Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
It was a really bad design.


Ssraeszha Raider
haha, I just remembered how ridiculous the whole XP thing in EQ was. It was a massive, massive, MASSIVE concession on the part of SOE to add the thin little blue line to the XP graph so you could see your experience creeping along in a bit more detail. And actually, it wasn't just XP. It was everything. Any little concession towards common sense and/or playability was a huge battle.
Like when they revealed what stats actually did and it turned out dex didn't go anything for monks even though it was their primary stat and most of their gear was based on it

Why do people miss this shit?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Like when they revealed what stats actually did and it turned out dex didn't go anything for monks even though it was their primary stat and most of their gear was based on it

Why do people miss this shit?
Every class had this stupid shit.

PoHate Warrior helm had CHA and INT on it, for fucks sake.


Actually, I think they do. The 'pie' is split evenly based on individual players total experience.

All three below get the same 'cut' of the exp pie. If the SK were level 22, he'd get a bigger cut of the pie since his exp total would be higher.

A human monk with 10,000,000xp is level 20.
A halfling warrior with 10,000,000xp is level 22
A troll shadowknight with 10,000,000xp is level 18

Since the Troll SK takes 68% more exp to level, if you continuously group with one and he's the same level, he will eat a bigger piece of the pie. As long as his total exp is greater than you. It was a really bad design.

Just to note, this was from classic and removed later.
This is how XP worked in EverQuest. So the hybrid penalty did carry over and impact the group.


Millie's Staff Member
during kunark i always grouped with people who were minmaxing and i had 2 friends who were troll SKs that nobody would group with. so what ended up happening was i would drop group so i could get in a chardok group with them and the exp was damned slow even though they were pulling most of the zone. it didnt matter cuz exploring chardok was a lot more fun than just sitting at the OS jail room waiting on repops.


Molten Core Raider
Min-Maxing exp or gear? Unless my memory is way the fuck off, there was so little min/max gearing at max level (you either got lucky getting a raid piece of loot or you didn't) that it wasn't even a term used until ToV gave a few minor choices that actually could have some minor difference. Then again I was a wizard so nothing mattered what so ever for gear outside a few items like mana regen etc. And then the greatest expansion of all time came out in PoP and I was a happy camper!

Guessing you meant exp, disregard
Few of my main tanks I always brought for heavy grind groups were warriors who all 2 boxed outside the group so I never had to mess with bastard SK's and their exp penalty other then my alt SK wielding a massive jade reaver at level 31 back right after kunark was out, he was god i tell you!


too bad encyclopedia dramatica shut down, all of this shit would have been perfect additions to his page

Cached Copy: Brad McQuaid - Encyclopedia Dramatica

It is interesting to note that McQuaid did not want demons and angels depicted in EQ. He felt that this was because it would allow concerned mothers to let their children play EQ because it wouldn't be blasphemy or something else inane.
and now he's reduced to begging for angels


Millie's Staff Member
Min-Maxing exp or gear? Unless my memory is way the fuck off, there was so little min/max gearing at max level (you either got lucky getting a raid piece of loot or you didn't) that it wasn't even a term used until ToV gave a few minor choices that actually could have some minor difference. Then again I was a wizard so nothing mattered what so ever for gear outside a few items like mana regen etc. And then the greatest expansion of all time came out in PoP and I was a happy camper!

Guessing you meant exp, disregard
Few of my main tanks I always brought for heavy grind groups were warriors who all 2 boxed outside the group so I never had to mess with bastard SK's and their exp penalty other then my alt SK wielding a massive jade reaver at level 31 back right after kunark was out, he was god i tell you!
guys i hung with most of kunark were all about the numbers. we couldnt have just a group but group with the most dps possible. that meant i had to also change the way i played as a shaman. before kunark i was a pickup group shaman who soloed camped name mobs half the time. in kunark, i was designated parker/slower/buffer/backup healer and the pulls from the monks never stopped. my gear was terrible at the start of the expansion and by the end of kunark i still didnt have the best gear but it was much better and i still died many many times trying to keep up. but i still liked to explore and getting lv 60 wasnt that important. to this day i still dont know a third of all the zones in kunark other than what i saw on the run from here to there.


Ssraeszha Raider
Every class had this stupid shit.

PoHate Warrior helm had CHA and INT on it, for fucks sake.
Ha monks had +Wis on their fear chest piece, I believe. But im talking about how they would tell you things that were such blatant lies about the game. Dex only affected weapon procs, yet when you create a Monk it tells you Dex is one of the main stats you'll need.

Also Brad swearing the Fiery Avenger was totally in the game. Eventually they made a quest line for it and he swore it had already been in the game, just nobody had ever figured it out


Trakanon Raider
question: why are so many people who obviously hated playing everquest (a game that they still played for several years mind you) bothering to post here about a game that was supposed to be made for people who liked playing everquest? if you don't like everquest, and you don't like the idea of playing another MMO like everquest maybe you should, i don't know, fuck off?