Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Did Salim actually post any information, or was it just more vague bullshit?
Its a fair portion of what convo was quoting salim about last night on the thread but its a citable reference for folks with regards to his saying like Brad took more than 50% of the funds and not the smaller amounts Brad's be PR'ing.


Based on Facebook comments it sounds like EQOANostalgia guy is preparing to unleash another whiny, "how dare you criticize Brad and Pantheon!!! =(" YouTube videos. It should be a riot.


Here's a couple of choice quotes:

"I continue to be absolutely fucking disgusted with the way the community surrounding Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is acting. If you can't get behind the project then gtfo!"

"They don't have a right to constantly troll and talk shit. It's been going on since the KS campaign and i've mentioned it in a few of my videos."

"This is why it's never a good idea to show early development with the community, they aren't mature enough to know how to handle what they are seeing."

New video coming tomorrow, it should be amazing.

Edit: To his credit, he never disabled comments on his other terrible video:Pantheon Kickstarter Has Failed DO NOT blame Visionary Realms - YouTube


Potato del Grande
Dunno if this was posted or not. This is what Monty did in a few hours today just messing around in his play world.

That isn't very good at all. Is it even difficult to produce that?


Triggered Happy
Say for instance that they defy the odds and make a prototype worth a shit, who would invest 10-12m that Brad quoted he would need to complete this project? I just can't see this happening ever - all seems like a pipe dream (literally in Brad's case).

This thread is very entertaining.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
But remember that he's also using stock unity assets that plop n drop for the most part too. One shouldn't be attempting to pass along this to folks as if this means anything beyond piddling around with it. And certainly not a quality mmo representation for what brad tried to peddle around. Mont's just being used in a poor cult like marketing/PR ploy to make the "project" look like more than the air that it really is. Its just more cool-aid.
Looks a lot like mount and blade. I don't know why one would release pictures like this in 2014 ..


Golden Knight of the Realm
Looks a lot like mount and blade. I don't know why one would release pictures like this in 2014 ..
It's stock assets so it's not going to look good, that's not the point of the shot. The guy is just demonstrating the fact he knows how to use Unity to some degree. Given higher quality art assets, things would look a lot better.
Yep the selling the car crap, according to that from Salim, was a lie.
I can't believe anyone would have believed that anyway. The money for the game would be at least triple what they have now, maybe more depending on what Ferrari and what shape it was in. I had someone tell me on the Pantheon chat that Brad sold his Porche, his Ferarri, and a mortorcycle to help pay for the project. I was like, "that's way more that 145k. Where'd all of it go then?" No response.


I can't believe anyone would have believed that anyway. The money for the game would be at least triple what they have now, maybe more depending on what Ferrari and what shape it was in. I had someone tell me on the Pantheon chat that Brad sold his Porche, his Ferarri, and a mortorcycle to help pay for the project. I was like, "that's way more that 145k. Where'd all of it go then?" No response.
up his nose


Lord Nagafen Raider
So this is entertaining and all, but I am curious... what is the end-goal here? People are "getting the truth out" about what happened with the money and warning others not to get involved.
And then you have people talking about reporting Brad to the IRS or maybe having him sued for not delivering...
Do people really want him to just disappear and never again be associated with gaming or games? Go to prison? Or just drop Pantheon? Try again later?
Just for curiosity sake, how do you (anyone who feels like responding) hope this ends for Brad?
I don't give a fuck to be honest. I think that a man with attributes should stand up in front of the people he fucked over with mismanagement and various bullshit.
This fraud on two legs fired people in the parking lot without even showing up (in case somebody forgot), then scam money out of idiots and doesn't even give their cut to his friends or whatever they were when they chose to venture into a shitstained trip to hell with him.

