Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Only option for what type of game? There is barely a market for whatever this is. They had a very small amount of backers and barely broke half of their projected goal(which Brad openly admitted was still not even the amount of money they needed). No investor with half a brain would back something like this.


Everyone's saying "whatever this is" because this is not really a thing. This was an idea that turned sour but didn't know when to quit. It's a dude so fucking deep into it he's gathered a gaggle of suckers to funnel money into a project, develop it, and provide hardware to host Visions But Not Visions so he can dream of getting publisher money and ditching his current posse.


Triggered Happy
I don't read the Pantheon boards very much but had a quick look earlier and there seems to be some backlash towards the new Producer from the community. Looking into Brad's comments, he mentions doing an indiegogo in the foreseeable future. How long realistically can they keep going based on the subs for the apprentice devs v's Brad's lifestyle and bills? At some point I would think they have to do some type of crowd funding event or this will just die it's final death. I just don't see any investor touching this with a bargepole and Brad has almost certainly wrecked the last of his reputation to work within an AAA studio again (that said we all know how incestuous the gaming industry is so anything is possible). Something must surely give soon as they simply wont have any money at all?

Anyone got any realistic thoughts on how this will end up?


My honest answer is that Brad's got no other options at the moment so he will keep dragging this out for as long as possible to fashion some form of a product that he can try to sell himself with. What else can he do in this moment? And for as laughable as it is with his producer (his reputation is basically broken anyways so I'm not sure how much lower she can possibly take it), it's already been established that she's providing hardware to make Pantheon a toy Brad can still play with without any financial worries on his end.

It can't go on like this forever but he was able to kill some debt with that $35,000 or whatever he took, he has someone hosting all of his shit and he has a squad of transient volunteers that will help him chisel away at this project. I don't know his financial situation but he's riding this shit out like a dirt bike in the dunes until the fucking wheels fall off.


Golden Squire
This is obviously a huge fucking trainwreck, but if I wanted to play Devil's Advocate, you could totally make this look good on a resume:

-Learned the basics of how to develop a MMO in Unity
-Gained experience on launching a Kickstarter project
-Organized and led a team of volunteers, including mentoring and providing direction, while still doing active development

I mean, we know how much BS is in that, but to say the guy is un-hire-able because of this is probably very very wrong. Maybe not a AAA studio, he might have to take a paycut, but I'm sure there are smaller/mid-tier shops that would love to hire him. Unity is extremely popular (especially in small shops), and being able to say that you "made" the "basics" of a "MMO" in Unity is a big nice bullet point of experience.


Google: Brad McQuaid baggage
Google: Brad McQuaid development history

First search brings up tons of results, the second is pretty barren. Becoming an entry level Unity programmer is not likely on Brad's to-do list and any other title he's looking for in the MMO industry is going to be damn near impossible to get.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Canadina needs to stop using ellipsis in her posts. It's going to drive me insane.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Behold! Sparkling's management skills!
I am locking this thread. There is a *LOT* of misinformation that has been posted here. I am trying to get work done. I don't have time to go through 5 pages of misinformation and clean up the dozens of misunderstandings and outright contradictions that have been posted here. Please pretend this thread never existed. Please be patient. We are trying to get the information to you in a clean and concise manner, and these rants, speculations, and incorrect assumptions are not helping. Do you want us to work on the game? Or do you want us to talk to you on the forums all day every day? There aren't enough hours in the day for us to do both. I'm guessing that since many of you pledged money for us to work on the game and to buy tools, assets, and and things that we need to be able to make the game, that you would rather we spend our time working on the game. So I'm closing this thread. Speculating about things you don't know about is not helping, it's taking time away from development when we have to stop and come correct assumptions. And then someone else comes along and quotes the incorrect information and tries to pass it off as fact when it is falsehood. Enough. Let us get our work done please so you can play the game.
What's lower than Busch League?

