Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO



That's probably what I dislike most about him. His unwillingness to sacrifice anything, He had the whole world on his platter and has wasted all that goodwill. His wife is in bad shape and he's unwilling to do what's needed to help her. He's unwilling to do the work. He's unwilling to learn new talents. He wasted the goodwill of Smedley and couldn't even keep his job. He blew it with Vanguard. He wasted the potential of this game and hundreds of thousands of dollars in support. i've been in retail, food management, nursing and will soon be in health services management(administration). I'm not even as old as Bradley but have a host of talents because I was willing to get it done. This guy wants the world given to him at every step. How hard was it to research KS and make a good presentation? Why didn't he put just a little bit into this project? Why was he ever unavailable if this was his dream?

Brad is a con and I'm glad that nothing he's made will be around soon. EQ is almost unrecognizable today from that 1999 version. Vanguard is gone this summer. Brad, you will soon be a weak footnote in gaming history. Hell, Smed and gang may even get all the credit for EQ one of these days. Vanguard will just be a blip in the footnotes. A one sentence failure behind the asterisk. You will be the same. A one sentence warning that effort is needed to make games. That scam artists do frequent KS and to never give to a website that wants to make games. Bernie Madoff of gaming? Ha. Maybe the Barney Hill of MMOs


no, my point was if he took the $45,000 from the company to help pay for his wife's cancer treatment, and thought he had an investor that was going to give him another $200,000 to put into the company, then brad probably thought it wasn't going to hurt the company too much to take an advance. like i said, i'm just speculating here. i have no idea if that's why he paid himself that much or not. only brad could really answer that question. all i'm saying is that if that was the reason, then i at least understand why he would do that.
Another thing with this too though:

He takes 45k as an advance for what ever reason, says that the trust funder's money was to cover it(made a bad assumption), then it didnt and the balloon popped.

Does anyone -seriously- believe that Brad would've "paid back" the 45k had the trust fund covered it? None of us would've known one way or the other would we? It would've been very easy to have sweeped that under the rug.

The -real- hero for exposing this suspected, pseudo attempt at a ponzi scheme thus is the executor of that trust fund who took one look at this mess and flat out refused to release money from the trust for it. Not only did he save his client a massive loss, he also helped to be the catalyst for exposing this impropriety, imo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pretty much. Brad is only sorry because he got caught. Had the investment came in, none of us would know. I do believe they are linked and again point to terrible judgment on Brad's part.


I think she may be in remission.
At this point honestly, I have to question the authenticity of the cancer card on this and on multiple other levels. So much can be called into question. But at the end of all of it, it 100% cannot be get out of jail free card for misappropriation.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Vhalen's wife's contribution on Pantheon's Facebook page...

Danielle J Brightman-Garcia_sl said:
I can't even begin to tell you how disgusted I am with how the money was managed for this project. My husband worked his A$$ off day & night for this game esp with getting the community on board. This WAS his full time job & when it was time to get paid for April, do you think he got paid? No, we got a Sorry, no more $$$. I was really looking forward to this game being made & my husband put his heart & soul into it. I wish things would've turned out differently, but it was time for my husband to cut his losses & leave.


Trump's Staff
Your husband's lore was bad. The races were bad. The name was bad. The premise was bad. Everything about the setting, except for the actual world map, was super fucking bad.

He did a bad job and was partially responsible for how poorly the KS campaign did. If there's one person I'm glad Brad underpaid, it's him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Another thing with this too though:

He takes 45k as an advance for what ever reason, says that the trust funder's money was to cover it(made a bad assumption), then it didnt and the balloon popped.

Does anyone -seriously- believe that Brad would've "paid back" the 45k had the trust fund covered it? None of us would've known one way or the other would we? It would've been very easy to have sweeped that under the rug.

The -real- hero for exposing this suspected, pseudo attempt at a ponzi scheme thus is the executor of that trust fund who took one look at this mess and flat out refused to release money from the trust for it. Not only did he save his client a massive loss, he also helped to be the catalyst for exposing this impropriety, imo.
Quick correction: The trust executor never looked at the project.


Eh.. The whole Tony's wife thing posting on the facebook is in poor taste. That's pretty bad honestly.
I would agree if this wasn't such a completely fucked situation. Someone needs to spread the word to keep people from giving him anymore money. That's probably not why she did it, but it doesn't hurt.


Edit: doh someone beat me to it above with Tony's wife's posting. Sorry I'd not refeshed the page here til after I'd posted hehe.


Quick correction: The trust executor never looked at the project.
While "one look" can be semantically argued one way or the other, seeing just simply the project's name and crowd funding constitutes "one look" I think is easy enough to consider plausible. :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
I would agree if this wasn't such a completely fucked situation. Someone needs to spread the word to keep people from giving him anymore money. That's probably not why she did it, but it doesn't hurt.
Fans can do that for sure, but we're talking about a professional in the industry and his wife. I am all for getting the truth out, obviously, but that's inappropriate regardless of how entertaining it might be.


Potato del Grande
Your husband's lore was bad. The races were bad. The name was bad. The premise was bad. Everything about the setting, except for the actual world map, was super fucking bad.

He did a bad job and was partially responsible for how poorly the KS campaign did. If there's one person I'm glad Brad underpaid, it's him.
Woah, dude, give the guy a break... I'm pretty sure he know someone, at some point, who had cancer!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some how, I think its not bottomed out yet either.
It hasn't. Too many hurt feelings in all this. What's boiling behind the scenes isn't good. Brad is trying to push on with part of a community as the former devs and their families watch. Most likely in frustration and anger.