Pantheon is an abortion of epic proportions, nothing in it was even remotely compelling except the possibility it could have become a game for poopsockers with no life that still dwell in basements 15 years after EQ release (and Dumar of course, but he's okay). He could have even made it if only he was 1/10th as good as he think he is, the reality smashed him in the face: he's worth jack and shit. He did fuck all for EQ, he did fuck over Vanguard and Pantheon was just a name and he fucked that up too! I don't know what he could write on a CV nowadays.

Make a game? An MMO? It takes years, millions and competence, something even the poor Curt has found out by himself, money isn't enough. At least Schilling paid with his own money the failure, he may have been arrogant, he accepted a shitty deal with shady politicians that fucked him over, he was stubborn and stupid maybe but in the end he lost money from his own pockets in droves, likely 50 million dollars if what I heard back then is true.

What happens to Brad? He's a human being, a debatable-quality one maybe, but still a human, I just don't want him to cash money he doesn't deserve and I'd like to see him pay for his mistakes in an appropriate way, nothing more, nothing less.


Trump's Staff
It's stock assets so it's not going to look good, that's not the point of the shot. The guy is just demonstrating the fact he knows how to use Unity to some degree. Given higher quality art assets, things would look a lot better.
Look, he should certainly keep trying and keep practicing, but there is more to using Unity than slapping assets onto a map. Detailing, lighting, and terrain texture blending are a major parts of making a level look good. Learning these things takes time, effort, and patience. The reason a professional costs money is because you are buying all of the time they spent learning how to do their job.

For example here are some images from a quick (like 1 month) prototype we did using store bough assets. The entire level took me 2 long days, so maybe 3 work days of time. Keep in mind this is running in a browser, I cropped out the upper and lower parts. I am also not actually a level designer, I mean, I do it for prototypes but that is usually because early on I am the only designer on the project and someone has to do it.




Monty is obviously passionate, but he should do himself a favor and create a portfolio to get a real job in the industry where he can work and learn from professionals.

Edit: They look worse here, I think the board compresses them significantly causing blurriness and artifacts.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It doesn't even matter what Salim says at this point. Pantheons Gate wont believe it. They've already made up their minds. He could post all the transactions and people would still defend Brad.


The problem for Brad is the damage is done. He'll always have a trickle of followers, but he's blown his chance at having a crowdfunded alpha.

I'm not sure what was a bigger mistake. Taking 45k for himself, or spending ~100k on a team of non coders to come up with a bunch of lore and EQ and Vanguard cloned levels and classes.


The problem for Brad is the damage is done. He'll always have a trickle of followers, but he's blown his chance at having a crowdfunded alpha.

I'm not sure what was a bigger mistake. Taking 45k for himself, or spending ~100k on a team of non coders to come up with a bunch of lore and EQ and Vanguard cloned levels and classes.
Or perhaps he realizes the further one has Fallen, the higher he can Rise


Blackwing Lair Raider
The problem for Brad is the damage is done. He'll always have a trickle of followers, but he's blown his chance at having a crowdfunded alpha.

I'm not sure what was a bigger mistake. Taking 45k for himself, orspending ~100k on a team of non coders to come up with a bunch of lore and EQ and Vanguard cloned levels and classes.
This right here is the main point of this whole debacle. Take away all the bullshit, the money issues, etc., and really what are you left with? This 'game' is and won't never amount to shit because what has been shown so far is about the most unimaginative stuff you can come up with. The lore is boring, the 'classes' are copy paste from EQ with no substance behind them, etc. Everything that has been shown is nothing that screams 'wow that sounds interesting'. Brad and the McQuaids have this idea that if you just take some generic game and slap it with 'group centric focus' that people will line up for that crap. Reality has slapped then in the face but I guess it's easier to blame another party (Rerolled) for your own failures.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think the biggest problem was, as someone noted, his name isn't really big. Nobody knows who the fuck he is in my circle of mmo buddies all of which played EQ hardcore prior to WoW hardcore. Some of them still play EQ and EQ2 a lot.

Couple that with an amateurish project plan and boom. Guy needs a boss or a project lead.