Yes it was.

Brad going to Rob & Dan or KTAM and answering questions isn't going to be a blip on anyone's radar. That's not being an ass, that's just the truth. Neither of those shows has an audience and sinceanyoneinvolved with this whole debacle can't help but refer back to this site, it's pretty obvious who has the biggest voice in all this: none other than the troll brigade at Rerolled. Here's to hoping the Pantheon troll city is named Dellorer.

It's so weird that they continue to both berate and support the project, with posts eventually spiraling into why KTAM is so awesome. I think it's their love for Tony that's causing the internal conflict. Pantheon is fucked and a set of apprentice developers learning Unity isn't going to save it.

The only way the next Kickstarter doesn't fail is if Brad comes in and puts some incredibly low goal like those fuckers from Penny Arcade did. Put it at $1,000, let fools get the number up to like $25,000 and have that shit all blown through again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, even Beck isn't getting this. Trying to rally the community.. Defend this project? People don't want to let go.. How can these fucking people defend what has happen here or try and thump up support for another crowdfund? Why, so Brad can pay himself another huge portion of the community money and pull the plug prematurely on the project again. How are these people NOT fucking getting this!? Rally to save a project he killed by taking such a large sum for himself it castrated the development. severed the community and turned his entire staff against him. That's what BRAD DID!! I'd love to know what percentage of the funds these people think Brad should be paid? 10 cents on the dollar? 20, 30!? How about more like 50cents!? That's right, for every dollar raised, 50 cents goes to the game and the other 50 cents goes to Brad. Are there people really ok with that? holy fuck, this is a startup game relying on community funds to advance, it can't handle paying someone such a huge amount. That money is for development, not for Brad to maintain his high class lifestyle. WTF!

I love how easily these fuckers cast away and totally disregard an entire dev team... Dev appreciation week?! More like Dev cya later week!! This is down right disgusting and the people in that community should be ashamed to be supporting this shit. Brad hasn't made the proper amends to deserve anyone's support at this point.

How do you fix it? Well you can start by returning all the money you took and put it back into development where it belongs. A sum estimated to be somewhere around 75k. Then you go plead with your original team to come back on board and setup a real structure to keep this bullshit from happening in the future.

But let's face it, this was a desperate move and that money is most likely already gone.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Those official boards should've never been created so early. Keep that shit a black box until you have something worth talking about.