/watches Visions MMO video again to see what it looks like when Sparkling gets work done


I am trying to get work done. ...Please pretend this thread never existed. Please be patient.... Or do you want us to talk to you on the forums all day every day? There aren't enough hours in the day for us to do both. Let us get our work done please so you can play the game.
Translation: If you bother me or ask one more question, I'm turning this car around RIGHT NOW and you'll all lose another raid tier.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sparkles is probably the same 500lb behemoth that was involved with Vanguard, god I hate fat women.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol.. Gotta love these self entitled assholes. Who the fuck does this chick think she is? That's how dumb this community is. They don't realize that the people running the show think so little of them they can't take a day out of their busy schedule from praying and over eating to address the community. It's always we have more coming "soon".


Serious question,

Where do old MMO developers end up? Like the people who made EQ or SB or DOAC? Why can't brad just go there and do the rank and file until he retires?


Triggered Happy
Just can't see this project bankrolling Brad's lifestyle for the next 2-3 years which he stated recently it would take to complete the game. People are already getting pissed off at the lack of interaction and you can only milk a cow for so long. Looking forward to seeing a 2nd crowdfunding attempt for sure.


Golden Squire
Google: Brad McQuaid baggage
Google: Brad McQuaid development history

First search brings up tons of results, the second is pretty barren. Becoming an entry level Unity programmer is not likely on Brad's to-do list and any other title he's looking for in the MMO industry is going to be damn near impossible to get.
Again - not talking about AAA studios. There's a billion other game companies out there that people don't hear of.

I've worked in my market (software development, web applications) for a decade. Not even a big town. There's *still* tons of shops of various sizes that haven't heard of, even though the typical developer employment term is 6 months to 2 years, and each time you move, to talk to the guys there and hear about all the places they've worked. Every time I work with someone new I hear about yet more places that I didn't know existed. And I've worked with really smart people, and completely inept fucktards - and guess what, they keep getting jobs too. You put too much faith into hiring managers across the world.

Just recently we had a contractor at my current gig. The guy was making at least $65/hour. We got rid of him after a month or two, and had to rewrite every single thing he did. His code displayed a basic lack of knowledge about about...well fucking anything. I'd expect someone who has only read some "coding 101" books to produce about the same quality of software. Half of it didn't even work. The guy was also a nutso conspiracy theorist. After we found an easy excuse to end his contract early, he already had a new gig lined up with a pay raise through his contracting firm. This is the world of software development.

What I'm saying is the guy will have no trouble finding a paycheck. Paycut from what SOE was paying him before they fired him / laid him off? Yes. Place we've ever heard of? Probably not. But he'll find a regular paycheck if he wants it.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Serious question,

Where do old MMO developers end up? Like the people who made EQ or SB or DOAC? Why can't brad just go there and do the rank and file until he retires?
It just depends. Some like Jacobs and Garriott remake themselves off hard work and desire to be great again. Some like most of the old EQ staff stay at their jobs and just keep moving forward. Some, just move on when they fail. The very select few try to rehash their glory off the backs of others while partying in the background. Usually, big companies like SOE will only give so many chances to those losers because there's plenty of people that will actually do the work for a living.


Serious question,

Where do old MMO developers end up? Like the people who made EQ or SB or DOAC? Why can't brad just go there and do the rank and file until he retires?
Depends really. Many get out of the gaming industry and move on to other comp industry jobs. Two people who got canned(deservedly) back in January with Trion for example now are working for a music apps developer as a marketing director and project manager as just two examples.

Some with skills in game design etc go into college teaching too.

Many just hop from game company to game company, moving up(and down) in positions every few years until they no longer become marketable. Bill Roper of Hellgate London infamy went to Cryptic as the Champions Producer then got demoted(was actually a promotion in name to a "creative" titled position but he was removed from day to day operations of Champions) then "left" after the mismanagement with Champions online. He putted around doing podcasts and other things then 2 years later joined Disney and shifted a couple of times there as VP's of their games division.


Millie's Staff Member
no doubt brad can find work again, but as lead developer or whatever he claims he does in MMOs? not fucking likely. after he fucked microsoft in the ass with with vanguard, that was essentially it with his career as a lead anything. he had to call in a favor with uncle smed to get back in SOE, but he wore out his welcome there too. the dude is basically back to square one entry level. i cant believe he had a high profile gig with microsoft where he could have essentially been set for life if he hit a home run, but instead he flaked off like some hippie stoner. i wouldnt hire this fucker to mow my lawn. totally undependable person.